Miguel Darío Miranda y Gómez

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Archbishop Miranda in Amsterdam , 1964

Cardinal Miguel Darío Miranda y Gómez (born December 19, 1895 in León , Guanajuato , † March 15, 1986 ibid) was a Mexican clergyman and bishop of the Roman Catholic Church .


After studying at the seminary in León and at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome , the son of Cipriano Miranda and his wife María Gómez de las Nieves received the ordination on October 28, 1918 . He then worked in pastoral work in León until 1925 and began teaching in his former seminary in 1929. From 1925 to 1926 he was director of the national social secretariat. Due to the persecution of Christians under President Plutarco Elías Calles , he was imprisoned and had to go into exile from 1926 to 1929 .

On October 1, 1937 he was by Pope Pius XI. appointed Bishop of Tulancingo . The Archbishop of Morelia , Leopoldo Ruiz y Flores , donated to him on December 8 of that year, in Guadalupe , the episcopal ordination ; Co-consecrators were José Ignacio Marquez y Tóriz , coadjutor archbishop of Puebla de los Ángeles , and Maximino Ruiz y Flores , auxiliary bishop in Mexico City . In support of Luis Martínez y Rodríguez , he was named coadjutor archbishop of Mexico and titular archbishop of Selymbria on December 20, 1955 . After Luis Martínez y Rodríguez's death on June 28, 1956, he succeeded him as Archbishop of Mexico City and thus primate of the Roman Catholic Church in Mexico.

Miranda was a staunch advocate of social justice . He took part in the Second Vatican Council for the last three years and was the first President of CELAM from 1958 to 1963 . On April 28, 1969, Pope Paul VI took him . as a cardinal priest with the titular church Nostra Signora di Guadalupe a Monte Mario in the College of Cardinals . However, he never had the opportunity to participate in a conclave , as he exceeded the age of 80 on December 19, 1975 and the next vacancy did not occur until 1978. After resigning as Archbishop of Mexico on July 19, 1977, he was Apostolic Legate at the consecration of the Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe Hidalgo on October 12, 1976.

The cardinal died on March 15, 1986 at the age of 90 in his hometown of León and is buried in the Cathedral of Mexico City .


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predecessor Office successor
Luis Altamirano y Bulnes Bishop of Tulancingo
Adalberto Almeida y Merino
Luis María Martínez Archbishop of Mexico
Ernesto Cardinal Corripio y Ahumada