Military intelligence

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The Military Intelligence Service ( MilNW ; also Leadership Area 2 - FGG 2 ) deals with the question of how and with what possibilities the information needs of own military forces can be met.

armed forces

The military intelligence system (MilNW) is one of the basic command areas of the Bundeswehr and includes all persons, organizations, institutions, regulations and procedures in the division of the Federal Ministry of Defense (BMVg), whose task is the controlled cooperation in the sub-areas. The sub-areas of military intelligence are:

The message management serves to supply all management levels with information as required. The Strategic Reconnaissance Command is the central information processor and provider. It is supported by the Bundeswehr Center for Geoinformation .

The departments for military intelligence form a staff level (G 2 / A 2 service). For intelligence and reconnaissance (Joint Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance - JISR) include the capabilities of the armed services and organizational areas, in particular the various sensor systems and all training capacities of the Military Intelligence being.

The Military Security division serves to protect the Bundeswehr at home and abroad against attacks by security-endangering forces. It is carried out by the Military Counter-Intelligence Service (MAD) and numerous agencies responsible for security in the territorial structure of the armed forces base .

All sub-areas and components form the Military Intelligence System (SysMilNW).


The military intelligence of the Bundeswehr has an information, warning and protective function: It is intended to inform the political and military leadership about the situation of other states and to point out critical developments at an early stage, to provide the armed forces in preparation and in action with knowledge about the area of ​​operation Present possible options for action by the conflicting parties and recommend protective measures as well as assess the security situation for the armed forces in Germany and in the operational areas and thus contribute to military security. The aim is to ensure information at the correct location and level.

The military intelligence system works together with the federal intelligence services to fulfill its tasks .


The components of the military intelligence system are embedded in all areas of the armed forces.

Subdivision SE I in the BMVg

In the Federal Ministry of Defense, responsibility for military intelligence lies with the SE I sub-department, which is subordinate to the Strategy and Operations (SE) department. The sub-department has the following units:

  • SE I 1: Principle and Control of Military Intelligence
  • SE I 2: Skills and powers; Geographic information support operations and exercises
  • SE I 3: Crisis early detection, risk and threat assessment worldwide
  • SE I 4: Military Attaché - Domestic / International Affairs
  • SE I 5: Special Forces of the German Armed Forces and National Risk and Crisis Management
  • SE I 6: Identity Protection; Defense against small drones and makeshift explosive devices; Foreign defense material

The overall responsibility for the military intelligence of the Bundeswehr has the sub-department head SE I. He is in the international understanding the "Defense Intelligence Director".

Military counterintelligence

The Military Counter-Intelligence Service (MAD) operates in the military security sub-area of ​​the military intelligence system.

Strategic Reconnaissance Command

The Strategic Reconnaissance Command (KdoStrat Aufkl) in Grafschaft - Gelsdorf is the capability command for military intelligence and its integral part. It is responsible for the joint armed forces development of the military communications system, including course-related training. There, a central analysis from the area of ​​intelligence gathering and reconnaissance takes place as well as the presentation of the results of the current military news situation. The command is the central point of contact for the Federal Intelligence Service and for the military intelligence in NATO structures.

Other military intelligence forces can be found in the area under the command.

Bar elements

Staff elements and units for military intelligence exist in all military organizational areas in the operational command of the Bundeswehr as well as other departments directly subordinate to the BMVg. There is a military intelligence subdivision in the Army Command and the Armed Forces Base Command .

Reconnaissance forces

The armed forces ( army , air force , navy ) and the organizational area of cyber and information space have organic reconnaissance equipment and forces.

Military attaché staffs

The military attaché staffs at the embassies are a component of the military intelligence system. They are troops on duty from the Armed Forces Office conducted.

Support elements Military intelligence

The soldiers who are permanently transferred to the Federal Intelligence Service and who are active in the deployment area of ​​a foreign mission are used in a so-called "Support Element Military Intelligence" (DEUNIST). You are entitled to a foreign usage surcharge instead of foreign service payments.

Unitary file plan

In the standard file plan for the division of the Federal Ministry of Defense , the “Federal Republic of Germany Military Intelligence” is assigned to “Main Group 05”, and the “Military Security” sub-area to “Main Group 06”.

Training and use structure

Use construction concept

The training of personnel in the military intelligence system is based on a joint armed forces deployment concept, which was issued in 2015 by the General Inspector of the Bundeswehr . It formulates common requirements for the armed forces as well as necessary knowledge and skills for the personnel. With career-related specifications for NCOs with portepee , officers of the military technical service and officers of the troop service , the respective structure of employment is outlined on the basis of ideal-typical careers. Officers of the troops service and military technical service in the army can in its own history passes through build on each other uses in the military communications in force, rods, offices and command authorities to peaks in ranks of their respective track are guided. The military intelligence career in the army is basically recruited from all officers of the army reconnaissance troops and electronic warfare in the army. In addition to the core It includes posts of the two branches of service and all staff positions in the sub-fields of news management and military security at different use levels and in all doping levels that were previously assigned to any branch of service. Since the career in itself is not a closed system, it is also possible to switch from other branches of service at any level of use. In order to cover the additional personnel requirements, such a side entry is regularly carried out by officers who hold the post of military intelligence officer (department head S 2) in the battalions and regiments of their military type and who have qualified for subsequent assignments in military intelligence with the expertise acquired . The career builds officers specifically for later use as staff officers in the joint armed forces competence area of military intelligence. In principle, in the future only staff officers will be listed in the field of military intelligence who have already been used in military intelligence.

Concept for training

The concept for training includes binding requirements for training , further education and training and brings together the various aspects of individual and team training. The basic training takes place in separate training courses through basic qualifications for staff officers, officers and non-commissioned officers with portepee. The experience and knowledge gained, as well as the identified requirements from the assignments and duties of the same type, are incorporated into the growing training landscape.

School for Strategic Reconnaissance of the Bundeswehr

The School for Strategic Reconnaissance of the Bundeswehr in Flensburg is the Bundeswehr's central training facility for military intelligence. It carries out the course-related training for soldiers in the military intelligence system from all areas of the Bundeswehr. This includes the offspring of the military intelligence staff of the armed forces base with a focus on the strategic reconnaissance command and the battalions of electronic warfare . The military intelligence personnel of the army, air force and navy also go through their basic training in Flensburg, which is supplemented by various special and advanced courses in order to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. The courses currently range from situation management and network analysis to MilNW IT systems. Every year up to 4,500 course participants are trained in around 300 courses (40 different). By setting up a military intelligence training center at the school for joint use by the armed forces, action training is to be implemented as part of team training for military intelligence staff on the basis of realistic deployment scenarios that can be expected.

Command academy of the Bundeswehr

The course "Integration of the military intelligence system in land operations" takes place at the command academy of the Bundeswehr in Hamburg . In the seminar the basics, principles and essential aspects of the service provision of the military intelligence in land operations are conveyed. The aim is that, after completing the course, the seminar participants can work on selected aspects from the task area of ​​a MilNW staff element, especially in the sub-area of ​​news management on the tactical level, and have developed an understanding of the task of leadership and planning MilNW as a contribution to the leadership process.

Center and Master’s degree in Intelligence and Security Studies

The Center for Intelligence and Security Studies (CISS) contributes to the institutionalized exchange of military intelligence with science and industry. The master's degree in Intelligence and Security Studies (MISS) provides academic training for military intelligence personnel.

Exercise in the workplace

The staff in the G 2 departments of the major associations are involved in the decentralized situation management in their intended area of ​​operation. This means that it can be kept in practice better and that, at the beginning of your own deployment period, you can be sure that you can take over the tasks within a short training period.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Jürgen KG Rosenthal: The military intelligence of the Bundeswehr. In: . Retrieved October 7, 2019 .
  2. Michél Gallien: The military intelligence on the trail. In: . Bundeswehr Leadership Academy , September 28, 2017, accessed on October 7, 2019 .
  3. a b c d e f Friedrich K. Jeschonnek: Tactical and operational reconnaissance of the Bundeswehr . Enlightenment and intelligence gathering - a synopsis of German skills - Part I. In: Hardthöhenkurier . No. 2 , 2017, p. 56-61 ( full text ).
  4. BMVg organizational plan. In: . October 1, 2019, accessed October 7, 2019 .
  5. Strategic Reconnaissance Command. In: . March 6, 2019, accessed October 7, 2019 .
  6. ^ PIZ CIR: Strategic Reconnaissance Command. In: . September 12, 2018, accessed October 7, 2019 .
  7. a b c d Know what's up! Professionalization of the military intelligence in the army. (PDF) In: . Förderkreis Deutsches Heer, April 2017, accessed on October 7, 2019 .
  8. Judgment - 2 A 3.10. In: . Federal Administrative Court , June 30, 2011, accessed on October 7, 2019 .
  9. ↑ Standard file plan for the division of the Federal Ministry of Defense - main group overview. In: . April 2019, accessed October 7, 2019 .
  10. ^ School for Strategic Reconnaissance of the Bundeswehr: About Us. In: . June 27, 2018, accessed October 7, 2019 .
  11. Involvement of the military intelligence system in land operations. In: . Retrieved October 7, 2019 .
  12. ^ Information on the realignment of the army (issue 5). (PDF) In: . July 2012, accessed October 7, 2019 .