Middle Rhine wine queen

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The Middle Rhine Wine Queen is the representative of the German Middle Rhine wine-growing region , who is elected for one year . In the following year, she has the opportunity to run for the election of the German Wine Queen . However, this title has so far only gone to the Middle Rhine. The election for the Middle Rhine Wine Queen is organized by Mittelrhein-Wein e. V. Acting Queen of Wine 2017/18 is Jessica Gottsauner from Rhöndorf.

Previous wine queens


The Middle Rhine did not take part in the election for the German Wine Queen 2015/16.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Uwe Schumann: Jessica Gottsauner is the new Middle Rhine wine queen, nr-kurier
  2. Stefanie Widmann: New Crowns for Wine - Above all abroad, the royal insignia are indispensable . In: Allgemeine Zeitung of August 6, 2015; P. 6.