NGC 7772

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Open star cluster
NGC 7772
SDSS recording
SDSS recording
Constellation Pegasus
equinox : J2000.0
Right ascension 23 h 51 m 45.9 s
declination + 16 ° 14 ′ 53 ″

classification III1p
Angular expansion 5 ', core 2'
Number of stars 14th
Brightest star +11.18 mag
Redness ( excess color  E (BV)) approx. 0.03 mag
Physical data

Affiliation Milky Way
distance  4900 ly
(1500 pc )
Age about 1.5 billion years years
Discovered by John Herschel
Discovery time October 7, 1825
Catalog names
 NGC  7772 • C 2349 + 159 • OCl 230 • Lund 1049 •  GC  5023 •  h  2276 •

NGC 7772 is an open star cluster in the constellation Pegasus with an angular diameter of the core of 2 arc minutes and a distance of around 4900 light years from Earth. NGC  7772 is one of the open star clusters with the lowest number of stars , it only consists of about 14 stars. Its age is estimated to be 1.5 billion years; it is probably the remnant of an open star cluster that is in the process of dissolving.
The star cluster was discovered by John Herschel on October 7, 1825 .


  • Carraro, Giovanni: Photometry of dissolving star cluster candidates - The cases of NGC 7036 and NGC 7772 , (2001/2002), bibcode : 2002A & A ... 385..471C

Individual evidence

  2. a b SEDS : NGC 7772
  3. ^ A site Devoted to Stellar Clusters in the Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds
  4. Seligman