New Dresden Chamber Music

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Logo of the New Dresden Chamber Music

The Neue Dresdner Kammermusik (NDK) was founded in 2002 by Paul Nova (guitar) and Frank Dresig (piano) in the Blauen Fabrik in Dresden . A little later the composers and musicians Karoline Schulz (flutes) and Chris Weinheimer (violin, flutes) joined them. The trombonist Martin Schulze has been a member of the ensemble since 2010.

The focus of the work of the ensemble is the new improvisation music . The Neue Dresdner Kammermusik sees itself as a pure improvisation ensemble and does without CD editions of its music.

So far, guests at performances have included Ole Schmidt , Günter Heinz , Agnes Ponizil , Kristin Schulz , Carl Ludwig Hübsch , Tom Lorenz , Robert Schleisiek , Thilo Schölpen , Uli Böttcher , Alexander Frangenheim , Christof Thewes , Gerhard Uebele , Derek Shirley , Matthias Lorenz , Liz Allbee and the elole piano trio with. In 2003 and 2005 they performed at the Dresden Days of Contemporary Music .

Since 2008 the Neue Dresdner Kammermusik has been a member of the KlangNetz Dresden , a sub-project in the New Music Network .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. New Dresden Chamber Music - A Conversation , positions. Texts on current music , issue 69, 2006.