Nikolai Nikolayevich Chernitsyn

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Nikolai Nikolaevich Tschernizyn ( Russian Николай Николаевич Черницын * November 20 . Jul / 2. December  1883 greg. In the village Toikino, Ujesd Sarapul , † March 1 jul. / 14 March  1917 greg. In Gorlovka ) was a Russian mining engineer .


Tschernitsyn, the son of a district clerk, attended the Sarapuler Realschule (graduation in 1902) and then studied at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute . He took part in the student movement and became the leader of the student group of the Social Revolutionaries (SR). In January 1908 he was arrested for participating in student unrest and sentenced to three years' exile in Tobolsk Governorate , from which he fled in August 1908 and secretly returned to St. Petersburg . As the mining institute happened to not be informed of his exile, he was able to resume his studies and in 1910 he graduated with honors as a qualified mining engineer.

The establishment of a central mining rescue station in Donbass was on the XXVII. Congress of the Mining Industry of Southern Russia 1902 first discussed and on the XXXII. Congress passed in 1907. Then in November 1907 Iossif Iossifowitsch Fedorowitsch founded the first central rescue station in Makijiwka , which was headed from 1908 by Dmitri Gavrilowitsch Levizki .

Tschernizyn went after studying the Donbass and was in January 1911 engineer in Makarjew- mine the Yekaterinoslav -Bergbaugesellschaft the Don Cossacks - Oblast (east of the river Kalmius ). At the end of 1911, the Council of the Mining Industry of Southern Russia invited him to come to the Makiyivka Central Rescue Station as assistant to the director. He began his service there in early 1912 and took part in the rescue operation after the methane explosion in the Italjanka mine (now Oktyabrskaya ) in Makijiwka with 56 dead and 14 seriously injured on March 1 . At risk of death he rescued miners , for which he received the gold medal for rescuing casualties on the Vladimir ribbon .

In 1913 the police department noticed that Chernitsyn had escaped from Tobolsk exile. In August 1913 he was arrested at the Central Rescue Station, and only through the intervention of the Council of Mining Industry of Southern Russia could he be brought back from the transit prison in Rostov-on-Don . 1914–1915, the results of an investigation led by Levitsky and Chernitsyn into the explosiveness of mine gas and coal dust were published, whereupon 24 coal seams in Donbass were recognized as endangered.

When Levitsky left the ambulance service for reasons of age in 1916, Chernitsyn became head of the Makiyivka Central Rescue Station. He designed a breathing apparatus based on the Dräger system, which was built in the central rescue station. For the first time in the world, he used the vacuum to degas the hard coal and determined the absorption of oxygen and nitrogen from the air in the methane-containing coal seams. He set up the first Russian test station to investigate the explosiveness of coal dust and mine gas, as the state test center that had been founded in 1897 was never realized. In 1917 his book on mine gas was published in Petrograd . He sent a copy to Alexander Alexandrovich Skotschinsky with the question of whether this work could be accepted as a dissertation .

Chernitsyn memorial plaque at the Makiyivka Central Rescue Station
Makiyivka Central Rescue Station

On February 27th, Jul. / March 12,  1917 greg. There was a methane and coal dust explosion in the Korsun Mine No. 1 in Gorlowka, which was followed by further explosions due to insufficient ventilation. During the rescue operation after several unsuccessful rescue attempts with other dead, Chernitsyn died together with his companion on March 1st July. / March 14,  1917 greg. at a carbon monoxide poisoning . Fundraising began for a future memorial or chapel, but the October Revolution and the Russian Civil War prevented plans from being carried out. In Gorlovka to that of Mark separators specific location over the place of death Tschernizyns the Tschernizyn-rescue station was built later. There is now a rope testing station there .

Tschernitsyn was married to the Swedish baroness Maria Fleetwood and had a daughter and two adopted children.

In 1919, Boleslaw Friedrichowitsch Grindler became head of the Makijiwka Central Rescue Station . The Makiyivka Central Rescue Station is now a museum. In 1974 a memorial plaque for Chernitsyn was placed there. Not far from there is a memorial to the lifeguard station's dead.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Great Soviet Encyclopedia : Черницын Николай Николаевич (accessed October 13, 2019).
  2. a b c Bolshaya Sosnova ( Perm region ): Черницын Николай Николаевич (accessed October 13, 2019).
  3. a b c d e MiningWiki - свободная шахтёрская энциклопедия: Черницын Николай Николаевич (accessed October 13, 2019).
  4. MiningWiki - свободная шахтёрская энциклопедия: Взрыв на шахте «Итальянка» 1 марта 1912 года (accessed October 11, 2019).
  5. История ВГСЧ - Предпосылки к созданию горноспасательной службы (accessed October 11, 2019).
  6. Chernitsyn NN: Рудничный газ. Условия его выделения, его свойства и меры борьбы . Petrograd 1917.
  7. MiningWiki - свободная шахтёрская энциклопедия: Авария на Корсуньской копи № 1 (accessed October 13, 2019).