Oasis (film)

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German title oasis
Original title Oasis
Country of production France , Germany
original language German , French
Publishing year 1955
length 104 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Yves Allégret
script Joseph Kessel
Georges Kessel
production Ludwig Waldleitner
Gerd Oswald
music Paul Misraki
camera Roger Hubert
cut Ludolf Grisebach

Oase is a French-German film adventure set in the North African desert from 1954/55 by Yves Allégret with a German-French star cast: Michèle Morgan , Cornell Borchers and Carl Raddatz can be seen in the leading roles. The film is based on the novel of the same name by Joseph Kessel , who also directed the German dialogue.


Oasis landscape in Morocco , the area of ​​action

The former war pilot and current smuggler Antoine Vallin is the master of a camel caravan and resides in an oasis in the northwest of the Sahara . With his illegal gold transports he disturbs the circles of a group of villainous Dutch gold dealers led by a certain van Grouten. Their man for the rough on site, the villainous Pérez, then hires the two adventurers Karin Salström, a Swede, and Françoise Lignières, a French, to spy on Antoine. The two women disguise themselves as journalists and should finally put Vallin down and shut down. Karin quickly becomes Antoine's mistress, but it is the French woman who is not averse to excessive alcohol consumption who is impressed by Vallin's basic humanistic attitude.

Then Françoise changes sides and saves Antoine from his planned destruction with her warning. The two become a couple, which the spying women - Karin also had an eye on the handsome ex-pilot - finally completely divided. But Françoise and Antoine's luck did not last long, because soon there was a real argument about the last gold shipment. The transport plane taking off makes so much noise in the oasis that Antoine's herd of camels is startled and everything that stands in their way is trampled. The middleman of the gold dealers was killed as well as the two spies. The remaining oasis gold, on the other hand, sinks into the desert sand during the resulting tumult.

Production notes and trivia

Oase was filmed from October 4, 1954 to January 8, 1955. The film was made in the Bavaria studios in Munich-Geiselgasteig as well as in the French and Moroccan locations of Marseille, Marrakech, Casablanca, Agadir and Goulimine. Oase premiered on March 18, 1955 in Düsseldorf and Frankfurt, the Berlin premiere took place three days later. In France, the film was first seen on April 20, 1955 in Paris.

Fred Surin was in charge of production. The film buildings were designed by Bavaria's chief architect Max Mellin . His colleagues Wolf Englert , Gabriel Pellon and Hans-Jürgen Kiebach worked to help him.

Pierre Brasseur played the role of Raddatz in the French Oase version, which was filmed at the same time .

Oase was the first Cinemascope film for both Germany and France (together with the adventure film King of the Desert, which was made at the same time ) .

Oase was at the center of a series of Franco-German film collaborations in 1954/55. At the same time, the two countries also collaborated on film with The Second Life , Zwischenlandung in Paris and Die Helden sind dortt .


Der Spiegel scoffed: “Twisted caravan adventures, elongated by the script, elongated by the cinemascope technology. (...) Despite endless dialogues, it remains in the dark what it is actually about. "

The lexicon of the international film says: "A very holey adventure story serves as a hook for tourist pictures of a luxury steamboat trip to Casablanca and North Africa - and for the first West German film in Cinemascope."

Individual evidence

  1. Jean-Claude Sabria: Cinéma français. Les années 50. Paris 1987, no.659
  2. oasis in Der Spiegel 12/1954
  3. Oasis. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed November 1, 2019 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 

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