Oskar summer

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Oskar Sommer (born December 7, 1840 in Wolfenbüttel ; † February 13, 1894 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a German architect .


Summer was the son of the district judge Carl August Sommer († March 15, 1886) and his wife Luise (née Meineke), a merchant's daughter. He studied at the Hanover Polytechnic and later at the Zurich Polytechnic , where he was a student of Gottfried Semper . After a long stay in Florence , he worked for Friedrich Hitzig in Berlin in 1864/1865 . At the end of 1865 he moved to Frankfurt am Main. From 1869 he led the architecture class at the Städelschule together with Wilhelm Manchot . He was a member of the Frankfurter Masonic Lodge Zur Einigkeit and designed the building plans for the lodge house in Kaiserstrasse, which still exists today. Some of his designs were shown in the 3rd international art exhibition in the royal glass palace in Munich in 1888. In 1891 he actively contributed to the organization of the International Electrotechnical Exhibition in Frankfurt and, as chairman of the building committee, provided the designs for the large machine hall, among other things. He also took care of the commissioning, administration and billing of the costs for the exhibition. He was also the chairman of the architects and engineers association, for the 25th anniversary of which he gave a speech about Frankfurt's structural development in 1892.

Sommer was born with Ernestine Welb (1849-1896) married. He had two older brothers, Robert Sommer (born November 1, 1837, † October 15, 1904) was President of the Higher Regional Court of Braunschweig and Gustav Adolf Hugo Sommer (born May 26, 1839, † 1899) was a philosophical writer.


Both final resting places are on the Südfriedhof in Frankfurt.

The grave is listed as a cultural monument . It is an edicle-like sandstone stele with abundant relief decoration based on the Renaissance model , which also shaped his architectural designs (including the Städel and Börse in Frankfurt am Main); in the center there is a portrait relief. The design of the tomb from 1894 comes from Friedrich Sander, the medallion relief from Louise Schmick .


Buildings and designs


  • white marble angel in the Südfriedhof in Frankfurt am Main


  • Gottfried Semper. Lecture given by Oscar Sommer at the meetings of the Architects and Engineers Association in Frankfurt a / M. on November 23 and December 14, 1885. In: Zeitschrift für Bauwesen . Issue 34, issues 4–6 and 7–9, 1886, columns 305–324 and 399–400 (printed lecture digital.zlb.de digital.zlb.de ).
  • The building of the cathedral in Berlin and the Protestant church building in general. In: Westermanns illustrated German monthly issues . Year 1890, 68th half volume, pp. 351–378.


Individual evidence

  1. Illustrated catalog of the international art exhibition in the Königigl. Glass palace in Munich . Munich 1888, p. 199 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  2. ^ Professor Oskar Sommer in Frankfurt am Main † . In: Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung . 14th year, no. 7 . Ernst and Korn, Berlin February 17, 1894, p. 76 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  3. ^ Paul Zimmermann: Summer, Hugo. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie. 5, 1908, pp. 391-392 ( deutsche-biographie.de ).
  4. Grave site: Gewann A, 310 u. 311. - Signpost to the graves of well-known personalities in Frankfurt cemeteries. Frankfurt am Main 1985, p. 58.
  5. ^ Volker Rödel: The Frankfurt district cemeteries. Henrich, Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-921606-61-2 ( contributions to monument protection in Frankfurt am Main 16). P. 168.
  6. a b German construction newspaper . 20th year 1886, No. 78 (from September 29, 1886), p. 465.
  7. a b Bernd Altmann: "My motto for life remains renaissance". The architect Alfred Friedrich Bluntschli (1842–1930). Dissertation, University of Trier, 2000. (Oskar Sommer is mentioned several times in connection with various architecture competitions in the annotated catalog raisonné ( ub-dok.uni-trier.de ; PDF; 2.82 MB)).
  8. Frankfurt am Main . Publisher by Caesar Schmidt, Zurich 1885, p. 17 and 36 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  9. Preliminary remark . In: Herzog Anton-Ulrich-Museum Braunschweig (Hrsg.): Guide through the collections . Joh. Heinr. Meyer, Braunschweig 1889, p. 1–5, here p. 3–4 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive , Textarchiv - Internet Archive - with illustration). Herman Riegel: The new museum building in Braunschweig was recognized for its purpose . In: Yearbook of the Royal Prussian Art Collections . Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, Berlin 1880, p.
     109–120 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  10. ^ Purchase of the draft for the Museum Island In: Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung . No. 15, April 12, 1884, p. 143 ( digital.zlb.de ).
  11. Summer, Oskar . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 31 : Siemering – Stephens . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1937, p. 271 .
  12. Margarete Köhler, Hartmut Geissler: The Erlanger family. ( ingelheimer-geschichte.de ), Historischer Verein Ingelheim, accessed on February 1, 2012.
  13. ^ Fritz Althammer (text), Helga and Victor von Brauchitsch (photos): To commemorate. Gravestones in Frankfurt am Main. Kramer, Frankfurt am Main 1988, ISBN 3-7829-0354-4 .