Otto von Qualen the Younger

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Otto von Qualen (the younger) (born April 13, 1566 in Koselau ; † December 2, 1620 in Flensburg ) was lord of Koselau , Klein-Nordsee and Bossee , Danish bailiff of Kiel , Tremsbüttel , Aabenraa and Flensburg as well as provost of Preetz monastery .


Otto von Qualen was the eldest son of Josias von Qualen (Field Marshal) . Since 1587 he was married to Dorotheas von Rantzau (1566–1621). The marriage resulted in two sons and eight daughters.

Qualen was brought up in his early youth at the court of Duke Adolf I, together with his sons Friedrich II and Philip, by Hofmeister Anton Cantius. He also accompanied the two princes on their trips to Strasbourg and Heidelberg .

On August 20, 1582 he was matriculated at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg . In 1585 he sold his farm in Mildstedt to Duke Adolf I, but took over Gut Koselau in the division of the estate in 1587. In 1595, at the age of only 28, he was made Kiel's youngest bailiff by the now widowed Duchess Christine , who had been assigned the Kiel Castle as a widow's seat by her sons . In the entourage of Duke Johann Adolf , he attended the coronation of Christian IV in Copenhagen in 1596 . In 1604 he was appointed court advisor, then in 1604 bailiff von Tremsbüttel and in 1606 bailiff von Aabenraa . In 1607, Duke Johann Adolf and Chancellor Nikolaus Junge sent him to Lübeck to ensure that his brother, Archbishop of Bremen Duke Johann Friedrich von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf , would resign as Bishop of Lübeck at the cathedral chapter there . However, neither could do anything there. In 1609 the Preetz Abbey elected him provost . He held this office until his death.

However, at Easter 1610 Otto von Qualen had to resign from his secular offices after he was accused of having made some careless speeches against Duke Johann Adolf. He then resigned from the ducal service and switched to the royal service. In 1611 he became councilor to King Christian IV in Copenhagen. In 1612 he sent him to the court of Emperor Matthias to receive the Duchy of Holstein as a German fief .

In 1616 he became district administrator and bailiff in Flensburg . On December 24, 1616, the new Duke Friedrich III confirmed. the privileges of the Preetz Monastery and he expanded it “with the honorable, faithful Otto von Qualen” to include the villages of Warnow, Kirchbarkau and Barennis.

Entry of Otto von Qualens in the family book of David von Mandelsloh, Prague, January 13, 1618

The following year, Qualen is again sent by the Danish king to the imperial court in Prague . His agility had meanwhile earned Qualen the grace and respect of many princes.

In 1618 Qualen sold Gut Koselau to Nikolaus von Ahlefeldt and bought Klein-Nordsee and Bossee for it .

Otto von Qualen died on December 2, 1620 in Flensburg and was buried on January 18, 1621 at the hereditary funeral in Kiel.

See also: torments (noble family)


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