Paul Scholz (politician, 1902)

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Paul Scholz (1952)

Paul Scholz (born October 2, 1902 in Braunau , Upper Silesia , † June 23, 1995 in Zeuthen ) was Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers and Minister for Agriculture and Forestry of the GDR .


Scholz was a farm and factory worker, joined the KPD in 1923 and was imprisoned several times for illegal political activity during the National Socialist era .

After the war, Scholz was editor of the KPD organ Deutsche Volkszeitung , of Neues Deutschland and of the VdgB weekly magazine Der Freie Bauer . In 1948/49 he was a member of the German Economic Commission . In 1948 he was a co-founder of the DBD , of which he was deputy chairman from 1950.

Since 1949 Scholz was a member of the People's Chamber (1971–1981 deputy chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs), since 1950 a member of the National Council of the National Front and 1952–1967 deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers.

1950–1952 and 1953–1955 he was Minister for Agriculture and Forestry and 1956–1961 Chairman of the Central Advisory Council for LPG at the Council of Ministers. From 1957, Scholz was a member of the central board of the Land and Forest Union, from 1963 president of the friendship society GDR - Arab countries and from 1964 vice president of the League for Friendship of Nations . He was also a member of the World Peace Council from 1969 and from 1967 a member of the Presidium of the Committee of Anti-Fascist Resistance Fighters .

When he reached retirement age , he retired from full-time employment in 1967. On November 15, 1989, he was relieved of his DBD functions at his own request. He did not participate in the merger of DBD and CDU and had been non-party since October 1990.


Scholz received the Patriotic Order of Merit (VVO) in 1954 and 1972, the VVO in Gold in 1967, the Labor Banner Order in 1962 and 1964 , the Star of Friendship of Nations in 1969 , the Great Star of Friendship of Nations in 1976 and the Karl Marx Order in 1982 .

From the marriage with the nurse and teacher Lieselotte Scholz (1923-2019) four children were born. His son Helmut Scholz is on the board of the party Die Linke .


Web links

Commons : Paul Scholz  - Collection of images, videos and audio files