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Persoonia pinifolia, inflorescence.

Persoonia pinifolia , inflorescence.

Class : Bedecktsamer (Magnoliopsida)
Order : Silver tree-like (Proteales)
Family : Silver tree family (Proteaceae)
Subfamily : Persoonioideae
Genre : Persoonia
Scientific name

The Persoonia are a genus of plants within the silver tree family (Proteaceae). The 95 to 100 species occur only in Australia , but there in most of the states.

Description and ecology

Illustration of Persoonia linearis

Appearance and leaves

Persoonia species grow as evergreen shrubs and small trees that reach heights of between 0.1 and 25 meters. Most alternate and spirally or rarely opposite, sometimes with three leaves in a whorl on the branches arranged leaves are sessile stalked up short. The simple leaf blades are leathery or fleshy. The leaf margins are smooth. There are no stipules .

Inflorescences and flowers

The flowers stand together individually or up to 70 over flaky or deciduous leaves in lateral or terminal racemose inflorescences . The hermaphrodite, four-fold flowers are radial symmetry to zygomorphic . There is only one circle with four free, mostly yellow to green, rarely red, bloom cladding sheets that are only fused at their base . There is only one circle with four mutually free stamens , either all of them are fertile or one is a staminodium . In contrast to related genera, the staminodes are not fused with the scars. The stamens are fused with the bracts, only sometimes the uppermost area is free. The anthers are straight or curved back and only sometimes flattened. At the base of the carpels there are one or two pairs of nectar glands, both equal or one of them reduced. The gynoeceum is shorter or longer than the stamens. There is only one upper carpel, at most short-stalked, in each flower. Each carpel contains only one or two ovules . The stylus is straight, curved or clearly recurved. The pollination is effected by insects ( Entomophilie ).

Fruits and seeds

The bald drupes usually contain one, rarely two seeds. The seeds contain endosperm , and the straight embryo usually has two, but as a specialty sometimes up to nine cotyledons . The hard seeds are dispersed by many different animals, including emus and kangaroo species.

Sets of chromosomes

The basic chromosome number is n = 7.


The 95 to 100 species occur only in Australia , but there in most of the states. Only a few Persoonia species colonize the edge of the arid zone. There are only 16 species in areas with annual rainfall below 25 mm. Of these 16, 15 are found in southwestern Australia and only 2 species, Persoonia pertinax and Persoonia leucopogon, have arid distribution areas. Persoonia has the greatest biodiversity in the subtropical areas, in areas that are topographically and edaphically diverse. Persoonia species are particularly found on the sandy plains of southwestern Australia, in the coastal plains and in the Great Dividing Range of southeastern Australia. Some species reach the alpine zone in Tasmania and the Australian Alps, but few reach altitudes above 1,500 meters.


The genus Persoonia was established in 1798 by James Edward Smith in Transactions of the Linnean Society of London , Volume 4, p. 215. Type species is Persoonia lanceolata Andrews. There is also the homonym Persoonia Willd., It is a synonym of Carapa Aubl. (Meliaceae), and Persoonia Michx., It is a synonym of Trattenikia Pers. (Asteraceae). The generic name Persoonia honors the Dutch mycologist and botanist Christiaan Hendrik Persoon . Synonyms for Persoonia Sm. Are: Linkia Cav., Pycnonia LAS Johnson & BGBriggs, Pentadactylon CFGaertn.

The genus Persoonia belongs to the tribe Persoonieae Rchb., The only tribe of the subfamily Persoonideae LASJohnson & BGBriggs within the family Proteaceae .

The genus Persoonia includes 95 to 100 species:



Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e HR Coleman, 2008: Entry in the Western Australian Flora . Last accessed on June 13, 2013
  2. a b c d e Peter H. Weston: Entry in the Flora of Australia .
  3. Persoonia at Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, accessed June 13, 2013.
  4. Persoonia in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Retrieved June 13, 2013.

Web links

Commons : Persoonia  - collection of images, videos and audio files