Plant sociological units according to Oberdorfer

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The starting point for these plant sociological units is the information provided by Oberdorfer et al .: Plant sociological excursion flora, 6th edition, Stuttgart 1990, supplemented by some German terms.

Basic units of the plant sociological system

Group of classes (formations)

  1. Class - ending "-etea"
    1. Order - ending "-etalia"
      1. Association - ending "-ion"
        1. Sub-association, group - ending "-enion"
        • Association (plant society) - ending "-etum"
          • Subassociation - ending "-etosum"
            • Variant - "..., variant of ..."
              • Sub-variant - "..., sub-variant of ..."
                • Facies - "..., facies of ..."

Units below the association are only listed as examples.

Plant sociological classification of plant communities according to Oberdorfer

Freshwater and bog vegetation

  1. Lemnetea ( duckweed ceilings)
    1. Lemnetalia (free floating still water companies)
      1. Lemnion | Lemnion (minoris) (Free-floating still water communities)
        • Lemna minor society (Society of the Lesser Duckweed)
      2. Hydrocharition (morsus-ranae) ( frogbit - crab claws societies) (syn: Hydrochariden group in Lemnion)
  2. Charetea (fragilis) (chandelier algae societies)
  3. Utricularietea (intermedio-minoris) (water-hose swamp communities)
    1. Utricularietalia
      1. Sphagno-Utricularion ( peat moss - water hose - bog pond )
  4. Potamogetonetea (freshwater aquatic plant communities)
    1. Potamogetonetalia (freshwater pondweed societies)
      1. Potamogetonion (pectinati) (underwater spawning communities)
      2. Nymphaeion (albae) (rooting floating leaf communities )
      3. Ranunculion fluitantis ( Common buttercup - river communities)
  5. Littorelletea ( Strandlings - flat water lawn )
    1. Littorelletalia (Eurosiberian Strandling Societies )
      1. Isoetion lacustris ( bream - clear water lawn )
      2. Hydrocotylo Baldellion (Atlantic Strandling Societies)
      3. Deschampsion litoralis ( Strandschmielen - Bodenseeufer -Rasen)
      4. Eleocharition acicularis ( needle rushes - shallow water lawns ) (syn .: Littorellion or Lobelio-Isoetion)
  6. Phragmitetea ( reeds and sedge )
    1. Phragmitetalia ( reeds and sedge )
      1. Phragmition (australis) ( freshwater reed )
      2. Bolboschoenion maritimi
      3. Sparganion-Glycerion (fluitantis) ( brook reed, small reed)
      4. Magnocaricion ( Großseggenriede )
        1. Magnocaricion, Carex elata group (Niedermoor-Großseggenrieder)
        2. Magnocaricion, Carex gracilis group (Niedermoor-Großseggenrieder)
  7. Montio-Cardaminetea ( spring corridors and forest swamps)
    1. Montio-Cardaminetalia
      1. Cardamino-Montion (low-lime spring meadows )
        1. Montion (group of moss-rich societies)
        2. Cardaminion (group of low-moss societies)
      2. Cratoneurion commutati (lime-rich spring meadows)
  8. Scheuchzerio-Caricetea (fusci) ( Kleinseggenrieder , flat and intermediate moors )
    1. Scheuchzerietalia (palustris) (Nordic intermoor and Schlenken societies)
      1. Rhynchosporion (albae) (societies of the Moorschlenken)
      2. Caricion lasiocarpae (Mesotrophic moors)
    2. Tofieldietalia (limestone fens and sewerage meadows)
      1. Caricion davallianae (limestone swamps)
      2. Caricion bicolori-atrofuscae (Alpine alluvial banks and trickle meadows) (syn .: Caricion maritimae)
    3. Caricetalia nigrae ( Wiesenseggen societies) (syn .: Caricetalia fuscae)
      1. Caricion nigrae (syn .: Caricion fuscae)
  9. Oxycocco-Sphagnetea (raised bogs and bog heaths )
    1. Sphagnetalia magellanici (raised bog peat moss societies)
      1. Sphagnion magellanici (raised bog communities of the lowlands)
    2. Erico-Sphagnetalia papillosi (bell heather bogs and wet heaths) (syn .: Sphagno-Ericetalia)
      1. Ericion tetralicis (wet heaths)

Saltwater and sea beach vegetation

  1. Zosteretea ( seagrass sea bed grass )
    1. Zosteretalia (marinae)
      1. Zosterion (marinae)
  2. Ruppietea (Sea Balance Society)
    1. Ruppietalia
      1. Ruppion (maritimae)
  3. Spartinetea (maritimo-anglicae) ( Schlickgraspioniergesellschaft )
    1. Spartinetalia (maritimae)
      1. Spartinion (maritimae)
  4. Thero-Salicornietea ( spring wadding )
    1. Thero-Salicornietalia
      1. Salicornion dolichostachyae
      2. Salicornion ramosissimae
  5. Saginetea (maritimae) ( beach pearlwort corridors )
    1. Saginetalia (maritimae)
      1. Saginion maritimae
  6. Asteretea tripolii (Salt Marsh Grass)
    1. Glauco-Puccinellietalia
      1. Puccinellion (maritimae)
      2. Armerion maritimae
      3. Puccinellio-Spergularion salinae
  7. Honckenyo-Elymetea ( salt Mieren - beach rye -Vordünen)
    1. Honckenyo-Elymetalia
      1. Honckenyo-Elymion
      2. Honckenyo crambion
  8. Cakiletea (Sea Flushing Lines)
    1. Cakiletalia
      1. Salsolo honey yon
      2. Atriplicion litoralis
  9. Ammophiletea ( beach grass dunes)
    1. Ammophiletalia
      1. Ammophilion arenariae
      2. Agropyrion junceiformis

Herbaceous vegetation often disturbed places

  1. Isoeto-Nanojuncetea ( dwarf rush - pond bottom society)
    1. Cyperetalia (fusci)
      1. Nanocyperion (Society of the Brown Sedge )
        1. Elatino-Eleocharitenion (ovatae)
        2. Juncenion bufonii
        3. Radiolenion linoidis
  2. Bidentetea (tripartitae) ( Zweizahn -schlammufergesellschaft)
    1. Bidentetalia (tripartitae)
      1. Bidention (tripartitae)
      2. Chenopodion rubri
  3. Chenopodietea (Hackunkraut- and Ruderalgesellschaft )
    1. Polygono-Chenopodietalia (hack weed societies)
      1. Fumario euphorbion ( earth smoke - milkweed societies, hack weed societies of base-rich soils)
      2. Spergulo oxalidione
    2. Eragrostietalia
      1. Eragrostion
      2. Digitario setarion
    3. Sisymbrietalia (arugula societies)
      1. Sisymbrion (arugula societies)
      2. Salsolion ruthenicae
  4. Secalietea (Grain Weed Society)
    1. Secalietalia
      1. Caucalidion (lappulae) ( poppy fields , lime, and clay fields)
    2. Aperetalia (soil acid, low-species grain-weed communities)
      1. Aphanion arvensis ( aphanes providers (acidophilous species-poor cereal weeds companies))
      2. Arnoseridion
    3. (Lolio-Linetalia)
      1. (Lolio remoti-Linion)
  5. Artemisietea (nitrogen herbaceous plants)
    1. Artemisietalia
      1. Arction lappae ( burdock corridors)
    2. Calystegietalia (nitrophytic perennial and fringing communities of wet locations)
      1. Calystegion sepium ( winch societies, nitrophytic riparian perennials and Saumges. Of the small rivers, streams and meadows)
      2. Senecion fluviatilis ( river ragweed societies, nitrophytic riparian perennials and Saumges. Of the great rivers and streams)
    3. Glechometalia (nitrophytic herbaceous vegetation, fringing and defoliation of fresh to damp locations)
      1. Aegopodion podagrariae (Girsch-Saumges., Persistent nitrophytsic (ruderal) -total open to partially shaded locations)
      2. Alliarion (Nitrophile hems in half-cut to shady locations)
      3. Rumicion alpini
    4. Onopordietalia (Bienne (two-year) ruderal societies)
      1. Onopordion acanthii ( thistle societies in need of warmth )
      2. Dauco melilotion ( carrots and sweet clover societies)
  6. Agropyretea ( couch grass -Trockenpionier Society)
    1. Agropyretalia intermediae-repentis (semi-rudimentary dry and semi-arid grasslands)
      1. Convolvulo-Agropyrion (semi-rudimentary semi-arid grassland)
  7. Plantaginetea ( stepping plant communities )
    1. Plantaginetalia (majoris) (stepping plant communities)
      1. Polygonion avicularis ( bird knotweed - turf)
      2. Honckenio Elymion (*)
  8. Agrostietea stoloniferae (floodplain and wet pastures)
    1. Agrostietalia stoloniferae (flood and wet pioneer lawn)
      1. Agropyro-Rumicion ( cinquefoil -Quecken lawn)

Stone corridors and alpine lawns

  1. Parietarietea judaicae ( glass herb wall joint society)
    1. Parietarietalia judaicae
      1. Centrantho-Parietarion
  2. Asplenietea (trichomanis) (crevices and wall societies)
    1. Potentilletalia (caulescentis) (crevices and wall societies of calcareous rocks, exposed to the south)
      1. Potentillion (caulescentis)
      2. Cystopteridion (fragilis)
    2. Androsacetalia vandellii (silicate crevice societies)
      1. Androsacion vandellii (sun-drenched silicate rock crevice societies)
      2. Asplenion serpentini (serpentine crevice societies)
      3. Asarinion procumbentis
  3. Violetea calaminariae (heavy metal stone corridors)
    1. Violetalia calaminariae
      1. Thlaspion calaminariae
      2. Armerion halleri
  4. Thlaspietea (rotundifolii) (rubble and rubble floors)
    1. Thlaspietalia (rotundifolii)
      1. Thlaspion (rotundifolii)
      2. Petasition paradoxi
    2. Drabetalia hoppeanae
      1. Drabion hoppeanae
    3. Androsacetalia alpinae
      1. Androsacion alpinae
    4. Epilobietalia fleischeri
      1. Epilobion fleischeri
    5. Achnatheretalia
      1. Achnatherion
    6. Galeopsietalia
      1. Galeopsion segetum (summer warm hollow-tooth silicate heaps)
  5. Salicetea herbaceae (snow soil associations)
    1. Salicetalia herbaceae
      1. Salicion herbaceae
    2. Arabidetalia caeruleae
      1. Arabidion caeruleae
  6. Juncetea trifidi (Caricetea curvulae) (Alpine Sauerbodenrasen)
    1. Caricetalia curvulae
      1. Caricion curvulae
  7. Seslerietea albicantis (Alpine limestone grass)
    1. Seslerietalia albicantis
      1. Seslerion albicantis
      2. Caricion ferrugineae
  8. Carici rupestri-Kobresietea ( nude Ried Company )
    1. Elynetalia
      1. Elynion (myosuroidis)
        • Naked song wind corner (Elynetum)

Anthropo-Zoogene Heath and Lawn

  1. Nardo-Callunetea ( Borstgrass and dwarf shrub heaths )
    1. Nardetalia
      1. Nardion (grass willow)
      2. Violion caninae (deep grass grass lawn)
      3. Juncion squarrosi
      4. Festucion variae
    2. Vaccinio-Genistalia (Call.Ulecetalia)
      1. Calluno-Genistion (Genistion) ( gorse sand heather)
      2. Empetrion nigri
      3. Cytision scoparii
  2. Sedo-Scleranthetea (sand and rock grass - dry grass)
    1. Sedo-Scleranthetalia (rock gravel and rock band societies)
      1. Sedo-Scleranthion (Alpine Felsgrus-Fluren)
      2. Alysso-Sedion albi
      3. Seslerio-Festucion pallentis ( bleaching fescue -Felsbandfluren)
      4. Sedo albi-Veronicion dillenii
    2. Corynephoretalia
      1. Corynephorion (canescentis)
      2. Koelerion arenariae (= albescentis) ( sand steppes )
    3. Festuco-Sedetalia ( stonecrop - sheep's fescue calcareous grasslands)
      1. Koelerion glaucae
      2. Sileno conicae-Cerastion semidecandri
    4. Thero-Airetalia ( Kleinschmielen lawn)
      1. Thero-Airion (Kleinschmielen-Lawn)
  3. Festuco-Brometea (dry, semi-dry grass, basiphile grasslands)
    1. Festucetalia valesiacae (continental steppe grassland)
      1. Festucion valesiacae (continental steppe grassland)
      2. Cirsio Brachypodion
    2. Brometalia (erecti) (Sub-Mediterranean arid and semi-arid grasslands)
      1. Xerobromion (dry lime grass)
        1. Xerobrometum (dry lime grass)
      2. Mesobromion (calcareous semi-arid grassland (poor meadows, pastures))
      3. Koelerio-Phleion phleoidis (acidic dry grassland)
  4. Molinio-Arrhenatheretea (hay meadows and pasture communities)
    1. Molinietalia caeruleae (wet herbaceous vegetation, wet and reed meadows )
      1. Molinion caeruleae ( litter meadows )
      2. Filipendulion (wet herbaceous vegetation)
      3. Cnidion dubii ( burning cones - meadow meadows)
      4. Juncion acutiflori (rush swamp)
      5. Calthion ( marsh marigold meadows, wet and wet meadows )
    2. Arrhenatheretalia (fertilized fat meadows and white clover willows )
      1. Arrhenatherion elatioris (valley fat meadows, planar and submontane smooth oat meadows )
      2. Polygono-Trisetion (mountain gold oat meadows )
      3. Cynosurion (fat, standing and haying pastures, park lawns)
      4. Poion alpinae (Alpine milkweed willows)

Shrubbery and shrubbery near the forest

  1. Trifolio-Geranietea (sanguinei) (Helio-thermophilic fringing communities, perennial heaps, deciduous meadows)
    1. Origanetalia vulgaris ( Wirbeldost Societies)
      1. Trifolion medii (mesophilic clover fringing societies)
      2. Geranion sanguinei (Xerophilous blood cranesbill -Saumgesellschaften)
  2. Epilobietea (angustifolii) ( blow corridors and Vorwald -Gehölze (perennial bushes))
    1. Atropetalia (= Epilobietalia angust.) (Central European Schlag- und Vorwald-Societies)
      1. Epilobion angustifolii (acidic flares)
      2. Atropion (belladonnae)
      3. Sambuco-Salicion capreae (Vorwald-Societies, Vorwald-Staudengestrupp) (put by many authors as class Sambucetalia ramosae to the class Rhamno-Prunetea).
  3. Betulo-Adenostyletea (tall herbaceous corridors and bushes)
    1. Adenostyletalia
      1. Adenostylion (alliariae)
      2. Calamagrostion (arundinaceae)
      3. Salicion waldsteinianae

Coniferous forests and related heaths

  1. Erico-Pinetea ( limestone pine forests and alpine rose bushes)
    1. Erico-Pinetalia (snow heather-pine forests and alpine rose bushes)
      1. Erico-Pinion
        • Erico-Pinetum (sylvestris) (snow heather and pine forest )
        • Erico-Rhododendretum hirsuti (snow heather-alpine rose bushes)
  2. Pulsatillo-Pinetea (sylvestris) ( pine steppe forests )
    1. Pulsatillo pinetalia (sylvestris)
      1. Cytiso (ruthenico) -pinion (boreal subcontinental pine steppe forests)
        • Pyrolo-Pinetum sylvestris (wintergreen pine steppe forest) (syn: Peucedano-Pinetum)
  3. Vaccinio-Piceetea (acidic coniferous forests and related alpine heaths)
    1. Piceetalia (abietis)
      1. Dicrano-Pinion (moss-rich pine forests of the lowlands)
        1. Dicrano pinion
          • Leucobryo-Pinetum (sandy pine forest or white moss pine forest)
          • Deschampsia flexuosa-Pinus sylvestris (basal) society (species-poor pine forests, especially in northern Germany)
        2. Piceo-Vaccinienion uliginosi (bog forests)
          • Vaccinio uliginosi-Betuletum pubescentis (birch bog forest)
          • Vaccinio uliginosi-Pinetum sylvestris ( Scots pine bog forest )
          • Vaccinio uliginosi-Pinetum rotundatae (mountain pine or Spirken bog forest)
      2. Piceion abietis (spruce forests and spruce-fir forests)
        1. Vaccinio-Piceenion (spruce forests of the mountains and low mountain ranges)
        2. Rhododendro-Vaccinienion (alpine larch-Swiss stone pine forests and acidic dwarf shrub communities)
        3. Vaccinio-Abietenion (spruce-fir forests rich in dwarf shrubs in the northern Alps and southern German low mountain ranges)
          • Vaccinio-Abietum (cranberry-spruce-fir forest)
          • Calamagrostio villosae-Fagetum (riding grass-spruce-beech forest)
          • Luzulo-Abietum (grove-spruce-fir forest)
    2. Loiseleurio-Vaccinietalia (alpine boreal dwarf grape carpets )
      1. Loiseleurio Vaccinion
        • Arctostaphylo alpinae-Loiseleurietum ( crowberry - or Gamsheide wind carpet)
        • Empetro (hermaphroditi) - Vaccinietum (gaultherioides) ( Crowberry- Morbeer-Windheide)

Deciduous forests and related shrubbery

  1. Salicetea purpureae ( willows - alluvial shrubs and forests)
    1. Salicetalia purpureae (willow floodplain bushes and forests)
      1. Salicion eleagni (lavender willow bushes)
      2. Salicion albae (low-lying pastures, softwood meadows )
  2. Alnetea glutinosae ( alder swamps and gray willow bushes )
    1. Alnetalia glutinosae (alder hives and gray willow bushes)
      1. Alnion glutinosae (alder forests)
      2. Salicion cinereae (gray willow bushes and marsh birch forests) (considered by other authors to be part of a class of Franguletea)
  3. Querco-Fagetea ( mixed oak and beech forests)
    1. Quercetalia robori-petraeae ( oak-birch forests )
      1. Quercion robori-petraeae (Western and Central European oak-birch forests)
        1. Quercenion robori-petraeae (sub-Atlantic, Western European oak-birch forests)
        2. Genisto-Quercenion petraeae (subcontinental, central European oak-birch forests)
    2. Quercetalia pubescenti (-petraeae) (Xerotherme submed. Downy oak forests and subcon. Oak steppe forests)
      1. Quercion pubescenti (-petraeae) (western (sub) Mediterranean downy oak forests, "steppe heather forests")
        • Aceri monspessulani-Quercetum petraeae (rock maple-sessile oak mixed forest)
        • Quercetum pubescenti-petraeae (Central European downy oak mixed forest)
      2. Potentillo albae-Quercion petraeae (East Central European subcontinental dry oak forests)
        • Potentillo albae-Quercetum petraeae (Eastern Central European subcontinental dry oak forest)
    3. Fagetalia (sylvaticae) (mesophytic, beech forest-like deciduous forests of Europe)
      1. Fagion (sylvaticae) ( red beech forests and beech-fir forests)
        1. Luzulo-Fagenion ( grove- beech forests)
          • Luzulo-Fagetum ( Forest-Hainsimsen-Buchenwald , also Moder-Buchenwald)
          • Deschampsio flexuosae-Fagetum (syn.Avenello-Fagetum) (wire-wreath beech forest of the plain)
        2. Ilici-Fagenion (Atlantic, Western European beech forests of acidic locations) (sometimes also placed in the Quercion robori-petreae)
        3. Galio odorati-Fagenion ( woodruff beech forests, also Mull beech forests)
        4. Cephalanthero-Fagenion ( Waldvögelein -beech forests, also dry-slope limestone beech forests)
        5. Aceri-Fagenion (high montane to subalpine sycamore beech forests)
          • Aceri-Fagetum (tall herbaceous sycamore beech forest)
        6. Lonicero alpigenae-Fagenion (Alpine hedge cherry-beech-fir forests)
          • Aposerido-Fagetum (syn Lonicerae alpigenae-Fagetum) (montane spruce-fir-beech mixed forest)
          • Dentario heptaphyllae-Fagetum (Fiederzahnwurz- (fir) beech forest)
        7. Galio rotundifolii-Abietion (bedstraw pine forests)
          • Pyrolo-Abietum (montane limestone fir forest)
          • Galio-rotundifolii-Abietum (montane silicate fir forest)
        8. Dentario glandulosae-Fagenion (Eastern European-Carpathian montane (fir) beech forests)
          • Dentario enneaphylli-Fagetum (Eastern European whorl-leaf tooth-root-fir-beech forest)
      2. Carpinion betuli (oak and hornbeam forests)
        • Stellario holosteae-Carpinetum betuli (chickweed-oak-hornbeam forest)
        • Galio sylvatici-Carpinetum betuli (forest rennet-oak-hornbeam forest)
      3. Alno-Ulmion (minoris) ( alluvial forest )
        1. Alnenion glutinoso-incanae (gray alder floodplain forests and brook alder ash forests)
        2. Elmenion
          • Querco-Ulmetum minoris (oak-elm floodplain forest, hardwood floodplain )
      4. Tilio (platyphyllis) -Acerion pseudoplatani (mixed hardwood forests, linden - maple forests)
        1. Clematido (vitalbae) -Corylenion (avellanae) (hazel bushes of rock rubble heaps)
        2. Deschampsio flexuosae-Acerenion pseudoplatani (wire wreaths of noble deciduous mixed forests on silicate-rock rubble slopes)
        3. Tilenion platyphylli
          • Aceri (platanoidis) -Tilietum platyphylli (Norway maple-linden forest)
        4. Lunario-Acerenion pseudoplatani (sycamore mixed forests)
          • Fraxino-Aceretum (pseudoplatani) (ash-maple forest, also "gorge forest")
          • Adoxo (moschatellinae) -Aceretum (maple-ash forest, also "Auen-Schluchtwald")
    4. Prunetalia spinosae (hedges and bushes) (considered by most of the younger authors to be the class Rhamno-Prunetea)
      1. Pruno-Rubion (fruticosi) (blackberry bushes) (considered by most of the younger authors to be the order Rubetalia plicati)
        1. Rubo prunenion (spinosi) (blackberry sloe bushes)
        2. Sarothamnenion (blackberry broom bushes)
          • Rubo plicati-Sarothamnetum (blackberry broom broom (common heather) bushes)
        3. Frangulo rubenion (fruticosi) blackberry buckthorn bushes
      2. Berberidion ( barberry bushes)
      3. Prunion fruticosae ( dwarf cherry bushes)
        • Prunetum fruticosae (dwarf or steppe cherry bushes)
    5. Salicetalia arenariae ( dune willow bushes)
      1. Salicion arenariae
        • Hippophao-Salicetum arenariae (sea buckthorn bushes) (moved from Oberdorfer to Berberidion)

See also


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