Phaedra (Henze)

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Opera dates
Title: Phaedra
Shape: Concert opera in two acts
Original language: German
Music: Hans Werner Henze
Libretto : Christian Lehnert
Literary source: Euripides : Hippolytus with a wreath
Premiere: September 6, 2007
Place of premiere: State Opera Unter den Linden , Berlin
Playing time: about 80 minutes
Place and time of the action: In the classic and in the underworld

Phaedra is a concert opera in two acts by Hans Werner Henze . The text is based on the libretto by Christian Lehnert , which is based on the tragedy The Wreathed Hippolytus by the Greek poet Euripides . In 2007 the world premiere took place at the Berlin Lindenoper .

His musical goal was a series of music in the style of the Viennese classic . The line-up with a small orchestra allows the individual voices to emerge very clearly. Two percussionists with 28 different heads, wood and metal are particularly challenged.


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Theseus defeats Minotaur, Ariadne's half-brother . Phaedra, Ariadne's sister, becomes Theseus' wife. His son Hippolytus comes from his marriage to Antiope .

first act

The Cretan Queen Phaedra, confused by Aphrodite, loves her stepson Hippolytus. This love must be unrequited. Out of disappointed love, she denounces him to his father Theseus and accuses him of rape. Theseus delivers his son to death. Phaedra kills herself out of remorse.

Second act

The second act is played in the dark beyond , in a sacred grove by Lake Nemi . Artemis, goddess of the hunt and thus the patron goddess of the hunter Hippolytus, tries to bring him back to life, calls him Virbius (god of the forest) and locks him in a cage (for his own safety?). The youth fights for his freedom against the renewed approach of Phaedra and moves into the woods. There he dances to the music of the Minotaur, the bull man, towards a future in a new mortality.


The world premiere took place on September 6, 2007 in the ( Staatsoper Unter den Linden in Berlin; directed by Peter Mussbach ; room: Ólafur Elíasson ; costumes: Bernd Skodzig ; lighting: Olaf Freese; dramaturgy: Jens Schroth; Ensemble Modern , conductor: Michael Boder )

Further productions took place in 2008 at the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino (director: Michael Kerstan; conductor: Roberto Abbado) and in the Stadttheater Heidelberg (director: Daniel Cremer; stage: Ben Baur; costumes: Amélie Sator; conductor: Dietger Holm), in 2010 at the Theater Luzern ( Director: Stephan Müller; Conductor: Mark Foster) and at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein in Duisburg (Director: Sabine Hartmannshenn; Stage: Dieter Richter; Costumes: Susana Mendoza; Conductor: Wen-Pin Chien).


Other settings of the material

As an opera, the subject was u. a. previously set to music by Johann Simon Mayr and Ildebrando Pizzetti (based on a play by Gabriele D'Annunzio ).

By Benjamin Britten one comes cantata he mezzo-soprano Janet Baker appropriated. She sang it in the world premiere of the work at the Aldeburgh Festival in 1976.

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