Philip Siegel

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Philip Siegel (* 1965 in Cologne ) is a German journalist with a focus on television.

Activity as a journalist and author

In 1982, when he was still a 17-year-old student, he founded the film magazine steadycam together with Milan Pavlovic .

Siegel has been working as a journalist since around 1990, initially as a freelancer for WDR Cologne , then from 1996 as an editor and author for the political magazine Monitor . In 2003 he switched to the ARD morning magazine, which is also based at WDR, as editor, author and head of the service . Since 2000 he has been giving seminars on a part-time basis for the ARD / ZDF media academy on a regular basis.

For his book about porn in Germany - Journey through an unknown country , Siegel undertook a one-year research trip with interruptions. He's done a thorough look around the porn industry. After the big publishers rejected his book project, the small Munich publisher Belleville (see Michael Farin ) brought out the book, which is equipped with backstage color photos. In June 2011, Siegel spoke about the book and his research experiences on the Markus Lanz talk show . Siegel published articles on the subject in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung and in Playboy .

In February 2017, Siegel's book Drei Zimmer, Küche, Porno - Why more and more people are getting into the sex industry was published by Campus Verlag . In it he goes into the fundamental change in the pornography business.

Report on the GSG-9 mission in Bad Kleinen

Siegel's monitor report on the GSG-9 mission in Bad Kleinen , broadcast on July 1, 1993, triggered a crisis of public confidence in the security authorities, as it raised doubts about their information on the course of events. During the operation on June 27, 1993, the terrorists of the Red Army faction Birgit Hogefeld and Wolfgang Grams were to be arrested. While Hogefeld was arrested in the pedestrian tunnel of the train station in the Mecklenburg town of Bad Kleinen , Grams fled to platform 3/4, where he shot and fatally hit the officers who were chasing him, before he - hit by police shots himself - fell on platform 4 and committed suicide according to the results of the public prosecutor's investigation.

In his report, Siegel presented the statement made by the saleswoman at the kiosk on platform 3/4, who had been able to see what was happening from about 20 meters away from the kiosk building. A written statement signed by her described how police officers had approached Grams, which was already lying in the track bed: “The officer aimed at the head and shot at close range, a few centimeters from the Grams head. Then the second officer also shot Grams, but more on the stomach or legs. The official also shot several times. ”This led to the suspicion that state organs had“ literally executed ”Grams, who was already defenseless on the ground, as the monitor moderator Klaus Bednarz put it; "An outrageous process that - at least as far as we know - has no equal in the history of the Federal Republic".

The report - in conjunction with a Spiegel report a few days later - led in the following weeks to a scandal surrounding the security authorities involved, as well as the resignation of Federal Interior Minister Rudolf Seiters and the dismissal of Federal Prosecutor Alexander von Stahl . However, the statement on which the report is based turned out to be unreliable when the eyewitness was questioned by the public prosecutor four days later; she said, “I didn't see it that way. I didn't say anything about my head. The word 'head' didn't even fall out of my mouth. ... I signed too quickly. ”She said she told Siegel that the upper body had been shot; "Mr. Siegel said it was right, it could have been the head." Therefore, according to the prosecutor's office, the statement of the kiosk owner is "no longer of any significance to evidence," an assessment made by the various courts that punished the investigations - and verified under civil law, confirmed.


  • Porn in Germany. Travel through an unknown land. Belleville, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-923646-09-8 .
  • Three rooms, kitchen, porn - why more and more people are getting into the sex industry. Campus, Frankfurt am Main 2017, ISBN 978-3-593-50584-8 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jürgen Schmieder : Film magazine "steadycam": Back to the future. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , May 10, 2010.
  2. ^ A b Heinz-Jürgen Voß : Event: "Pornography in Germany - Journey through an unknown country"; March 19, Merseburg. In: , March 2, 2015.
  3. Philip Siegel. Brief presentation at the ARD / ZDF media academy .
  4. 2nd TV workshop with Philip Siegel - on June 28, 2008 from 12 noon. In: Macromedia University of Applied Sciences , June 17, 2008.
  5. ^ Anne Sophie Wöhrle, Christoph Wöhrle: Digitales Verderben: How pornography changes us and our children. MVG, Munich 2014, p. 43 .
  6. See Philip Siegel - BACKSTAGE. Photographs from the sets of German porn films. In: (presentation of the photo exhibition resulting from the book trip ).
  7. Markus Lanz: Episode 234. In: (broadcast text of ZDF).
  8. Porn. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung , December 1, 2013; How amateurs take over the porn business. In: Playboy , No. 8/2015.
  9. Publisher's information on the book Philip Siegel: Drei Zimmer, Küche, Porno (PDF) . Andreas Fasel: "Tens of thousands of completely normal people make porn". Interview with Philip Siegel. In: Welt am Sonntag , April 3, 2017.
  10. Butz Peters : The last myth of the RAF. The Bad Kleinen disaster - who shot Wolfgang Grams? Ullstein, Berlin 2006, pp. 159-161; Petra Sorge: Bad Kleinen: The suppressed media scandal. In: Cicero , June 24, 2013.
  11. a b Quoted from Butz Peters: The last myth of the RAF. P. 159.
  12. Petra Sorge: Bad Kleinen: The repressed media scandal. In: Cicero , June 24, 2013.
  13. Quoted from Butz Peters: The last myth of the RAF. P. 161.
  14. Finally, the detailed study of the content of the testimony at the Bonn Regional Court , judgment of September 29, 1998, file number 1 O 274/96 , full text at Openjur , paragraphs 27 to 34.