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Pielnia (Poland)
Basic data
State : Poland
Voivodeship : Subcarpathian
Powiat : Sanok
Gmina : Tsarszyn
Geographic location : 49 ° 33 '  N , 22 ° 4'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 33 '0 "  N , 22 ° 4' 0"  E
Height : 386 m npm
Residents : 870 (2002)
Telephone code : (+48) 13
License plate : RSA
Economy and Transport
Next international airport : Rzeszów-Jasionka

Pielnia, 2005

Pielnia ( Ukrainian Пельня ) is a village in the municipality of Zarszyn , Powiat Sanocki in Poland .


It is located in a wooded area (Retkow Forest) in the extreme south-east of Poland on the Pielnica in a hilly area of ​​the Sanok Plain on the highway, five kilometers from Bukowsko in the direction of Długie and Pisarowce. The village is 386 m above sea level. M. and has 870 inhabitants (as of 2002).

Neighboring towns are Nowosielce in the north, Jędruszkowce in the northeast, Dudyńce in the southeast, Nadolany in the south, Odrzechowa in the southwest and Posada Zarszyńska and Długie in the northwest.


The village emerged in the second half of the 14th century as Pella (1376) or Nova Libertas (1387, Nowa Wola ) and belonged to Mikołaj Skałka from 1376 to 1400.

Later it became Pella Inferior 1429, Pella Superior 1434, P. Inferior, 1438 Pyella, 1458 in duabus Pellis, 1465 Pylla, 1486 Mediocris Pella, 1499 Piellia, 1519 Pyella Nyzna, 1527 Superior Pyella dicta Skalczyna, 1577 Piella Superior, P. Inferior , P. Skalczyna. The name is associated with the name of the Pielnica stream , although it is not certain which name is older. The brook, originally Brzozova (1366), was mentioned as Pele in 1390 when the village Jaćmierz ( Posada Jaćmierska ) was given as a fief by King Władysław II Jagiełło to the German knight Fryderyk My (s) snar . It was later mentioned as Pella in 1419, as was the village of Pielnia in 1429. Another hypothesis connects the name with the new owner of the village after 1400: Pewel (1427), Iohannes Peluelski de Pella (1429).

Cadastral map of Pielnia, 1852, Galicia

The parish (until 1944) belongs to Dudyńce , Jędruszkowce (Andruszkowce), Markowce, Pobiedno, (Pobidno), Podgaj, Prusiek, Pisarowce (Pisarzowice) which is subordinate to the diocese of Przemyśl , deanery of Sanok . In 1898 there were 1,002 Catholics.

During the first partition of Poland in 1772, Pielnia became part of the new Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria of the Habsburg Empire (from 1804). From 1855 Pielnia belonged to the Sanok District , Bukowsko Tax District . In 1900 the community had 1,127 inhabitants, of whom 707 were Greek-Catholic and Ruthenian-speaking (i.e. Ukrainian-speaking), 420 Polish-speaking, 379 Roman Catholic, 41 Jews.

After the Second World War, as part of the Aktion Weichsel company , the Ukrainians were forcibly resettled.


  1. a b Tomasz Jurek (editor): Słownik Historyczno-Geograficzny Ziem Polskich w Średniowieczu. Edycja elektroniczna .
  2. Głos Zarszyna, pp. 14, 17
  3. ^ Tomasz Jurek (editor): Słownik Historyczno-Geograficzny Ziem Polskich w Średniowieczu. Edycja elektroniczna .
  4. Pielnia, in: wdorzeczuwisloka.pl
  5. Ludwig Patryn (Ed.): Community encyclopedia of the kingdoms and countries represented in the Reichsrat, edited on the basis of the results of the census of December 31, 1900, XII. Galicia . Vienna 1907 ( online ).

Web links

Commons : Pielnia  - collection of images, videos and audio files