Pierre Subleyras

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Self-portrait by Pierre Subleyras in 1746.

Pierre Subleyras (born November 25, 1699 in Saint-Gilles du Gard , † May 28, 1749 in Rome ) was a French painter of the late baroque and classicist baroque.


Subleyras grew up in Uzès, the son of a painter who worked on the Uzès Cathedral and in the homes of wealthy citizens of the city. Initially instructed in the art of painting by his father, he received lessons from Antoine Rivalz (1667–1735) in Toulouse between 1714 and 1716 . Soon he worked closely with his teacher and also got his own commission for portraits. Together with Rivalz, on behalf of a local brotherhood , he began to paint a chapel with a 15-part cycle of pictures, which was never completed.

From 1726 he lived in Paris , became a student of the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture , where he won the Prix ​​de Rome in 1727 . After his arrival in Rome he was promoted by Nicolas Vleughels , the head of the Académie de France à Rome , who was able to provide him with wealthy clients. His patrons included a princess from the House of Pamphilj and the Duke of Saint-Aignan .

In 1739 he married the miniature painter Maria Felicita Tibaldi, daughter of the composer Giovanni Battista Tibaldi and a member of the Roman Accademia di San Luca .

From 1740 until his death he was one of the most respected and busiest painters in Rome. The overload caused by the many assignments made his lung disease worse, which could not be cured even by a stay at a spa in Naples. Subleyras died at the age of 50 in the Santo Spirito Hospital in Sassia , Rome.


Benedict XIV., Musée de Versailles

Subleyras was a valued and busy painter in Rome, whose reputation was based not only on his portraits but also primarily on religious, mythological and historical pictures. He portrayed Pope Benedict XIV and the Elector Friedrich-Christian of Saxony, among others .


Since the 1940s, Subleyras received commissions for large altarpieces , for example for the “Cathedral of St. Étienne” in Toulouse , two paintings for the church “SS. Cosma e Damiano ”in Milan and for the Olivetan church “ San Pietro ”in Perugia .

On behalf of Saint-Aignan, the French ambassador in Rome, Subleyras illustrated four fables by Jean de Lafontaine and two short stories from Boccaccio's Decamerone with several handwritten replicas , which were very popular with collectors during his lifetime. They were disseminated through reproductions made in copper by Jean-Baptiste Pierre between 1735 and 1740.

For Benedict he painted two large-format paintings The Mystical Wedding of St. Catherine and the Rapture of St. Camilla for the papal apartments. Cardinal Valenti Gonzaga commissioned him with a Basil Mass for St. Peter's Basilica . Completion of the painting was delayed because Subleyras traveled to Naples on medical advice because of his poor health. After Subleyra's return from Naples, this picture was completed as one of his last pictures, and was highly admired by the client and the population, so that admirers' processions passed by the picture for weeks. The Pope had the picture executed in mosaic - an honor only a few painters received.


Many drawings and studies by Subleyras have survived, over 70 of which are now kept in the Louvre .


  • J.-C. Demagny: Pierre Subleyras . In: Germain Bazin (Ed.): Kindler's Painting Lexicon, Vol. 13 . Kindler Verlag, Zurich 1982, ISBN 3-463-41011-7 , pp. 312-313.
  • L. Réau: Une Italienne biography de Pierre Subleyras . In: Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire de l'art française , 1924, pp. 189-200, ISSN  0301-4126
  • Ernst Goldschmidt: Le peintre Pierre Subleyras. Ne à Saint-Giles 1699, mort à Rome 1749 . Morancé, Paris 1925.
  • Olivier Michel and Pierre Rosenberg (eds.): Subleyras. 1699-1749 . ERMN, Paris 1987, ISBN 2-7118-2088-2 (also catalog of the exhibition of the same name, Musée du Luxembourg , February 20 to April 26, 1987)
  • Pierre Rosenberg, Nicolas Lesur: Pierre Subleyras (Cahiers du dessin français; Vol. 17). De Bayser Sarl Édition, Paris 2013, ISBN 2-905672-17-X .
  • Andreas Schalhorn: History painting and canonization. Pierre Subleyras (1699–1749) and the picture for the Pope in the 17th and 18th centuries . scanegg-Verlag, Munich 2000, ISBN 3-89235-403-0 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mass of St. Basil

Web links

Commons : Pierre Subleyras  - Collection of images, videos and audio files