Police call 110: Democracy dies in darkness

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Episode of the series Polizeiruf 110
Original title Democracy dies in darkness
Country of production Germany
original language German , Polish
Real Film Berlin
on behalf of the RBB
length 89 minutes
classification Episode 368 ( List )
First broadcast April 29, 2018 on Das Erste
Director Matthias Glasner
script Matthias Glasner,
Mario Salazar
music HomeSweetHome
camera Florian Foest
cut Heike Gnida

Democracy dies in darkness is a television film from the crime series Polizeiruf 110 . The 368th episode in the film series Polizeiruf 110 was first broadcast on April 29, 2018.


After breaking into her apartment at night, the detective inspector Olga Lenski takes a break - the burglar filmed her and her daughter Alma in their sleep. The farm on which she wants to relax is not the idyllic drop-out quarter expected. The host Lennard Kohlmorgen and his wife Valeska belong to a “ prepper community ”.


The film was shot from November 14, 2017 to December 14, 2017 in Ihlow im Oberbarnim , Wandlitz and Wriezen im Oderland .



“Director Glasner himself calls his 'police call' a 'film about a handful of people who are too sensitive for this world.' That is a nice paraphrase for the tender beginning of the thriller, but a negligent generalization for the rowdy second part, where topics such as self-optimization, consumer society, growth dictates are called. "

“But with the crime thriller, democracy does n't die in the dark anyway. Glasner uses the form to tell an end-time shocker in which reason does not drive in the yellow jersey of the overall leader, but strangely clumped feelings are at the wheel. [...] This film does not want to be a social analysis. Rather: a lascivious speculative depiction of solely emotion-based political actions. "

- Matthias Dell : The time

Audience ratings

The first broadcast of Democracy Dies in Eclipse on April 29, 2018 was seen by 7.00 million viewers in Germany and achieved a market share of 22.1% for Das Erste .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Police call 110: Democracy dies in darkness at crew united
  2. Christian Buß: "Police call" about apocalyptists. More social report than crime thriller. Spiegel Online, April 27, 2018, accessed on April 27, 2018 : "Rating: 4 out of 10 points"
  3. ^ "Police call" Frankfurt / Oder. And now it's the turn of the cabbage. In: Culture. Die Zeit, April 29, 2018, accessed April 30, 2018 .
  4. Sidney Schering: Primetime Check: Sunday, April 29, 2018.quotemeter.de , April 30, 2018, accessed on April 30, 2018 .