Police call 110: In front of everyone

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Episode of the series Polizeiruf 110
Original title In front of everyone
Country of production Germany
original language German
DOKfilm television production
on behalf of the rbb
length 90 minutes
classification Episode 335 ( List )
First broadcast May 5, 2013 on Das Erste
Director Bernd Böhlich
script Bernd Böhlich
production Frank Schmuck ,
Jost Bösenberg
music Rainer Oleak
camera Florian Foest
cut Karola Mittelstädt

In front of everyone is a German detective film by Bernd Böhlich from 2013. It is the 335th episode in the film series Polizeiruf 110 and the fourth case for Chief Inspector Olga Lenski , who supports Chief Horst Krause in his 21st case.


Chief Detective Olga Lenski and Chief Police Officer Horst Krause are called to an incident. The managing director of the Stolze shipyard was found naked with a sugar shock in an amusement park hotel and brought to the clinic. The attending physician considers it unlikely that the highly diabetic Michaela Stolze forgot to inject her insulin . Lenski and Krause now have to clarify whether there is a possible killing attempt. Michaela Stolze had given a company party in the amusement park, so many people were present. Lenski learns that there are problems in the company and that the working atmosphere is correspondingly tense. In particular, shipyard manager Jens Petzold is dissatisfied. He was at the party with his wife and son, but they couldn't really enjoy it because of the work situation. Lenski tries to find clues to possible enemies and wants to look around Michaela Stolze's apartment. When she meets Ludwig Stolze, the grumpy father, he openly admits that he doesn't like his daughter. She has let him down very badly and is not running his company the way a good entrepreneur should. In a few months it almost drove the shipyard into bankruptcy.

Based on Krause's investigations, it turns out that Petzold's son just wanted to play a prank on his father's boss. He knew that she treated his father very badly and that he was therefore always under pressure, which then also affected his family. That is why Andreas had hidden Michaela Stolze's bathrobe when she went to the lake for a morning swim, which is part of the amusement park. Little did he know that this meant that the insulin syringes were not available to her and that she was accordingly under-supplied and collapsed.

The case appears to have been resolved, but another incident occurs in the hospital. A stranger mixed a toxic substance into Michaela Stolze's infusion. The forensic scientists find out that it is a commercial paint thinner. So it's an attempted murder after all. Lenski initially suspects Ludwig Stolze, because he was the only one who visited her in the hospital. But everyone else from the shipyard could be behind it too. Lenski lets the entire workforce line up and quickly notices the tension that exists between the employees. In addition to Jens Petzold, the designer Gisbert Franke, who has romantic feelings for his employer, but was rejected by her, also makes himself suspicious. Krause is now collecting various samples of the dilution that is used in the shipyard to have them examined. Since fiber traces were also found on the infusion bottle, the secretary Petra Weingart can clearly be transferred. She had to fear that she would be replaced by a younger and better educated secretary who could cope better with today's times than she was. Without a word, Petra Weingart lets herself be taken to the police car and arrested.


The film was shot in front of everyone in the Templin western town , in Beelitz and Gröben and first broadcast on May 5, 2013 on ARD.

The audio description of the film was spoken by Uta Maria Torp and was nominated for the German Audio Film Award in the cinema category in 2014 .

Sven Lehmann (Jens Petzold) and Otto Sander (Ludwig Stolze) can be seen in their last roles in this police call. Both actors died in 2013.


Audience rating

The first broadcast of Before All Eyes on May 5, 2013 was seen by a total of 7.48 million viewers in Germany and achieved a market share of 22.8 percent for Das Erste .


Rainer Tittelbach from tittelbach.tv says about this thriller: “The tenth 'Polizeiruf 110' by the two-time Grimme Prize winner Bernd Böhlich is a calm, intense and atmospheric loser ballad about fear of the future, structural change and the pursuit of profit. 'Before all eyes' doesn't live so much from tension. The imagery, the atmosphere, the landscape are impressive. The performance of Otto Sander is strong and has now worked wonderfully - Maria Simon and Horst Krause as an investigator duo. "And he thinks:" Not everyone likes Böhlich's style, it is rather unusual for a crime thriller. That is what gives it something of its own and makes it worth seeing. "

Christian Buß writes at Spiegel-online : “Employee motivation, a terrible word. And often just a euphemism given to executives at seminars for the task of preparing their subordinates for very unpleasant tasks. In the new 'police call' from the abyss of Brandenburg's medium-sized businesses, this technology is now being taken to extremes. Torture included. [...] So it's about the redevelopment frenzy of the young and the insistence of the old: Bernd Böhlich, one of the few directors who shot police calls during the GDR era and still works successfully for cinema and television, draws from his Knife thrower intro calm and concrete after the excessive demands in the shipyard. "

The critics of the TV magazine TV Spielfilm gave the best possible rating (thumbs up) and wrote: “Cleverly built, visually powerful crime thriller about structural change and fear of the future.” As a conclusion, they drew: “Top mimes in the bitter turning loser drama”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Locations at Internet Movie Database
  2. Western town in the crime thriller focus at maz-online.de
  3. Police call 110: Before all eyes in the audio film database of Hörfilm e. V.
  4. 12th German Audio Film Award 2014
  5. ^ A b Rainer Tittelbach : Maria Simon, Catherine Flemming, Otto Sander, Bernd Böhlich. "Ich bin der Sheriff" Film review and audience rating at tittelbach.tv , accessed on May 3, 2015.
  6. Christian Buß: "Polizeiruf" from Brandenburg: The knife flies - or you at spiegel.de , accessed on May 3, 2015.
  7. Polizeiruf 110: Before all eyes at tvspielfilm.de , accessed on March 23, 2015.