Reinhold von Anrep

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Reinhold von Anrep
Sleeping lion , memorial for Lieutenant General Reinhold von Anrep, erected in 1844 by his son General Joseph von Anrep
Obelisk at the site of the Battle of Mohrungen in memory of Lieutenant General Reinhold von Anrep

Heinrich Reinhold of Anrep ( Russian Роман Карлович Анреп ; born August 22, jul. / 2. September  1760 greg. In Kerstenhof ; † Jan. 1 jul. / 13. January  1807 greg. In Morag ) was a Russian lieutenant general .


Origin and family

Reinhold came from the German-Baltic noble family Anrep . His parents were the imperial Russian captain and heir to the Livonian estates Lauenhof , Kerstenshof and Arras Karl Gustav von Anrep († 1796) and Margarethe Elisabeth, nee Baroness Igelström from the house of Selsau (1735-1808).

He married Caroline von Anrep from the Tecknal family in 1786, and five children were gnawed out of the marriage.

  • Roman († 1830), Russian major general and wing adjutant to the emperor
  • Sophie († 1820), ⚭ 1814 Georg Gotthard von Stackelberg († 1844)
  • Joseph (1796–1860), Russian lieutenant general and adjutant general
  • Marie (1787–1839), ⚭ 1817 Johann von Lieven (1775–1848), Russian lieutenant general
  • Dorothea (* 1798), ⚭ 1819 Friedrich Johann von Löwenwolde (1776–1832), Livonian land marshal


Anrep attended the Pag school in St. Petersburg from 1777 to 1781 and was a chamber page with Catherine the Great in Mogilew in 1780 . Afterwards he denied a career in the Imperial Russian Army . He was 1781 Guard - Lieutenant and in 1788 as a lieutenant colonel in the war against Sweden . In 1789 he was promoted to colonel and commander of the Pleskau dragoon regiment. For the defense against the Swedish siege of Nyslott , he received the Order of St. George, IV class , in 1790 . During the campaign in Poland he was in command of the Ukrainian Light Cavalry Regiment. For 1795 he signed the Order of St. George III as a brigadier in front of Ostrolenka . Class deserves. In 1804 he served in the Mediterranean Fleet and on the Ionian Islands , and took part in the Battle of Austerlitz in 1805 . from 1806 to 1807 he was Lieutenant General in command of the 14th Infantry Division. Since 1804 he was also holder of the Order of St. Vladimir, 2nd class. On January 13, 1807, he and his troops were sent to the aid of General Markov, who was being harassed by Bernadotte . He fell during the battle of Mohrungen and was buried on the road between Heilsberg and Launau together with the Russian officers SA Koschin and AK Sedmoratzki.

Anrep was the lien owner of Puderküll in Livonia from 1801 to 1804, and also the owner of Kerstenshof, Murrikatz and Willust . From 1798 to 1805 he was a Livonian district administrator and as early as 1803 a member of the "Committee for the Investigation of Livonian Affairs" in St. Petersburg.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Astaf von Transehe-Roseneck (Berab.): Genealogical handbook of the Baltic knighthoods , part 1, 1: Livland, Görlitz 1929, p. 9.