UN Security Council resolution 1709

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The Resolution 1709 of the UN Security Council is a resolution to the Darfur conflict in Sudan , which the United Nations Security Council has adopted unanimously at its 5532nd meeting on 22 September, 2006. The subject of this resolution is the extension of the mandate of the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS), which would otherwise have expired on September 24, 2006, to October 8, 2006, with the intention of extending the mission again beyond this period.

The Security Council relied on its previous resolutions in this regard, in particular Security Council resolutions 1590 , 1627 , 1653 , 1663 , 1679 and 1706 , as well as on the declarations of its President on Sudan, in particular on the one of February 3, 2006 (Document S / PRST / 2006 / 5).

The resolution reiterated concerns about the humanitarian situation in Darfur and the restrictions on the freedom of movement of UNMIS staff, but contained no further measures. It was passed against the background that the Sudanese government does not agree to the deployment of UNMIS. Previously, the Security Council had resolved with Resolution 1706 to send 17,000 blue helmets to replace the African Union Mission in Sudan .

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