UN Security Council resolution 1680

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The UN Security Council Resolution 1680 is a resolution that the United Nations Security Council passed on May 17, 2006 with two abstentions by China and the Russian Federation .

With the resolution, the Security Council again called for the implementation of the demands formulated in resolution 1559 (2004) ; in particular, he urged Syria to mark the borders with Lebanon and to establish full diplomatic relations. He also reiterated the importance of efforts to dissolve and disarm all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias . The resolution is a follow-up to resolution 1655 from 2005.


The United Nations is thereby underlining its commitment to the full sovereignty of Lebanon, its territorial integrity and political independence, including the recognition of its borders. The text of the resolution welcomed the progress made in the national dialogue, and the Security Council criticized the fact that key points of resolution 1559 had not been implemented. He specifically mentions the disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias in Lebanon. This section was directed against Syrian arms aid on the one hand, but also made it clear that Hezbollah had to surrender its weapons. At the same time, the body called on Lebanon to assume full sovereignty over the entire national territory. This means taking on state tasks that are not under the control of the Lebanese government in southern Lebanon .

With the resolution, the Security Council criticized the fact that in the six-month reporting period prior to the resolution, weapons continued to be smuggled into Lebanon from abroad.

Calling on all parties in Lebanon to cooperate with the United Nations in implementing this and previous resolutions, the Council expressly encouraged Syria to move forward on the controversial issue of the border between the two countries. The Security Council sees the solution of the border question as crucial for the security and stability of the region.

The Security Council does not specifically name the area of ​​the Shebaa farms , which the international community regards as part of the Syrian Golan Heights . These have been occupied by Israel since 1967 and have since been annexed. Syria and Lebanon, however, claim that the Shebaa farms belong to Lebanon. Hezbollah justifies its own arming as necessary because Israel disregards Resolution 425 of the UN Security Council and continues to occupy part of Lebanon.

With the resolution, the body called on the Lebanese government and Syria to take measures that oppose the smuggling of weapons into Lebanon. The decision of the Lebanese National Dialogue to disarm the Palestinian militias outside the refugee camps was welcomed.


On April 18, 2006, the Secretary-General of the United Nations presented his third semi-annual report on the implementation of Resolution 1559 of September 2, 2004. This

“(...) calls on all remaining foreign armed forces to withdraw from Lebanon; calls for the dissolution and disarming of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias; supports the extension of the control of the government of Lebanon to the entire Lebanese territory (...). "

- Resolution 1559

The Secretary-General noted in his report that a number of measures required by resolution 1559 (2004) and the Taif Agreement (1989) are not being followed. The lack of political stability makes Lebanon fragile and fragile. Against this background, the Security Council passed the resolution in support of the Lebanese government.

Less than two months later, however, two Israeli soldiers were captured in the border area between Lebanon and Israel by Hezbollah and subsequently the Second Lebanon War .

The successor resolution is Resolution 1701 of the UN Security Council .

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