UN Security Council resolution 1717

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The UN Security Council resolution 1717 is a resolution on the tribunal in Rwanda that was unanimously adopted by the United Nations Security Council at its 5550th session on October 13, 2006.

The Security Council relied on its previous resolutions 955 , 1165 , 1329 , 1411 , 1431 , 1449 , 1503 and 1534 .

With the resolution the office of 18 ad litem , i.e. H. temporary judges extended until December 31, 2008. The United Nations General Assembly had with the Resolution 57/414 on 25 June 2003 eighteen judges to four years in office at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda appointed. The term of office would therefore end on June 24, 2007.

In Resolution 1684 of the UN Security Council of June 13, 2006, the term of office of the eleven permanent judges at the International Tribunal for Rwanda was extended to December 31, 2008. With Resolution 1705 of the UN Security Council of August 29, the term of office of Judge Solomy Balungi Bossa was beyond the end of her term of office as long as she would serve at the tribunal until the Butare case was closed.

The temporary judges whose term of office has been extended to December 31, 2008 are:

The Security Council also decided that Judges Bossa, Arrey, Lattanzi, Muthoga, Short, Hökborg, Hikmet, Kam and Park could serve longer than what was stipulated in Article 12 ter of the Statutes of the International Tribunal for Rwanda. This article limits the total term of office of the appointed judges.

The resolution was passed on the proposal of the United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan .

See also

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