UN Security Council resolution 1702

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The Resolution 1702 of the UN Security Council is a resolution that the United Nations Security Council has adopted unanimously at its 5513th meeting, on 15 August of 2006. The resolution is a resolution under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations . The Security Council refers to its previous resolutions on Haiti , specifically to resolutions 1542 , 1576 , 1608 and 1658 .

The resolution extended the mandate of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), which would have expired on August 15, 2006, by six months. The Security Council decided on the strength of MINUSTAH, up to 7,500 military personnel of all ranks plus up to 1,951 police officers to help with the disarming and dismantling of armed gangs and also to help the government with legislation for the purpose of reforming the judiciary, reducing the overcrowding rate in prisons and in creating job opportunities for former gang members and youth. In addition, the Haitian authorities are urged to complete the elections as soon as possible where the electoral process was interrupted.

In particular, the task of MINUSTAH is confirmed to provide operational assistance to the Haitian coast guard in preventing the cross-border smuggling of drugs and weapons, as well as to ensure compliance with human rights.

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