UN Security Council resolution 1724

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The Resolution 1724 of the UN Security Council is a resolution that the United Nations Security Council has adopted unanimously at its 5575th meeting on November 29 of 2006. It is a resolution under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations . The Security Council refers to its previous resolutions on Somalia , specifically to resolutions 733, 1519, 1558, 1587, 1630 and 1676. The resolution text was tabled by Qatar .

Because of the significant Anwachsens of arms shipments and the breach of the imposed in 1992 arms embargo , the Security Council reaffirmed the arms embargo to the adoption of the resolution the need for full compliance ( resolution 733 of 23 January 1992). He instructs the Secretary-General of the United Nations , with the Committee of the Security Council, which was first set up by Resolution 751 on April 24, 1992, the Monitoring Group to observe violations of the arms embargo within thirty days and for a period of time to be reinstated from initially six months. This monitoring group was first set up by paragraph 3 of resolution 1558 in 2004 and the mandate had been repeatedly extended but expired on November 29, 2006.

The mandate of the group (first established by resolution 1587 ) includes - in cooperation with international authorities - the investigation of all activities that generate funds to circumvent the arms embargo; the investigation of transport routes and the control of ports, airports and other transport facilities used in violation of the arms embargo; the establishment and maintenance of a list of the individuals and organizations inside and outside Somalia who are violating the embargo imposed by the member states in order to enable subsequent action by the Security Council; make proposals to the Committee and the Security Council regarding the investigation.

The resolution was passed because the Monitoring Group's final report found that the Union of Islamic Courts South and Central, backed by seven states ( Djibouti , Egypt , Eritrea , Iran , Libya , Syria and Saudi Arabia ) and Hezbollah Somalia has gained a dominant role. The in Baidoa seated transitional government Transitional National Government , of Ethiopia , Yemen and Uganda supported trying to get their power and it is the possibility of military conflict. Both sides are supported within Somalia by combat groups and military advisers from several countries. The Security Council also fears an interstate conflict between Somalia and Eritrea. The Monitoring Group's report suggested that the arms embargo should be tightened and monitored, including land, air and sea blockades, and that diplomatic measures at the highest level should be used to induce the states involved to withdraw. The resolution text did not go that far, however.

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