UN Security Council resolution 1706

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The United Nations Security Council Resolution 1706 has been approved by the UN Security Council adopted unanimously on 31 August 2006 at its 5519th meeting; the People's Republic of China , Qatar and the Russian Federation abstained. The resolution resolves to send UN troops to the crisis region of Darfur in Sudan .

In the resolution, however, the approval of Sudan is mentioned as a prerequisite for the dispatch of around 20,000 UN soldiers and police units to replace the AU troops in Darfur, since their mandate ends at the end of September 2006. The resolution was put to a vote at the instigation of the veto powers United States and United Kingdom , whereby the People's Republic of China , Russia and Qatar did not take part in the vote. Sudan had already made it clear in the run-up to the vote that it would not agree to the sending of UN troops and repeated its rejection after the resolution had been passed.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. September 1, 2006 - Sudan Tribune: "Sudan rejects UN resolution on Darfur peacekeepers"