UN Security Council resolution 1733

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Council Resolution 1733
Date: December 22, 2006
Meeting: 5607
Identifier: S / RES / 1733 ( document )

Poll: Pro: 15  Ent. : 0  Cons: 0
Object: Appreciation of the work of the Secretary General Kofi Annan
Result: accepted

Kofi Annan.jpg
Kofi Annan (2003)

The Resolution 1733 of the UN Security Council is a resolution that the United Nations Security Council adopted on 22 December 2006 at its 5607th meeting.

Contrary to custom, the resolution was not adopted by a show of hands but without a vote by unanimous applause .


The resolution recognized the work of the UN Secretary General . Kofi Annan resigned from office on December 31, 2006 after ten years in this role.


In a statement to the Security Council, the December president of the panel said that Kofi Annan had led the United Nations into the new millennium. The decade of his term of office was marked by new challenges, but also by the introduction of reforms at the United Nations. Annan has earned recognition for his relentless efforts to maintain international peace and to resolve disputes and conflicts around the world in a just and lasting manner.

Kofi Annan thanked the council for the recognition. He said that the success of his term in office was the development of the situation in Sierra Leone , which was an example of what the Security Council could achieve if the members worked together. Annan noted that he had criticized the Security Council for its inability to act and, in accordance with the Brahimi Report, tried to provide the information that was required rather than the information the council wanted to hear.

Annan highlighted the importance of UN Security Council Resolution 1265 on the Role of Women in Peace and Security, which fell during his term in office, and described it as painful for him, with the unresolved problems in the Middle East conflict , Iraq and Darfur from the To divorce office.

Web links

Wikisource: Original text of the resolution  - sources and full texts (English)