Richard Mauritius

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Franz Heinrich Georg Richard Mauritius (born March 15, 1836 in Hanau , † June 15, 1901 in Coburg ) was a German educator and university professor .


Richard Mauritius was a son of the Grand Ducal Hessian administrative officer Emilius Mauritius from Fulda .

School time, studies and internship

Richard Mauritius attended secondary school in Kassel . With the transfer of his father, he moved to the Fulda grammar school in autumn 1847 , which he also graduated from. He started his studies in Marburg and was able to complete it as an applicant for a proper teaching post at learned schools. From 1860 he was appointed to the mathematical-physical institute of the University of Marburg and carried out his practical year at the Marburg high school.


From October 1862 to July 1863 he was a research assistant to Christian Ludwig Gerling at the Mathematical and Physical Institute of the University of Marburg. His work was on astronomy .

Professor Gerling published various measurement results from Mauritius:

  • Eclipse of a star on June 16, 1856
  • Solar eclipse of March 15, 1858
  • Lunar eclipse of June 1st, 1863

Teacher and professor time

In 1863 he received his doctorate. In the same year he became a teacher of mathematics and physics at the Casimirianum high school in Coburg, but later also taught geography, later also his own cross-sectional subjects in natural history , such as mathematical geography . Richard Mauritius took on further teaching activities as a teacher at the ducal Ernst Albert seminar in Coburg and at times at the Alexandrinenschule (secondary school for girls).

In July 1865 he was appointed professor at the Casimirianum Gymnasium .

Experiments and inventions (selection)

  • In 1863 he wrote in the Annalen der Physik about an experiment on the temperature influence of magnetism.
  • In 1866 he gave a lecture on the Rühmkorff induction apparatus and its application in technology and carried out experiments.
  • In 1873 he carried out experiments on the sounding flame according to Frédéric Kastner . In an experimental setup, a hydrogen flame had a certain tone which was changed when a second flame approached. Mauritius experimented with the arrangement of the flames and the structure of the burners.
  • In 1877 he wrote about his experiments on Foucault's pendulum experiment , which he had carried out in a church. He adapted the setup so that it could be used as an experiment for teaching.
  • In 1884 he presented his findings on pendulum oscillations and simple electrical clocks with a free pendulum.

Further meaning

He held a large number of ceremonial speeches at the grammar school (including 1872, 1883) and was an honorary member of the board of directors of the Coburg Art and Trade Association , for which he was awarded a Knight's Cross in 1875.

His works on metric measurement, planimetry and trigonometry were listed as teaching aids at the time. He regularly raised money and material resources from the Duchy of Coburg, for which he had to answer questions in the state parliament.

Richard Mauritius had been married to Thekla Ludloff (* 1852), daughter of Louis Ludloff and sister of Rudolf Friedrich Ludloff and Richard Ludloff , and had four children since 1872 .

Works (selection)

  • Dissertation: Determination of the pole height of Marburg. JA Koch, 1862, with appendix to
    • The extension of the Roman - Bessel method to the whole of heaven.
    • Suggestion for a more convenient setup of the meridian observations.
  • About the distribution of magnetism inside magnets , invitation from the Casimirianum Gymnasium in Coburg to the closing ceremony, 1864.
  • Decimal arithmetic and metric measurement: in a uniform presentation for a thorough introduction to the new weights and measures for all teachers of arithmetic and calculators. Schöningh, 1869.
  • Remarks on the psychology of spatial ideas and on the Fechnerian law of logarithmic perception. In: Yearbook on the progress of mathematics 1869-1870. Volume 2, Reimer, 1873.
  • The production of teaching materials for the elementary school is in the hands of the state. Report of the Coburg Trade Association, 1874.
  • Transporter and ruler for use in teaching planimetry and trigonometry. Riemann, 1882.
  • Speech given at the high school festival on July 5, 1892. Dietz'schen Hofbuchdruckerei, 1894.

Subjects and lectures (selection)

  • Trigonometry and Stereometry , 1863
  • Acoustics and Mathematical Geography , 1863
  • The Doctrine of Similarity and Proportion in the Circle , 1863
  • Europe , 1863
  • The non-European parts of the world , 1863
  • Decimal fractions , 1863
  • First degree equations with an unknown , 1863, 1864
  • The Doctrine of Light , 1866
  • Hydrostatics and aerostatics , 1866
  • Botany and Zoology , 1874, 1875
  • America and Australia , 1874



  • JC Becker introduced one of his contributions in 1870 with words from Richard Mauritius.
  • Residential house, Ketschendorfer Straße 20, Coburg: his mother-in-law owned the house from 1864 to 1878, then he until his death. His widow lived in this house until her death and bequeathed the house to their son Carl.
  • A student of Mauritius was Ludwig Schemann , who wrote very positively about him.


Individual evidence

  1. Invitation from the Casimirianum high school in Coburg for the closing ceremony: 1864 . 1864 ( [accessed on January 21, 2018]).
  2. ^ The Astronomical Journal . American Institute of Physics, 1856 ( [accessed January 21, 2018]).
  3. ^ Astronomical News . WILEY-VCH Verlag, 1858 ( [accessed on January 21, 2018]).
  4. ^ Astronomical News . WILEY-VCH Verlag, 1863 ( [accessed on January 21, 2018]).
  5. ^ Government and Intelligence Gazette for the Duchy of Coburg: 1863 . Dietz, 1863 ( [accessed on January 21, 2018]).
  6. ^ State manual for the duchies of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha: 1865 . Thienemann, 1865 ( [accessed on January 21, 2018]).
  7. ^ Government Gazette for the Duchy of Coburg: 1865 . Roßteutscher, 1865 ( [accessed on January 21, 2018]).
  8. Annals of Physics . Wiley-VCH, 1863 ( [accessed on January 21, 2018]).
  9. ^ Government Gazette for the Duchy of Coburg: 1866 . Roßteutscher, 1866 ( [accessed on January 21, 2018]).
  10. Heinrich Hirzel, Heinrich Friedrich Gretschel, Gustav Martin Wunder, Georg Bornemann, Adolf Berberich: Yearbook of inventions and advances in the fields of physics, chemistry and chemical technology, astronomy and meteorology ... Quandt and Handel., 1874 ( google. de [accessed on January 21, 2018]).
  11. Volkmar Hoffman: Journal for mathematical and scientific teaching . BG Teubner, 1877 ( [accessed on January 21, 2018]).
  12. Humboldt . F. Enke, 1889 ( [accessed on January 21, 2018]).
  13. ^ Repertory of Physics ... R. Oldenbourg., 1884 ( [accessed on January 21, 2018]).
  14. ^ A b c Sachsen-Coburg: Government sheet for the Duchy of Coburg: 1872 . Roßteutscher, 1872 ( [accessed on January 21, 2018]).
  15. Advertisement for customers of the German prehistoric times: Organ of the Germanisches Museum . Artistic-literary establishment of the Germanisches Museum, 1883 ( [accessed on January 21, 2018]).
  16. ↑ Letter of invitation from the Casimirianum high school in Coburg for the closing ceremony: 1875 . 1875 ( [accessed on January 21, 2018]).
  17. Journal for mathematical and scientific teaching: an organ for content, method and Organization d. Lessons in d. exact sciences in all types of schools . Teubner, 1872 ( [accessed on January 21, 2018]).
  18. Negotiations of the Landtag for the Duchy of Coburg: 1861/64 . 1861 ( [accessed on January 21, 2018]).
  19. ^ Sachsen-Coburg Landtag: Negotiations of the Landtag for the Duchy of Coburg: 1869/72 . 1872 ( [accessed on January 21, 2018]).
  20. Journal for mathematical and scientific teaching: an organ for content, method and Organization d. Lessons in d. exact sciences in all types of schools . Teubner, 1872 ( [accessed on January 21, 2018]).
  21. ^ Ludwig Schemann: Life journeys of a German . Matthes, 1925 ( [accessed on January 21, 2018]).