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Community Lützelbach
Coordinates: 49 ° 47 '2 "  N , 9 ° 2' 23"  E
Height : 256 m above sea level NHN
Area : 6.62 km²
Residents : 893  (December 31, 2018)
Population density : 135 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : December 31, 1971
Incorporated into: Lützel-Wiebelsbach
Postal code : 64750
Area code : 06165
The Pretlack'sche Palais is situated in a prominent position above the center of Rimhorn.
Rimhorn ski hut

Rimhorn is a district of the municipality of Lützelbach in the Odenwald district in southern Hesse .

Geographical location

Rimhorn is located in the north-eastern Odenwald in the west of the municipality of Lützelbach.

From Rimhorn, the Obrunn Gorge meanders towards Höchst in the Odenwald with the model castles, castles and mills of the romantic fairy tale path restored in 2007. This has again become an attractive destination for families with children.


The first documented mention that has been preserved as a Riemhurne dates back to 1273. Colloquially, the locals affectionately call the place "Rimmen" in their dialect.

The listed Evangelical Church of Rimhorn, which looks rather modest from the outside, has a very interesting architectural history. In the course of restoration work on the nave in the 1950s, numerous early Romanesque remains were uncovered, which date the church to 10/11. Make the century possible.

In 1733 lieutenant general Johann Rudolf Victor von Pretlack from Hesse-Darmstadt had a manorial property built over the town center. The manor house, the so-called Pretlack'sche Palais , which was renovated in 2009, is preserved.

On December 31, 1971, on the occasion of the regional reform in Hesse, Rimhorn was voluntarily incorporated into the municipality of Lützel-Wiebelsbach , which in turn became part of the municipality of Lützelwiebelsbach on August 1, 1972 , which has been called Lützelbach since July 1, 1973 . For Rimhorn, as for every district of the newly created community, a local district was formed with a local advisory board and local councilor .

In the past mainly agriculture was practiced in the village, but over time this has developed more and more into a place of residence.

Culture and sights


  • 1. FC Rimhorn 1948 eV
  • Ski club, he opens his ski hut (east of Rimhorn) on a toboggan slope in the winter months. The association operated its own ski lift until 2011. However, due to increased security requirements, its operation had to be stopped.
  • Kerber Rimmen, this association has a boom every September. At the Rimmen Kerbredd (speech at the parish fair), half of Rimhorn sits in the tents and listens to the inconveniences of the residents, which are not always intended for the first time, that the boyish boys have collected over the past year. They also organize the “Aprés Ski Party” at the ski hut at the beginning of January.
  • Singers' Association "Frohsinn"
  • Traffic and beautification association

Funny thing about the place

  • There is a saying that has not only established itself in Rimhorn: "Rimmern am Rå, Plaschder without Stå, Käischhouf without Mauän - what is Rimmern to regret." In High German: "Rimhorn on the mountain slope, pavement without stones, cemetery without walls - what is Rimhorn to regret. "
  • In the neighboring villages of Breitenbrunn , Lützel-Wiebelsbach and Vielbrunn, there is often talk of the not very serious "Rimmener Berschhingel or Rimmener Råhingel" (Rimhorn mountain chicken). The reason for this can be found in the geographical location of Rimhorn. Almost no street in Rimhorn is flat. As a result, if you are born in Rimhorn, you are born with one short leg and one long leg ... a Rimmen Berschhingel. If you turn this over, it will tip over and roll down the slope.
  • According to a legend, a farmer wanted to catch his runaway cattle again at night and called: "Rim Du Horn" (in High German: "Turn around, you horn!"), Which is said to have developed this exclamation into the later place name Rimhorn.

Economy and Infrastructure

The Pretlack'sche Palais is used as a village community center.

The state road 3106 leads through Rimhorn and opens up the place for the regional traffic, especially through the connection with the conveniently located neighboring village Höchst in the Odenwald in the Mümlingtal .


  • Georg Rainer Hofmann (* 1961), computer scientist, university professor and institute director born in Rimhorn

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Lützelbach in numbers. In: Internet presence. Lützelbach community, accessed in August 2019 .
  2. denkmalpflege-hessen: Evangelical parish church and former cemetery
  3. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart and Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 358 and 359 .
  4. Little goes without a lift . Odenwälder Echo (online) April 4, 2011. Accessed June 25, 2012.