Rolf Nierhaus

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Rolf Nierhaus (born June 15, 1911 in Frankfurt am Main , † February 6, 1996 in Gundelfingen ) was a German provincial Roman archaeologist .

Life and accomplishments

After graduating from high school, Rolf Nierhaus began studying at the University of Freiburg . Studies in Munich and Frankfurt followed . He finished his studies at the University of Leipzig , where he met a classical philological work, verse and content in Pindaric Epinikion , 1936 doctorate was. An academic career for Nierhaus was initially prevented by the National Socialist rulers. In 1937 he became a research assistant for the Roman-Germanic Commission in Frankfurt. During this time he was able to prove various research opinions as outdated or incorrect. For 1939/40 Nierhaus was awarded the travel grant of the German Archaeological Institute . Due to the outbreak of the Second World War , he was unable to make the associated trip, but in 1950/51 he was one of the few who were unable to take part in the scholarship. From 1953 to 1955 Nierhaus worked at the Alemannic Institute of the State Office for Prehistory and Protohistory in Freiburg. Outstanding work in the 1950s was the monograph The Roman fire and body burial ground “Auf der Steig” in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt. The excavations in 1955 , which are considered groundbreaking. Several reviews celebrated the work as the outstanding in the field of Provincial Roman Archeology of its time.

In 1956 Nierhaus moved to the University of Tübingen as an assistant , in 1960 he became a lecturer and completed his habilitation in the summer of that year with the thesis Das Swebische Gräberfeld von Diersheim. Studies on the history of the Teutons on the Upper Rhine from the Gallic War to the Alemannic conquest . Based on the investigations of the burial ground in Diersheim , Nierhaus offered a history of the Teutons on the Upper Rhine from the time of the Gallic War to the conquest by the Alemanni . It is considered a methodological model example for the connection of archaeological and philological source interpretation and criticism. Despite ongoing research, the work is still the starting point for research in the field. On November 15, 1961, Nierhaus was appointed second director of the Madrid department of the German Archaeological Institute . Here the topography and economic history, especially of southern Hispania, were the focus of his activity. In 1966, Nierhaus was founding professor of the Department of Provincial Roman Archeology at the Department of Ancient History at the University of Freiburg. In 1976 he retired, which he passed near Freiburg im Breisgau .

Nierhaus dealt with historical topography especially in the Black Forest , where he published about the historical road connections, and the Iberian peninsula as well as the population . Another focus was on moral and cultural history . From the beginning of his career he was interested in various subject areas, from classical philology, ancient history and classical archeology to prehistory and early history and art history , which had an influence on his work throughout his career and was reflected in his thematically widely diversified publications . So it was a sign of Nierhaus' work to include literary and archaeological evidence equally in his research. In addition, he devoted himself to theoretical questions in archeology. Unlike many of his predecessors, he saw provincial Roman archeology as more than a military-historical discipline. Excavation activities were not his main occupation, but he also achieved remarkable things here when he digged himself like "Auf der Steig" or in Breisach .

Rolf Nierhaus was a full member of the German Archaeological Institute and a real member of the Austrian Archaeological Institute .


  • Verse and content in the Pindarian Epinikion (= New German Research. Volume 89. Department of Classical Philology. Issue 4). Junker and Dünnhaupt, Berlin 1936.
  • with Hermann Mylius: Badenweiler's spa in Roman times. A guide through the ruin. Badenweiler spa administration / State Office for Prehistory and Early History Freiburg im Breisgau; Bedenweiler / Freiburg im Breisgau 1953.
  • The Roman fire and body grave field "Auf der Steig" in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt. The excavations in 1955 (= publications of the State Office for Monument Preservation Stuttgart. Issue 5). Silberburg publishing house, Stuttgart 1959.
  • The Swebian burial ground of Diersheim. Studies on the history of the Germanic peoples on the Upper Rhine from the Gallic War to the Alemannic conquest (= Roman-Germanic research. Volume 28). de Gruyter, Berlin 1966.


Web links


  1. after Rainer Wiegels: Rolf Nierhaus †. In: Gnomon Volume 70 (1998), pp. 92-93, the place of death was Freiburg im Breisgau