Rupert Gottfried Frieberger

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Rupert Gottfried Frieberger O.Præm. (Born March 26, 1951 in Linz ; † October 16, 2016 in Aigen-Schlägl ) was an Austrian organist , composer , musicologist and Catholic theologian . He was since 1969 Prämonstratenser - Canons in Schlägl in Upper Austria .


The later brother Rupert of the Schlägler convent came as the son of the nurse Elisabeth Frieberger and the doctor Dr. Gottfried Frieberger was born in Linz, where he was christened Gottfried . Gottfried Frieberger graduated from the Linz Academic High School in 1969 and asked for admission to the Schlägl Monastery in the same year. On November 23, 1969, under Abbot Florian Pröll , he entered Schlägl Abbey as a novice with the religious name Rupert . After studying theology at the University of Vienna , he made his profession on August 28, 1974 . He was ordained a priest on August 10, 1975 in the parish church of Aigen .
Rupert Gottfried Frieberger succumbed to cancer on October 16, 2016, shortly after his Missa festiva Plagensis was performed at the radio service on the occasion of his 40th Kapellmeister anniversary . He was buried on October 21, 2016 in the cemetery of the Maria Anger Church.


Rupert Gottfried Frieberger was trained as a musician, theologian and musicologist at the Vienna Music Academy and the University of Vienna, and graduated with Mag. (1977), Dr. theol. (1983), and a Ph.D. from. As cantor and collegiate bandmaster, he was responsible for the musical affairs of the Schlägl Premonstratensian Abbey in Upper Austria.

The laudations for numerous honors and prizes that were presented to him at an unusually young age always emphasized his universality in terms of music and the image of the independent composer.

Frieberger has long advocated a "correspondence" and "interaction" of the arts; his university courses always had an interdisciplinary character. Due to an artistic encounter in Venice, he has also been painting since 1998, primarily with abstract acrylic representations.

From 1978 to 2013 he was director of the music school in Schlägl ; He was the artistic director of the International Schlägler Music Seminars, including his own musicological publication series, taught at the University of Salzburg in a comprehensive way in liturgical science and musicology, taught improvisation and performance practice at the Music University of Vienna, and supervised the restoration and construction of new organs as an organ expert Foreign countries. Since 1979 he has been a member of the “International Working Group on Organ Issues”.

As a conductor (especially of early music with original instruments and contemporary music ) and organist, he has given concerts in almost every country in Europe and in Morocco, made 60 records and CDs and also played for several radio and television companies. As an award-winning, well-known organ improviser, he was also in international juries such as B. from the competitions in Haarlem and Nuremberg and asked again and again to demonstrate the great organs of Europe, including with so-called "organ tours".

As a composer he has published for publishers such as Doblinger (Vienna), Carus (Stuttgart), Anton Böhm & Sohn (Augsburg), Helbling (Innsbruck), Musica Rinata (Berlin) and others. He also participated in several juries and commissions.

Prizes and awards


  • Magnificat Salisburgense. For male choir, soprano solo, oboe and two organs (1993). Berlin 2011.
  • Easter music for flute and organ. Berlin 2011.
  • Lenten music for oboe and organ. Berlin 2006.
  • Advent music for oboe and organ. Berlin 2003.
  • The last words of our Lord. For choir, baritone and organ. Berlin 2003.
  • In Memoriam AB - a Bruckner mosaic , for organ. Berlin 2013.


  • (Ed.) Schlägler Organ Concerts. Anniversary publication to d. 10. Schlägler organ concerts. Innsbruck 1979 (= musicological contributions from the Schlägler music seminars , volume 1).
  • Organ building in Upper Austria in the 17th and 18th centuries. With special consideration of existing instruments. Innsbruck 1984 (= musicological contributions from the Schlägler music seminars, volume 3).
  • (Ed.) Contributions to Upper Austrian organ building. With the collaboration of Ingemar Curt Melchersson . Innsbruck 1996 (= musicological contributions from the Schlägler music seminars, volume 5).
  • Church music maintenance at the Praemonstratensian Abbey of Schlägl from 1838 (beginning of the government of Abbot Dominik Lebschy) to 1941 (confiscation of the monastery by the National Socialist regime). Steinbach ad Steyr 2008 (= musicological contributions to the Schlägler music seminars, volume 7).
  • Organs in Schlägl Abbey and its incorporated parishes . Steinbach ad Steyr 2009 (= musicological contributions to the Schlägler Music Seminar Volume 8), ISBN 3-902143-08-8 .
  • Music maintenance at the Premonstratensian Abbey of Schlägl 1946–2009. Steinbach ad Steyr 2014 (= musicological contributions from the Schlägler music seminars, volume 10), ISBN 978-3-902773-24-1 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Schlägl Abbey: Gottfried Frieberger died . , October 17, 2016, accessed on October 19, 2016.
    Konsistorialrat Prof. MMag. GDR. Rupert Gottfried Frieberger OPraem has passed away. Diocese of Linz , October 17, 2016, accessed on October 19, 2016 .
  2. Missa festiva Plagensis (1990). Version for solos, two choirs, 12 wind instruments and two organs. Carus-Verlag, Stuttgart 1994.
  3. Parte , ed. by the abbot and convent of Schlägl Abbey.
  4. ^ Rohrbacher Wirtschafts AWARD Award 2016, special prizes. (No longer available online.) Rohrbacher Wirtschafts AWARD, archived from the original on October 17, 2016 ; Retrieved October 19, 2016 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /