Russian Triathlon Federation

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Irina Abyssowa - five-time state champion triathlon (2003-2014) and winter triathlon (2005)
Alexander Bryukhankov - National Triathlon Champion 2015
Anastassija Poljanskaja at the World Cup in Tiszaújváros, 2011
Anastassija Protassenja , National Duathlon Champion 2017
Olga Agapowa, one of the most successful Russian U23 triathletes
Anastasia Gorbunova, best Russian junior

The Russian Triathlon Association (Russian Федерация триатлона России; also FTR or RTV) is the umbrella organization of all Russian triathlon and duathlon clubs and represents Russia in the ITU .


President of the RTV is Sergej Bystrow (Russian Сергей Алексеевич Быстров, born April 13, 1957 in the Tver district ). In 2000, Bystrow was the deputy campaign manager for Vladimir Putin in the Tver district. From 2001 to 2004 he was Vice Minister for Labor and Social Development, since 2004 he has worked in various leading positions in the Ministry of Transport. a. responsible for infrastructure and logistics for the Olympic Games in Sochi .

Russian state champions

In Russia, national triathlon championships are held at different distances.

Triathlon sprint distance

Men Women
Date / year place National champion
sprint triathlon
Second place third place
04th June 2016 Vladimir Turbayevsky Ivan Tutukin Ruslan Terekhov
year National
Sprint Triathlon Champion
Second place third place
2016 Valentina Zapatrina Ekaterina Matiukh Arina Schulgina

Triathlon short distance

Men Women
Date / year place National champion
triathlon short distance
Second place third place
June 22, 2019 Almetyevsk Dmitri Polyansky -6- Anton Ponomarev Denis Vasiliev
June 30, 2018 Yaroslavl Vladimir Turbayevsky -2- Alexander Bryukhankov Dmitri Polyansky
03rd June 2017 Izhevsk Dmitri Polyansky -5- Igor Polyansky Denis Vasiliev
27 Aug 2016 Penza Dmitri Polyansky -4- Vladimir Turbayevsky Denis Vasiliev
0June 6, 2015 Sochi Alexander Bryukhankov Dmitry Polyansky Vladimir Turbayevsky
19th July 2014 Yaroslavl Dmitri Polyansky -3- Vladimir Turbayevsky Anton Kozlov
Aug 18, 2013 Penza Dmitri Polyansky -2- Vladimir Turbayevsky Andrei Bryukhankov
June 13, 2010 Penza Vladimir Turbayevsky Ivan Vasiliev Julian Malyshev
  2007 Penza Dmitri Polyansky Ivan Tutukin Cyril Goldovsky
year National champion
triathlon short distance
Second place third place
2019 Alexandra Razarenova -2- Anastasia Gorbunova Elena Danilova
2018 Elena Danilova -3- Alexandra Razarenova Anastasia Gorbunova
2017 Elena Danilova -2- Anastasija Abrosimova Marija Schorez
2016 Anastasija Abrosimova Alexandra Razarenova Marija Schorez
2015 Alexandra Razarenova Valentina Zapatrina Marija Schorez
2014 Irina Abyssova -5- Alexandra Razarenova Marija Schorez
2013 Elena Danilova Irina Abyssova Alexandra Razarenova
2010 Irina Abyssova -4- Alexandra Razarenova Olga Dmitrieva
2009 Irina Abyssova -3-
2007 Irina Abyssova -2- Evgenia Matveeva Anna Boykova
2003 Irina Abyssova

Long distance triathlon

Men Women
Date / year place National champion
long distance triathlon
Second place third place
02nd July 2017 Bronnitsy
19th June 2016 St. Petersburg Ivan Tutukin Artem Parienko Nikolay Yaroshenko
0Aug 2, 2014 Nizhny Novgorod Artem Parienko -2- Nikolay Yaroshenko Denis Vasiliev
20th July 2013 Vyborg Artem Parienko Nikolay Yaroshenko Maxim Kuzmin
year National Champion
Long Distance Triathlon
Second place third place
2017 Arina Shulgina Inna Tutukina Olga Dmitrieva
2014 Olga Dmitrieva Margarita Ovsyannikova Zoya Frolova
2013 Valentina Zapatrina Anastassija Polyanskaya Zoya Kasheeva


Men Women
Date / year place National
Duathlon Champion
Second place third place
03rd Sep 2017 Krasnoyarsk Anton Kozlov Andrey Moiseenko Denis Seliverstov
Aug 20, 2016 Saratov Ivan Tutukin Andrey Moiseenko Igor Andreev
Sep 20 2013 Vladimir Turbayevsky Sergey Yakovlev Andrey Moiseenko
year National
Duathlon Champion
Second place third place
2017 Anastasija Protassenja Evgenia Sukhoruchenkova Anastasiya Vasilyeva
2016 Arina Schulgina -2- Margarita Ovsyannikova Elena Lebedeva
2013 Arina Schulgina Alexandra Rasarionova Elena Lebedeva

Cross triathlon

Men Women
Date / year place National champion
cross triathlon
Second place third place
June 26, 2016 Pavel Andreev Maxim Kuzmin Ivan Titov
year National champion
cross triathlon
Second place third place
2016 Yulia Surikova Margarita Ovsyannikova Marina Belozertseva

Winter triathlon

Men Women
Date / year place National champion
winter triathlon
Second place third place
Feb. 27, 2016 Saratov Pavel Andreev -3- Dmitriy Bregeda Pavel Yakimov
14 Mar 2015 Berezniki Pavel Andreev -2- Dmitriy Bregeda Evgeny Kirillov
15th Mar 2014 Asbestos City Pavel Andreev Dmitriy Bregeda Evgeny Kirillov
year National champion
winter triathlon
Second place third place
2016 Varvara Sosnova Madi Vasilina Yulia Bayguzova
2015 Olga Parfinenko Tatiana Strokova Stefania Shamshurina
2014 Margarita Ovsyannikova Tatiana Charochkina Elena Lebedeva
2005 Irina Abyssova


Men Women
Date / year place National champion
Second place third place
17th Aug 2019 Cheboksary Anton Kozlov -3- Denis Seliverstov Andrey Alypov
year National
Aquathlon Champion
Second place third place
2019 Valentina Zapatrina Olga Alexejewna Dmitrijewa Veronika Srurtdinova

National team 2011

Reserve: Andrei Bryukhankov , Denis Vasilyev, Ivan Kalashnikov, Anton Koslow, Andrei Lyazkiy, Igor Polyansky , Anatoly Fedotov, Dmitri Esaulov

Reserve: Yevgenia Sukhoruchenkova , Svetlana Uschakowa, Natalja Schljachtenko , Marija Schorez , Arina Schulgina

  • U23 / men (Юниоры): Pawel Agapow, Georgi Kaurow, Wladimir Kostelzew, Maxim Nikiforow, Denis Seliwerstow, Dmitri Chabibullin, Daniil Chwatow, Alexei Chmelewskij
  • U23 / women (Юниорки): Olga Agapowa, Alena (Aljona) Adanitschkina , Anastasia Wassiliewa, Soya Katschejewa, Anastassija Protassenja , Anastassija Uvarowa
  • Juniors (Юноши): Yegor Astachow, Dmitri Barusdin, Ilya Widineev, Dmitri Litwjakow, Mikhail Nesnamow, Ilya Prasolow, Alexander Shcherbinin, Svyatoslav Jurgel
  • Juniors (Девушки): Anastassija Gorbunowa, Yevgenia Salogina, Maria Molyarova, Alena (Aljona) Poluchanowa, Ekaterina Rodkina, Anastassija Shachmatova

World Championships (Elite)

In the year before the Olympic Games in London, three triathletes emerged as the greatest Olympic hopes at the last World Championships: Alexander Brjuchankow and Dmitri Polyansky for men, and old champion Irina Abyssova for women.

year Russian triathletes Russian triathletes
World Championship series 2016 Dmitri Polyansky (16.) Anastasia Abrosimova (17.)
Igor Polyansky (29.) Marija Sergejewna Schorez (60.)
Alexander Bryukhankov (82nd) Alexandra Rasarjonowa (35.)
Ilya Prasolov (114.) Valentina Zapatrina (57.)
Vladimir Turbajewski (121.) Elena Danilova (64.)
Andrey Moiseenko (165.) Arina Schulgina (86.)
Ivan Vasiliev (170.) Anastasia Gorbunova (131)
Yuliya Golofeeva (156.)
World Championship series 2014 Dmitri Polyansky (7th) Alexandra Rasarjonowa (44.)
Igor Polyansky (26.) Marija Schorez (60.)
Alexander Bryukhankov (27.) Arina Schulgina (70.)
Vladimir Turbayevsky (86th) Anna Burowa (79th)
Ivan Tutukin (91st)
Dmitry Rostyagaev (104th)
Denis Wassiljew (112.)
World Championship series 2011 Alexander Bryukhankov (5th) Irina Abyssova (47.)
Dmitri Polyansky (8th) Alexandra Rasarjonowa (62.)
Artem Parienko (30.) Marija Schorez (66.)
Ivan Vasilyev (31.) Anna Burowa (84th)
Ivan Tutukin (32nd) Anastassija Polyanskaya (93.)
Valentin Meshcheryakov (46.) Lyubov Ivanovskaya (107.)
Igor Polyansky (49.) Inna Zyhanok (117.)
Vladimir Turbayevsky (52nd)
Julian Malyshev (97.)
Andrei Bryukhankov (133.)
World championship series 2010 Alexander Bryukhankov (8th) Irina Abyssova (52nd)
Dmitri Polyansky (14th) Alexandra Rasarjonowa (56.)
Valentin Meshcheryakov (17th) Anastassija Polyanskaya (64th)
Vladimir Turbajewski (20th) Olga Dmitrijewa (88.)
Julian Malyshev (30.) Yevgenia Sukhoruchenkova (102nd)
Ivan Tutukin (36th)
Ivan Vasilyev (45th)
Anton Tschutschko (84th)
Igor Syssoyev (104.)
Igor Polyansky (131.)
World Championship series 2009 Dmitri Polyansky (9th) Irina Abyssova (30.)
Alexander Bryukhankov (11th) Olga Dmitrijewa (63.)
Julian Malyshev (15th) Anastassija Polyanskaya (102nd)
Ivan Vasilyev (19.)
Vladimir Turbajewski (33.)
Ivan Tutukin (38th)
Ivan Vasilyev (50.)
Artem Parienko (88.)
Igor Syssoyev (92nd)
BG World Championship Vancouver 2008 Igor Syssoyev (7th) Olga Sausailova (23rd)
Ivan Vasilyev (10.) Irina Abyssova (26.)
Dmitri Polyansky (11th)
Julian Malyshev (36th)
BG World Championship Hamburg 2007 Igor Syssoyev (17.) Irina Abyssova (32nd)
Vladimir Turbayevsky (63rd) Yevgenia Matvejewa (46.)
Dmitri Polyansky (DNF) Olga Sausailova (57.)
Olga Dmitrijewa (60.)
World Championship Lausanne 2006 Igor Syssoyev (24.) Irina Abyssova (32nd)
Olga Sausailova (37th)
Olga Dmitrijewa (59.)
Olga Generalowa (DNF)
Anastassija Polyanskaya (DNF)
World Championship Gamagori 2005 Igor Syssoyev (31.) -
World Championship Madeira 2004 Igor Syssoyev (5th) Olga Generalova (24.)
Ivan Vasilyev (23.) Nina Anisimova (31.)
World Championship Queenstown 2003 Ivan Vasiliev (DNF) -
World Championship Cancun 2002 - Nina Anisimova (35.)

Olympic games

Igor Syssojew successfully participated in two Olympic Games and can thus be considered the best Russian triathlete of the last decade. His wife Irina Abyssova had a hard crash in Beijing in 2008, but would have had good chances after her World Cup results.

year Russian triathletes Russian triathletes
Olympic Games Rio de Janeiro 2016 Igor Polyansky (31st) Alexandra Rasarjonowa (20th)
Dmitri Polyansky (32nd) Marija Schorez (25.)
Alexander Bryukhankov (DNF) Anastassija Abrosimova (32nd)
Olympic Games London 2012 Alexander Bryukhankov (7th) Irina Abyssova (13th)
Ivan Vasiliev (13.) Alexandra Rasarjonowa (47.)
Dmitri Polyansky (21.)
Beijing Olympic Games 2008 Igor Syssoyev (9th) Olga Sausailowa (36th)
Dmitri Polyansky (22.) Irina Abyssowa (DNF)
Alexander Bryukhankov (24.)
Athens Olympic Games 2004 Igor Syssoyev (15.) Olga Generalova (31.)
Nina Anisimowa (DNF)
Olympic Games Sydney 2000 Nina Anisimowa (12.)


The RTV is not only one of the largest, but also an influential triathlon association, as the following incidents prove:

  • Inna Zyhanok , a native of Ukraine, took part in various ITU competitions for six months after moving to Russia, despite apparently lacking citizenship. The ITU invented the nationality “representing ITU” for this special case, although Zyhanok apparently did not meet the criteria for nationality .
  • Anastassija Gorbunowa, who was listed as a DNS case (did not start) in the official result lists at the Junior European Cup in Tabor (July 31, 2011) , suddenly appeared neither in the ITU result lists nor in the ITU start lists after the race . Apparently she was deleted from the official ITU start and result lists by the ITU in order to enable her to take part in the European Youth Triathlon Championship in Lausanne (August 27, 2011) as the best Russian junior. Triathletes who have their entry deleted too late or who appear on the starting site in full gear after check-in but do not report to the line-up and start for inexplicable reasons should be struck off all ITU starting lists for 30 days So Russia would have had to forego the participation of the best female junior.
  • An internationally insignificant competition from the Russia Cup series in Penza was suddenly declared a European Cup or Junior European Cup (July 3 and 2, 2011), although the official ETU calendar did not include any competitions in Russia. The participating Russian triathletes were able to collect ITU / ETU points without international competition.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See the organizer's official list of results  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . Retrieved September 10, 2011.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / / officialresults / 2011 / result_20110731_tt_tabor_junior.pdf  
  2. See p. 65 in the ITU Competition Rules (PDF file; 6.3 MB). Retrieved on September 10, 2011. The ITU did not respond to numerous inquiries about the mysterious subsequent deletion of the Russian triathlete from the Tabor-ITU start / results lists, which ensured her participation in Lausanne.
  3. See “ETU announces 2011 Race Program”, November 17, 2010 . Retrieved September 10, 2011.