San Antonio del Chivé

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San Antonio del Chivé
Basic data
Residents (state) 109 pop. (2012 census)
height 237  m
Post Code 09-0203-0300-5001
Telephone code (+591)
Coordinates 12 ° 3 ′  S , 68 ° 35 ′  W Coordinates: 12 ° 3 ′  S , 68 ° 35 ′  W
San Antonio del Chivé (Bolivia)
San Antonio del Chivé
San Antonio del Chivé
Department Pando
province Manuripi Province
Climate diagram Porvenir
Climate diagram Porvenir

San Antonio is a town in the Pando department in the South American Andean state of Bolivia .

Location in the vicinity

San Antonio is a village in the canton of Chivé in the municipality of Filadelfia in the province of Manuripi and is located at an altitude of 230  m . The village is located 27 kilometers south of the Manuripi River , 43 kilometers north of the Madre de Dios River and 35 kilometers east of the Peruvian- Bolivian border.


San Antonio is located in the Bolivian part of the Amazon basin , northeast of the foothills of the Peruvian Cordillera Oriental in the tropical rainy climate of the equatorial zone .

The mean average temperature of the region is almost 26 ° C and fluctuates only insignificantly during the year and during the day, only in the dry winter months from June to August it is slightly lower due to the nocturnal heat radiation with open cloud cover (see Porvenir climate diagram). The annual precipitation is around 1900 mm and during the rainy season has monthly values ​​between 150 and 300 mm for more than half of the year, only in the short dry season from June to August does the precipitation drop to monthly values ​​below 50 mm.

Transport network

San Antonio is 145 kilometers by road south of Cobija , the capital of the Pando department.

From Cobija, the paved national road Ruta 13 leads south to Porvenir and from there further east over a further 337 kilometers to El Triangulo in the Beni department , where it meets the north-south running Route 8 from Guayaramerín to Rurrenabaque .

Porvenir is also the starting point of the 900 kilometer long Ruta 16 , which leads via Cachuelita Bajo , Filadelfia and Empresiña to Buyuyo and on via Espíritu , Holanda (Pando) , San Silvestre and Curichon to San Antonio del Chivé and then past Luz de America and Florida leads to Chivé . After completion of the extension south of Chivé, the Ruta 16 will once open the entire western lowland in the border area with Peru .


The population of the village has increased by more than half between the last two censuses:

year Residents source
1992 no data census
2001 76 census
2012 109 census

Individual evidence

  1. ^ INE - Instituto Nacional de Estadística Bolivia 1992
  2. ^ INE - Instituto Nacional de Estadística Bolivia 2001
  3. INE - Instituto Nacional de Estadística Bolivia 2012 ( Memento of the original from July 22, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links