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Schelfwerder (Schwerin)
Red pog.svg
Location of Schelfwerder in Schwerin

Schelfwerder is a district of Schwerin , the state capital of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania .


The Schwerin district Schelfwerder was once in 1750 by a natural moat (ditch rod) between the Schwerin Lake , the Heidensee and the Ziegelsee a peninsula covering a geographical area of approximately 1.9 x 3 km with a total area of about 5.68 square kilometers . In particular, it consists mainly of meadows, wetlands and mixed forest, and in the north there are moors. Around 1.6 hectares of allotment gardens were also laid out in the southeast of the peninsula. In 1898 the Werder Canal was once connected to the Ziegelaußensee by a bridge overpass, a swing bridge construction. The Schwelfwerder Island on the Schweriner Inner Lake and on the Ziegel Outer Lake has wide reed banks.


On the bone mountain (Knakenberg), which is just one meter above the lake level, on the left of the Schwerin – Brühl road, there is said to have been an execution site in the Neustadt ( Schelfstadt ) until 1763 . But because the “shelf” area was supposed to have been inhabited there at the time the city of Schwerin was founded, it could well have been grave sites. Originally, the island was only built on with huts and houses from the Schelfwerders forest farm in the rooms of today's reinforced concrete bridge over the Werder Canal from 1962. Before that, the swing bridge, built in 1898, stood here.

In the northern part of the island a lime distillery produced until after the First World War , which mined the several meters thick layer of meadow lime from the silting area of ​​the Ziegelsee. A brick factory was first mentioned in 1565 on Schelfwerder. Remains of a brick factory, which is apparently supposed to have been built around 1751, are located between the bone mountain and the so-called Karlsberg, eight meters above the lake level, directly on the shore of the Ziegelsee. The Schelfwerder brickworks produced wall and roof stones for the construction of the grand ducal arsenal from 1840 - 1844 and then from 1845 - 1850 further brickworks were transported on boats to the palace construction site. The peat needed for burning was obtained directly from the Werder wood . A tavern run by the brickmaker's wife was also connected to this brickworks.


View from Schelfwerder to the Ziegelsee

Until 1842 there was impassable terrain such as moor and swamp at the site of today's Paulsdamm . Driving on with wagons was not possible. So the Mecklenburg Grand Duke Paul Friedrich decided to have a dam built here. The dam was supposed to bridge the wasp waist of the Schweriner See near Ramper Moor and thus better connect the eastern parts of the country to the royal seat. He also wanted to draw traffic to Schwerin in this way. The area was 1,841 roads opened up. The builders Wier and Jatzow took over the Paulsdamm construction management. The farmers from the area had to cart earth until the Paulsdamm was built. A bridge was only built at the site of today's Paulsdammgraben in order to maintain a waterway between the two parts of Lake Schwerin. The Paulsgraben, built in 1840, connects the outer Ziegelsee with the outer Schwerin Lake. When in 1842/48 the Schwerin lake was divided by the embankments of the Paulsdamm, the part of the Paulsdammgraben was left open. The water depth of the Paulsdammgraben is approx. 3 m and the height to the bridge is 4.30 m. Passenger ships can also pass the Paulsdammgraben - recreational captains also cross this waterway including the Lange Graben.


Information board of the quiet forest "Schweriner Seen" on Schelfwerder

The Schelfwerder peninsula with its wide forest paths and the beautiful views of the lakes are the hallmarks of this old Schwerin excursion area. Especially towards the end of the 18th century, the Werder festivals were celebrated, the festivals always found a day instead of after the Whitsun holidays, and it was probably Schelfwerder wood as part of their wages as against moderate power than Deputat given. In the southern part, near the Werder Canal of the Ziegelaußensee, a bathing establishment was built in 1849. There was also a rest stop and the forester's house, which still exists today, in 1848, the Johann Duwe'sche Gastwirtschaft, and in 1850 a hunting lodge, which was converted into an attractive hunting lodge in 1890. The brisk construction activity at the beginning of the 20th century on the southern outskirts of Schelfwerder was considered by the city of Schwerin to include Schelfwerder as a further district for itself in 1928. The Schwerin City Archives address books from 1941 and 1949 identify Ernst Paul as the innkeeper of the Schelfwerder Jagdhaus - in 1960 the restaurant was modernized in the style of the 1960s, including as a garden restaurant. The swing bridge leading over the Werder Canal from 1898 was replaced in 1962 by a steel bridge construction. It remains unclear why the Schelfwerder hunting lodge burned down in 1996 - only a ruin remains.

Commercial buildings were erected on the opposite side of the forestry yard, which was built in 1848. The Ruheforst "Schwerin Lake" is available in Schelfwerder near the Karlbergs since 2008, leading by Schelfwerder Güstrower Str. Since 1849. For a long time right direction to Schwerin today's federal highway 104, a Soviet tank type T-34 , later he was removed. The Schelfwerder district covers 592 hectares, which corresponds to 4.53% of the total urban area of ​​Schwerin.


  • Jürgen Borchert : Alexandrine Demmler Verlag 1995 The Seedamm - later it will be called Pausldamm Page 127, ISBN 3-910150-29-2
  • Schwerin Magazine 2004/11 Seenlandschaft Tour 1, page 41/97 Tourism in Mecklenburg / Schwerin
  • Keubke - Schwerin im Wandel - Schelfwerder Page 113 State Library MV ISBN 3-00-009679-5
  • Reinhard Thon Verlag "Hotels and Restaurants" Johann Duwe (1851-1882) Landesbibliothek MV ISBN 3-937515-24-0


  • Schwerin City Archives: Section six. Attachment. Subject index. Schwerin Printed on November 18, 1910: 1841 the Paulsdamm page 5
  • Schwerin EDITION digital "historical views" Schwerin source - Verlag der Bärensprungschen Hofbuchdruckerei June 2, 1914 No. 251 Supplement page 2 Mecklenburgische Nachrichten - Schweriner express City history of Schwerin from the 13th century to the present day Shelves / Shelf community Part I II V August / September 2013
  • The Schwerin Pfaffenteich (protected as a technical monument) Rühberg / Kunze SVZ D 38/85 5000 (1527) II-16-8 Page 21: Brickyard on Schelfwerder

Web links

Commons : Schelfwerder  - Collection of images, videos and audio files