Wrapped at an angle

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Original title Wrapped at an angle
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2012
length 90 minutes
Director Lars Becker
script Lars Becker
Daniel Schwarz
Thomas Schwebel
production Daniel Blum
Annett Neukirchen
music Stefan Wulff
Hinrich Dageför
camera Hannes Hubach
cut Sanjeev Hathiramani

Wrapped wrong is a German television - comedy from the year 2012 . It is the literary film adaptation of the novel of the same name by Regula Venske .


Eddy Brennfleck is a cool, calculating music manager. Although his office is adorned with several gold records, the publisher "Global Records" is financially very poor. To change this, he is planning his biggest coup. He proposes marriage to the beautiful singer Eloise in front of a large audience. Now her new album will definitely sell well. But Eddy has no idea that he already has a son. Bobby is raised by the single mother Mona. The ex-hairdresser once had a one-night stand with Eddy and now has to take care of the child conceived that night with great difficulty. When she learns of Eddy's wedding, she angrily and anonymously sends Bobby's smelly diapers to the office. For them the subject is now over. But Mona's girlfriend sees it differently. At least he could pay. So another smelly diaper is sent to his office.

Eddy finally got the message. He gets nervous, after all, if Eloise finds out that he already has a child, the upcoming wedding could be canceled. So he and his boss Möbius go looking for the child, rummaging through all sorts of affairs in recent years. It doesn't take long before he finds Mona. He meets his son Bobby and is enthusiastic. He also approaches with Mona. He finds contact with normal life again and is inspired by Mona's preference for the simple and pure things. That distracts him from the wedding preparations. Now he wants to produce a retro album on vinyl with the rockers Vincent and Trudy much more. That in turn shocks Möbius, after all, “Global Records” is not about self-realization, but about sales figures. When Eloise found out about Bobby's existence, nothing was going smoothly in his life.


The film was shot in Hamburg from November 9th to December 14th, 2010 . The German premiere was on September 27, 2012 on ZDF . The film was seen by 3.31 million viewers, which corresponds to a market share of 10.9 percent.


"Routine (television) comedy about life planning and plans that cannot always be reconciled with reality and the actual needs and desires."

"Lars Becker [...] staged this funny and turbulent fun with a well-known, well-humored cast. [...] "Wrongly wound" is loosely based on the 1991 novel by the writer and literary scholar Regula Venske from Minden, which the screenplay duo Daniel Schwarz and Thomas Schwebel [...] worked with Becker into this lively comedy. "

“Lars Becker [...] shot an extremely humorous romantic comedy, which is about the lifestyle of a generation that doesn't see life as a personal master plan, but as a random playlist of missed or used opportunities. [...] "Wrapped up crookedly" is filled to the brim with such little discoveries, which usually invite you to smile rather than laugh out loud. Lars Becker doesn’t reveal his main characters to superficial gags anyway [...] In the center of a turbulent periphery, the authors of “Wrongly Wrapped” tell their love story as a gentle encounter between two young people who have so far strolled through life without a goal. If you like, you can believe in the magic of love according to the genre. Those who don't make fun of the kitsch and maybe even have more viewing pleasure. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wrapped in a skew (2010) , crew-united.de
  2. TV ratings: "Person Of Interest" still weak , digitalfernsehen.de
  3. Wrapped crookedly. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  4. ^ Wrapped crookedly , prisma.de
  5. "Wrongly Wrapped" on ZDF: Oh, you shit! , berliner-zeitung.de