Battle of Crevola

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Battle of Giornico
(Battaglia dei Sassi Grossi)
Depiction of the Battle of Crevola from the Lucerne Chronicle of 1513
Depiction of the Battle of Crevola from the Lucerne Chronicle of 1513
date April 28, 1487
place Crevola d'Ossola
output Victory of the Milanese
Parties to the conflict

Blason famille it Sforza.svg Duchy of Milan

Ch-1422a.png Confederation of the X. Places : Valais City of Lucerne
Wallis coat of arms matt.svg
Coat of arms Lucerne matt.svg


Blason famille it Sforza.svgRenato Trivulzio
Blason famille it Sforza.svgGilberto I. Borromeo
Blason famille it Sforza.svgGiovanni Pietro Bergamino
Blason famille it Sforza.svgJacopo da Corte

Wallis coat of arms matt.svg Jost von Silenen
Wallis coat of arms matt.svg Albin by Silenen
Coat of arms Lucerne matt.svgHans Murer

Troop strength
2000 men
1200 cavalry
6000 men


800-1000 men

The Battle of Crevola was fought on April 28, 1487 in the north Italian Val d'Ossola as part of the Ennetbirgischen campaigns between troops of the Duchy of Milan and the Old Confederation .


At the end of the 15th century there were repeated tensions and conflicts between the Valais and the Duchy of Milan due to territorial and religious problems. The main actors on the Swiss side were the military leader Albin von Silenen and his brother, Bishop Jost von Silenen , and on the Milan side, Duke Gian Galeazzo Sforza . After a few border incidents, a campaign broke out in Val Divedro in 1484 , during which the Valais occupied the strategically important bridge at Crevola. Negotiations were then started, but representatives of some Swiss cantons supported the Duke of Milan. Due to the inconsistent attitude of the Confederates , a compromise was reached, which the Valais refused to accept. Bishop Jost von Silenen prepared a new campaign from November 1486 . The declaration of war was handed over on April 17, 1487.

Course of the battle

In April 1487 the Valais and their confederates marched on Domodossola from three directions : the Valais through the Val Divedro , the other Swiss through the Valle Antigorio and through the Val Bognanco . In total it was a force of about 6,000 men. The Milanese initially only had about 700 men in this area.

The confederates occupied Crevola with 3,000 men, the remaining troops occupied the castle of Mattarella. On the afternoon of April 27, the Confederates encountered the ducal cavalry under Renato Trivulzio. After a first battle, the Swiss lost 50 men and withdrew. On April 28, the Valais Mattarella gave up to concentrate in Crevola. On the march to Crevola, they were attacked by ducal associations from Domodossola and Vogogna .

Jacopo da Corte crossed the Toce with his light cavalry and attacked the troops of the Lucerne captain Hans Murer. Murer brought his units between Masera and Trontano in position, but where they were defeated. At the same time, the Milanese attacked Crevola. In the fight for the bridge there, the Swiss suffered heavy losses and were ultimately defeated.

Further course

The Battle of Crevola temporarily put an end to Switzerland's urge to expand on the south side of the Alps . In 1494 local fighting broke out again, which led to a peace treaty on January 9, 1495 . Bishop Jost von Silenen had to resign on April 19, 1496 . He then went to France .

During this time the so-called Italian Wars began , which changed the political map of Italy several times until 1559 .

See also