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coat of arms
coat of arms
Federal district Central Russia
Oblast Kursk
Urban district Shchigry
mayor Pavel Moiseyev
First mention 17th century
City since 1779
surface 21  km²
population 17,040 inhabitants
(as of Oct. 14, 2010)
Population density 811 inhabitants / km²
Height of the center 220  m
Time zone UTC + 3
Telephone code (+7) 47145
Post Code 306530
License Plate 46
OKATO 38 415
Geographical location
Coordinates 51 ° 52 '  N , 36 ° 54'  E Coordinates: 51 ° 52 '0 "  N , 36 ° 54' 0"  E
Shchigry (European Russia)
Red pog.svg
Location in the western part of Russia
Shchigry (Kursk Oblast)
Red pog.svg
Location in Kursk Oblast
List of cities in Russia

Shchigry ( Russian Щигры ) is a city in the Kursk Oblast ( Russia ) with 17,040 inhabitants (as of October 14, 2010).


The city is located about 60 km northeast of the Oblast capital Kursk on the rivers Shchigor (also Shchigra ) and Lesnaya Plata in the river system of the Don .

Shchigry is administratively directly subordinate to the Oblast and at the same time the administrative center of the Rajon of the same name .


Trinity Church

In the place of the present city there was the village Troitskoye na Shchigrach in the 17th century , named after the Trinity village church (Russian Troitskaya zerkow , from Troiza ) and the regional, popular name shchigor for forested hills.

In 1779 the town charter was granted as the administrative center of a district (Ujesds) under its current name.

The main livelihoods of the population in the 19th century were agriculture and pig breeding.

On April 7, 1923, the first iron ore of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly was discovered near Shchigry .

During the Second World War , Shchigry was occupied by the German Wehrmacht on November 21, 1941 and recaptured on February 5, 1943 by troops of the Voronezh Front of the Red Army as part of the Battle of Kharkov .

Population development

year Residents
1897 6,061
1926 4,400
1939 7,639
1959 11,405
1970 17.133
1979 20,572
1989 21,187
2002 19,582
2010 17,040

Note: census data (1926 rounded)

Culture and sights

The city has a local museum.

Economy and Infrastructure

In Shchigry there is a plant for geological exploration equipment ( Geomasch ), a plastics factory ( Plastpolimer ) and companies in the building materials and food industries.

The city lies on the Kursk – Voronezh railway line, opened in 1894 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Tom 1. Čislennostʹ i razmeščenie naselenija (Results of the All-Russian Census 2010. Volume 1. Number and distribution of the population). Tables 5 , pp. 12-209; 11 , pp. 312–979 (download from the website of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)

Web links

Commons : Shchigry  - collection of images, videos and audio files