Sherlock - the blind banker

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Episode of the Sherlock series
title The blind banker
Original title The blind banker
Country of production United Kingdom
original language English
length 89 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
classification Season 1, Episode 2
2nd episode in total ( list )
First broadcast August 1, 2010 on BBC
first broadcast
July 31, 2011 on Das Erste
Director Euros Lyn
script Stephen Thompson
production Sue Vertue
music David Arnold ,
Michael Price
camera Steve Lawes
cut Mali Evans

  Main article: Synchronization

The blind banker (original title: The Blind Banker ) is the second episode from the British television series Sherlock . The first broadcast was on August 1, 2010 on the BBC , the German premiere was on July 31, 2011 in Das Erste .


In the National Antiquities Museum, Soo Lin Yao, an expert in ancient Chinese ceramics, shows a group of visitors a tea ceremony at a historical teapot , which must be carried out regularly so that its surface does not crack. When she wants to be the last to leave the museum after work, she makes a discovery that terrifies her, but which initially remains in the dark.

The next day, John Watson tries to go shopping, but fails because his debit card is blocked due to insufficient credit. Meanwhile, Sherlock Holmes is asserting himself against the attack of a hooded swordsman in her apartment at 221B Baker Street . When John comes back, Sherlock has already incapacitated the attacker, so that John does not hear about the incident. He urges Sherlock to take on a new assignment to fix her money problems. Sherlock is rather disinterested, but then accepts an assignment from his former college friend Sebastian Wilkes, who works as an investment banker . Despite the latest security technology, there was a mysterious break-in in his bank. Nothing was stolen, just two unknown characters sprayed on the wall in yellow , one of them over the eyes of a portrait painting . Wilkes offers the detectives a large sum of money to find out the vulnerability of the security system.

By clever combinations, Sherlock finds out that the message was intended for Eddie Van Coon, a bank clerk who is responsible for trade with Hong Kong . When the two detectives go to his apartment, they find Van Coon murdered, even though his apartment was locked from the inside. Detective Inspector Dimmock, who represents the police in place of Lestrade in this episode , believes in suicide and is skeptical of Sherlock and his theories. But a little later the journalist Brian Lukis was murdered under the same circumstances. He too had seen the same signs shortly before. Sherlock combines that the killer must be a skilled climber, as the skylights are the only weak points in the bank and the victims' apartments. The detectives now also find a connection between the two men. They had both just returned from China and met in the junk shop "The Lucky Cat" in London's Chinatown . There, John discovers similar characters, which turn out to be ancient Chinese number symbols. Sherlock notices Soo Lin Yao's vacant apartment nearby and breaks into it. In the museum, it turns out that Soo Lin saw a statue with the same characters sprayed on as the two victims. Shortly after her eerie discovery, she quit her job and disappeared. However, Sherlock notices that one of the teapots has recently been used and hides in the museum at night, where he actually meets Soo Lin performing the tea ceremony. She explains that the characters represent the secret code of a smuggling organization called "Black Lotus", which she used to belong to. The code can be deciphered using a book that all members of the organization own. The murderer, who calls himself "the spider", is her own brother and also wants to kill her because she did not want to work for the Black Lotus again. Sherlock shows her a photo of another encrypted message that he previously discovered on the wall of a marshalling yard with the help of the sprayer Raz. She begins to decrypt the message, but meanwhile her brother breaks into the museum, distracts the two detectives and kills Soo Lin before she can finish the decoding.

Sherlock sees his earlier assumption confirmed that Van Coon and Lukis worked as smugglers for the Black Lotus and that one of them stole part of the loot on their last assignment. Detective Inspector Dimmock, whom Sherlock has meanwhile been able to convince of his abilities, provides them with all the books from the apartments of the two victims. They examine them for matches half the night. The next morning, John doesn't have a good first day at his new job as a substitute doctor, but even falls asleep in his office. However, his employer Sarah Sawyer covers him and even agrees to go out with him. Sherlock has already got three tickets for the performance of the Chinese traveling circus "Yellow Dragon", where he suspects the masterminds of the smugglers' gang. While Sarah and John enjoy the performance with acrobatics and escape , Sherlock sneaks behind the scenes to look for clues. There he is surprised and attacked by one of the gang members, but with Sarah and John's help he escapes. While he continues to search for the book needed to decipher the code, Sarah and John are kidnapped. By chance, Sherlock discovered that the street atlas "London AZ" was the key and was able to decipher the messages. The two signs the victims saw mean “dead man” - a death threat, and the message on the station wall reads “9 million for Jadenadel. Drachenhöhle black tram “. The jade needle is apparently the stolen contraband and the dragon's lair is the disused Kingsway tram tunnel. There John and Sarah are held captive by General Shan, the leader of the gang. Shan had tried to use the encrypted message addressed to both of John and Sherlock in their search. She believes that John is Sherlock Holmes and tries to extinguish his knowledge of the whereabouts of the Jade Needle by placing Sarah - as in the circus performance - tied up in the line of fire of a huge crossbow with a delayed release mechanism. Sherlock can find and free them just in time, but Shan escapes.

The episode ends with Sherlock identifying the stolen treasure as a more than 1,000 year old hairpin belonging to a Chinese empress , which Van Coon gave to his secretary, who was also his lover, without realizing her value, and the escaped Shan video chat apologized to a person who can only be identified by the abbreviation M and who had helped the organization in London. She ensures that she will not reveal his identity. He replies, "I'm sure of that," and Shan is shot by a sniper .

Canon references


The episode, along with the other two from the first season, was released on both DVD and Blu-ray Disc .

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