David Arnold

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David Arnold (2011)

David Arnold (* 23. January 1962 in Luton ) is an English film music - composer . Arnold is married and lives in London , England .


Arnold composed his first major film scores for Stargate and Independence Day , with which he achieved his breakthrough in Hollywood through the use of a large romantic orchestral apparatus. His originally purely symphonic , later heavily electronic music provided, for example, the background music for all James Bond films from 1997 ( Tomorrow Never Dies ) to 2008 ( A Quantum of Solace ).

He experimented with recording techniques. So he wrote down a composition backwards, had an orchestra play the music and then turned these recordings over again on the computer. This is how an orchestral sound was created, subtly beyond the usual.

One of his main orchestrators is Nicholas Dodd, whose sound style can be heard in all of David Arnold's film scores.

Since 1995 Arnold has won a total of ten awards at the BMI Film & TV Awards . In 1997 he won a Grammy for his music for Independence Day . Together with Michael Price he has been composing the music for the Sherlock series since 2010 . a. Awarded an Emmy .

Filmography (selection)


  • Tesche, Siegfried: Mr. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. The history of the James Bond film music , Schott, Mainz, 2006, ISBN 978-3-7957-0567-1 (attempt to represent the James Bond music history taking into account Arnold's work; the publication is not free of factual inaccuracies and therefore with a certain To be careful)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Arnold in an interview in 2002, KNOWING THE SCORE: DAVID ARNOLD: THIRD TIME'S THE CHARM  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.quickstopentertainment.com