Siri Bjerke

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Siri Bjerke

Siri Bjerke (born June 19, 1958 in Oslo ; † February 11, 2012 ) was a Norwegian politician of the Arbeiderpartiet (Ap) and between 2000 and 2001 Minister for Environmental Protection in the first government of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg .


Siri Bjerke was the daughter of Juul Bjerke, an economist and State Secretary in the Ministry of Finance , as well as the sister of Rune Bjerke, who has been CEO of Norway's largest financial services company DnB NOR since 2007 .

After attending school, she began studying psychology at the University of Oslo and at the same time began her political career as a member of the central board of the Arbeidernes Ungdomsfylking (AUF), the youth association of the Ap. At the same time she was the representative of the AUF in the National Council of Norwegian Youth Associations. After she was secretary of the Oslo city ​​council between 1983 and 1986 , she became secretary of the women's movement of the Ap and from 1986 to 1993 secretary of the board of the Arbeiderpartiet für Internationales.

Siri Bjerke was State Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the third government of Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland and in the government of her successor Thorbjørn Jagland between 1993 and 1997. Then she was between 1997 and 2005 for Ap Vararepresentant for the Storting .

On March 17, 2001, she was appointed by Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg as Minister for Environmental Protection in his first government and held this office until October 19, 2001.

After having been director of corporate policy at the Norwegian business association Næringslivets Hovedorganisasjon from 2002 to 2005 , in 2005 she became head of department at Innovasjon Norge , a state-owned company founded in 2004 that deals with tourism, trade, industrial and regional development and investment advice, and the four until then for the competent authorities summarized these issues. She held this position until her death due to prolonged cancer .

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