Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven

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Logo of the savings banks  Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven
Country GermanyGermany Germany
Seat Theaterplatz 1
26382 Wilhelmshaven
legal form Institute of public right
Bank code 282 501 10
founding September 1, 1876
Association Savings Bank Association of Lower Saxony
Business data 2019
Total assets 872.45 million euros
insoles 680.8 million euros
Customer credit 641.25 million euros
Employee 199
Offices 9
Board of Directors Carsten Feist (Chairman)
Board Holger Sothmann (chairman)
Silke Mönnig
List of savings banks in Germany
Headquarters of the Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven at Theaterplatz

The Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven is a public savings bank based in Wilhelmshaven in Lower Saxony . Your business area is the independent city of Wilhelmshaven.

Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven reported total assets of EUR 872.45 million in the 2019 financial year and customer deposits of EUR 680.8 million. According to the 2019 Sparkasse Ranking List, it ranks 329th in terms of total assets. It has 9 branches / self-service locations and employs 199 people.

Company name

The abbreviation of the Sparkasse, which is common in common parlance and used in business dealings and external appearances, is Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven . The official, full company name according to the articles of association and entry in the commercial register is Sparkasse der Stadt Wilhelmshaven .

organization structure

The Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven is an institution under public law . The legal basis is the Savings Bank Act for Lower Saxony and the statutes issued by the city of Wilhelmshaven as the Sparkasse's sponsor . The organs of the Sparkasse are the board of directors and the administrative board.

Savings Banks Finance Group

The Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven is part of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe and thus also belongs to its liability association. He secures the existence of the institutes and ensures that they can meet all liabilities even in the event of individual savings banks becoming insolvent . The Sparkasse arranges home loan and savings contracts from the regional building society , open investment funds from Deka and insurance from the Oldenburg public insurance company . In the area of leasing , Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven works together with Deutsche Leasing . Nord / LB performs the function of the savings bank central bank .



Today's Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven was founded on September 1, 1876 on the initiative of the then mayor of Wilhelmshaven Julius Nakszynski as a municipal savings bank in the Prussian naval city of Wilhelmshaven. The first business premises of the Sparkasse were on the 1st floor of the west wing of the "Red Castle", a residential and commercial building on Roonstrasse (today Rheinstrasse), which was totally destroyed in World War II. On April 9, 1909, Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven opened its first branch at Gökerstrasse and the corner of Margaretenstrasse, and on July 1, 1910, another, the second, at Marktstrasse 23.

On June 14, 1909, the "Rüstringer Sparkasse" was founded in the Oldenburg communities of Bant, Heppens and Neuende. After the official establishment of the city ​​of Rüstringen on May 1, 1911, it became an institution of the city of Rüstringen. The first Rüstringer Sparkasse was in Neuende on the border with the Prussian Wilhelmshaven in the house Bismarckstr. 8 opened. The first Rüstringer Sparkasse was open on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. (closed on Saturday afternoons).

1918 to 1945

After World War I, inflation peaked in 1923. Shortly before the introduction of the Rentenmark , a transitional currency in the Weimar Republic , the Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven recorded deposits of 3,147,944,544,110,640.62 marks, which, converted into gold marks, corresponded to a value of only 3,147.94 gold marks. During this time the Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven became known throughout Germany in connection with the calculation of the gold value of savings deposits. The technology that was developed and used by Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven for the calculation was rated by the German Savings Bank Association as the fairest and easiest method. At his suggestion, the “Wilhelmshavener System” was determined by the supervisory authorities for sole use by all German savings banks. A guide to this calculation method was circulated in an edition of over 7,000 copies.

On October 30, 1925, the first World Savings Day was celebrated to promote the idea of ​​savings. In 1931 the Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven opened its III. Branch at Luisenstrasse 21.

At the beginning of the 1930s, the Rüstringer Sparkasse was slammed into the Landessparkasse zu Oldenburg (LzO) by order of the Oldenburg government . In return, the city of Rüstringen received a settlement of 400,000 Reichsmarks. The two branches in Rüstringen became "branches" of the LzO. At the same time, the Wilhelmshavener Sparkasse published a study with reference to its good economic situation, which underlined the advantages of the city by having its own savings and credit institute and remained independent.

With the “ Law on Greater Hamburg and Other Area Adjustments ” on January 26, 1937, the unification of the Prussian city of Wilhelmshaven with the Oldenburg town of Rüstringen to form the Oldenburg town of Wilhelmshaven was decided. By order of the Reich Ministry of the Interior and against the resistance of the LzO, the three LzO branches in Rüstringen were added to the Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven. The LzO received compensation of 900,000 Reichsmarks as compensation.

In 1938 Wilhelmshaven crossed the 100,000 population limit due to incorporation and immigration and became a large city. The city continued to expand through the creation of new residential areas. The savings bank grew with it and on March 23, 1942, opened another branch in Fedderwardergroden. The frequent bombing raids on Wilhelmshaven impaired business operations considerably. While a large part of the savings banks were destroyed by bombs, others had to be closed due to a lack of staff due to the war. Of the seven branches, only the branches in Fedderwardergroden and Gökerstraße 48 could be used at the end of the war.

1945 to 1999

After the Second World War, the currency reform in 1948 began the economic boom in Wilhelmshaven as well. The currency reform entailed considerable extra work for the savings bank and its employees. On June 20, 1948, the day of the currency changeover, the employees had to pay out the quota of 40 DM per person in return for 40 Reichsmarks. Wages, salaries and rents were converted 1: 1, savings balances 10: 1. Property owners were among the winners of the reform. Savings and cash, on the other hand, lost a lot of their value. The following week, in which the rest of the banking business was idle, the employees spent implementing further extensive measures. A month later, another 20 DM per person was paid out. From 1949 the business operations of the Sparkasse normalized again.

After the war, Wilhelmshaven benefited from the relocation of some medium-sized companies, such as B. of the office machine manufacturer Olympia , the crane construction company Krupp-Ardelt and the worsted yarn spinning and weaving mill KSW. These companies took advantage of the offer of qualified workers, which mainly consisted of workers from the former shipyard. The Sparkasse also supported the development of the city by building a new main office on Theaterplatz. The new main office was moved into on March 11, 1957 after a two-year construction period. At other locations, the reconstruction of the branches that had been destroyed in the war or only poorly prepared was pushed ahead.

On January 1, 1963, a new savings bank law came into effect in Lower Saxony, which made the savings bank a public-law institution with its own staff sovereignty. In 1967, electronic data processing was introduced at the Sparkasse in the form of its own computer center with an NCR 315 EDP system. Gradually, more and more tasks were processed in the company's own data center . The opening times were extended to 7 hours in 1968 (Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.).

In the course of the territorial reform of 1972, the municipality of Sengwarden was incorporated into Wilhelmshaven with the places Sengwarden and Fedderwarden. The Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven therefore took over the premises of the local Sparkasse in Sengwarden, which previously belonged to the LzO. In 1975 the district of Fedderwarden also received its own main branch.

On September 1, 1976, Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven celebrated its 100th birthday. In keeping with the occasion, a replica of a counter hall from the previous century was shown in the main office, in which Sparkasse employees also appeared in historical costumes. In addition, to mark this anniversary, the Sparkasse issued a re-strike of a historic coin from 1876 in the form of a 5-mark piece.

In October 1978 customer self-service was introduced in the Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven with the first “Giromat” ATM . The ATM was located in the Sparkasse Marktstrasse and enabled customers of the Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven to receive cash outside of opening hours. The 24-hour service was quickly expanded over the next few years. In 1983, 26,000 customers already had a Eurocheque card (EC card). The EC card and the associated secret number (PIN) enabled customers to withdraw from ATMs throughout Germany. The first generation of ATMs opened a large metal flap when the EC card was inserted, behind which there was a screen, controls and a cash dispenser slot. The ATMs were therefore popularly known under the name "Sesame" .

In the 1981 financial year, the total assets of Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven rose for the first time above the 1 billion DM mark.

In 1983 the board of directors decided to relocate its own data center functions to dvg in Hanover, the central data center of the Lower Saxony savings banks. With this cooperation, the "online processing" began in the Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven. In the first year of the cooperation, 75 terminal workstations were set up for this purpose, which took over the data exchange between the Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven and the data center in Hanover. The company's own data center was dissolved step by step in the following years.

More and more customers of the Sparkasse were interested in securities trading . Some even formed private investment clubs that were looked after by experienced Sparkasse employees. A visible sign of this trend was the securities price board installed in 1986 on the outer wall of the main office building on Theaterplatz, which was constantly updated throughout the day. In 1991 the "Stock Exchange Simulation Game" was held for the first time. It was intended to introduce the students of the Wilhelmshaven schools to the stock exchange and securities trading in a playful way.

After the fall of the wall on November 9, 1989 and reunification , several employees of the Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven successfully provided assistance to the East German Sparkasse Spremberg . They supported the local savings bank with the introduction of a new data processing system and thus made a small contribution to the growing together of the two German states.

There was also plenty of entertainment in Wilhelmshaven. From the 1990s onwards, Sparkasse presented top-class artists such as Vicky Leandros , Roberto Blanco , Jennifer Rush and Howard Carpendale in their annual PS anniversary shows . In many of the lecture series organized by the Sparkasse, well-known public figures spoke on current topics of the time. Among them were scientists, journalists, publicists and television presenters.

Sculpture "bride of the wind"

In 1994 the city of Wilhelmshaven celebrated its 125th birthday. On this occasion, the Sparkasse donated the “Windsbraut”, a sculpture by the Wilhelmshaven artist Hartmut Wiesner , to the citizens of the city . The "Windsbraut" was set up directly at the Wilhelmshaven Nassauhafen so that the Windsbraut can greet the arriving ships with their crews.

In 1995 the Sparkasse held the "IMMOBILIA" for the first time, a construction and real estate fair that provided information about everything to do with real estate . The week-long trade fair was so successful that it became a permanent feature of the Sparkasse in the years that followed.

Under the motto “Space for the Future”, plans began in 1997 for a fundamental redesign of the Sparkasse's main office on Theaterplatz. With a construction volume of over 40 million DM, the old main office building from 1957 was completely gutted and redesigned. The new building was expanded to a total of 3,800 m². The area of ​​the Theaterplatz, which was previously used as a public car park, was also included in the planning. They were looking for alternative quarters for the two-year construction phase. This was found in the former building of the clothing company C&A in Ebertstrasse, which had just moved into new premises in the North Sea Passage, which was completed in 1997. Within a very short time, the area of ​​the clothing store was converted into a "Sparkasse" and the necessary infrastructure measures for the customer hall and the internal staff departments were created. On May 18, 1998, the alternative savings bank was opened. The renovation work on Theaterplatz began immediately afterwards. A year later, on May 28, 1999, the topping-out ceremony for the new building was celebrated. Just in time for the “Expo am Meer”, Wilhelmshaven's contribution to the “ Expo 2000world exhibition in Hanover , the Sparkasse headquarters with the newly designed Theaterplatz was completed. The inauguration took place on May 5, 2000 with an “open day”, at which the new building was presented to the public.

In 1999 the total assets of Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven exceeded the DM 2 billion mark for the first time.

In order to express its solidarity with the region, Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven also took part directly in the “Expo am Meer”. The Sparkasse succeeded in bringing the highly acclaimed German contribution to the world exhibition Expo 98 in Lisbon to Wilhelmshaven. For this purpose, the Sparkasse founded Oceanis AG as a 100% subsidiary of the Sparkasse. The content of the virtual underwater station OCEANIS has been heavily revised and found a new home right at the Great Harbor. The underwater station “100 meters below zero” impressed the Wilhelmshaven Expo visitors and became one of the highlights of the “Expo am Meer” in Wilhelmshaven.

From 2000

On January 1, 2008, the previously independent IT service providers of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe FinanzIT (Hanover) and Sparkassen Informatik (Frankfurt) merged to form Finanz Informatik based in Frankfurt am Main. The new company thus became the joint IT service provider for all German savings banks. Associated with the merger was the conversion of the IT of the savings banks in northern and eastern Germany and Saarland to the overall banking solution OSPlus (One System Plus). The planned conversion activities took place in several migration series. Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven and other Lower Saxony savings banks belonged to Series 3 and switched their IT to the new OSPlus on April 18, 2010.

At the beginning of 2010, the Sparkasse ended its ten-year commitment to OCEANIS as planned. The OCEANIS operation has since been continued by the company Pinkau Interactive Entertainment GmbH from Rostock as "Nordseewelten 5D", but had to file for bankruptcy in July 2011 due to the lack of a viable marketing concept and was closed in early 2012.

In September 2010, Sparkasse customers received their “Sparkasse Cards” for the first time in the Wilhelmshaven design. The emblem of the city, the Kaiser Wilhelm Bridge, is shown on these giro cards .

During the first half of 2016 the Sparkasse closed its small branches in Wiesenhof, Voslapp, Fedderwarden, Südstadt and Gökerstraße. The staff from these positions strengthened the staff at the remaining six locations in Theaterplatz, Neuende, Rathausplatz, Hegelstraße, Altengroden and Fedderwardergroden. The locations in Fedderwarden and Gökerstraße were retained as locations with self-service offerings. The Fedderwarden location is now operated jointly with Volksbank Jever , which had already closed their branch there in November 2015. Furthermore, the self-service locations Marktstrasse, Neuengroden, Sengwarden and Rüstersiel were given up. This reduced the number of locations from 21 to 14.

On May 20, 2016, the public prosecutor's office in Oldenburg announced that two employees of the credit institute had signed a contract in the course of the takeover of a health center by a municipal company in June 2015, through which the credit institute increased loan receivables of around 6.25 million euros and part has waived a guarantee given by a third party. There is a suspicion that the savings bank's assets could have suffered a disadvantage in the amount of the waiver. The public prosecutor came to the conclusion "after evaluating all the documents and on the basis of the testimony" that the action was not in breach of duty. The relevant investigation was therefore discontinued.

On September 1, 2019, Holger Sothmann took over the chairmanship from Rolf Brandstrup, who is retiring after 14 years in the office of CEO. Holger Sothmann has been a member of the two-person executive board since 2005. The board of directors appointed Silke Mönnig as a further member of the board. This makes her the first woman on the board of directors in the more than 140-year history of Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven.

Family-friendly savings bank

In June 2009, Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven was awarded the “audit berufundfamilie” certificate for the first time . The certificate is awarded by berufundfamilie gGmbH and is a central offer to all companies and institutions to improve the compatibility of family and work . On May 24, 2012, after a re-audit, the certification was renewed for a further three years.

Community foundation of the Sparkasse

On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Sparkasse in 2001, the Sparkasse founded the “ Bürgerstiftung der Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven”. The purpose of the foundation is to promote local initiatives and projects. The funding purposes anchored in the meeting range from promoting young people to promoting culture. Through the active work of the community foundation, the Sparkasse underscores its close ties to the local region and the people who live here. A considerable part of the income generated in competition with other credit institutions is used again to improve the local conditions.


  • Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven (Ed.): 125 years of Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven as reflected in the city's history. Brune-Mettcker, Wilhelmshaven 2001

Web links

Commons : Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Master data of the credit institute at the Deutsche Bundesbank
  2. Sparkasse Ranking List 2019 (PDF; 199 kB, 9 pages) In: Finanzgruppe Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband., May 4, 2020, accessed on May 4, 2020 .
  3. Sparkasse Ranking List 2019 (PDF; 199 kB, 9 pages) In: Finanzgruppe Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband., May 4, 2020, accessed on May 4, 2020 .
  4. ^ Statutes of the Sparkasse der Stadt Wilhelmshaven (PDF; 19 kB) on the website of the City of Wilhelmshaven, accessed on February 20, 2013
  5. Entry in the commercial register of the Oldenburg District Court (Oldb.) Under HRA 130279, research at
  6. ^ Articles of Association of Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven from October 11, 2006 (PDF; 19 kB).
  7. 8 Sparkassen successfully transferred to OSPlus ( memento of the original from January 26, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed May 10, 2010. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. North Sea Worlds open on May 22, 2010 , accessed on October 6, 2010.
  9. Downfall of the 'North Sea Worlds'  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed June 19, 2012.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  10. Sparkasse closes branches , accessed on November 2, 2019
  11. Hospitals in Wilhelmshaven , accessed on October 31, 2019
  12. Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven sets the course for the future , accessed on October 31, 2019
  13. Change in the board of directors of Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven from September 2019 , accessed on October 31, 2019
  14. Certificate recipient 2009 (PDF; 84 kB), accessed on July 12, 2012.
  15. ^ The family-friendly company - Sparkasse Wilhelmshaven certified , accessed on July 12, 2012.

Coordinates: 53 ° 31 '16.68 "  N , 8 ° 7' 0.48"  E