Stefaan De Clerck

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Stefaan De Clerck (2008)

Stefaan Maria Yolanda Joris De Clerck (* 12. December 1951 in Kortrijk ) is a Belgian politician of the party Christian-Democratisch en Vlaams and was dated 30 December 2008 to 6 December 2011 Minister of Justice of Belgium.


De Clerck was born in Kortrijk as the son of the Christian Democratic politician and minister Albert De Clerck . He studied law at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - both on the campus in Kortrijk and in Leuven - and graduated in 1975. He then worked as a lawyer in his hometown .

In 1990 he was elected as a member of the Belgian Chamber of Deputies . Five years later he was appointed Minister of Justice in the Dehaene II government, but had to resign after Marc Dutroux managed to escape from the courthouse in Neufchâteau on April 23, 1998 . De Clerck remained a member of parliament until 2001 and from 1999 to 2003 he chaired the Christian Democratic Party in Vlaams (until October 1, 2001: Christelijke Volkspartij (CVP)). He had to vacate this post in favor of Yves Letermes after the CD&V was defeated in 2003 .

In 2000 De Clerck was elected mayor of his hometown Kortrijk and was confirmed in this office in 2006 for a further six-year term. In 2003 he was also elected Senator in the Belgian Senate and in 2004 as a member of the Flemish Parliament .

In the federal elections in 2007, De Clerck moved again as a member of the Belgian Chamber of Deputies and was sworn in on December 30, 2008 by King Albert II in the Van Rompuy government as Minister of Justice. When the Leterme II government was put together in November 2009, he kept this department until this government was replaced by the Di Rupo cabinet .

Overview of political offices

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