Stemmer windmill

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Stemmer windmill

Ruin of the Stemmer windmill.  Recorded in 1940 [1] or around 1934. [2]

Ruin of the Stemmer windmill. Recorded in 1940 or around 1934.

Location and history
Stemmer Windmill (Lower Saxony)
Stemmer windmill
Coordinates 52 ° 20 '38 "  N , 9 ° 32' 2"  E Coordinates: 52 ° 20 '38 "  N , 9 ° 32' 2"  E
Location Germany , Lower Saxony , Region Hannover , Barsinghausen , Stemmer Berg bei Stemmen
Built 1680
Shut down 1914
State canceled
use Flour mill
drive Windmill
Windmill type Post mill
Number of wings 4th
Tracking Codend

The Stemmer Windmühle , officially the windmill near Stemmen , was a post mill on the Stemmer Berg between Stemmen and Göxe , two districts of Barsinghausen in the Hanover region in Lower Saxony .


The mill, which has been on record since 1680, was originally a private mill belonging to the Stemmen manor . It was also a compulsory mill for the villages of Göxe and Ditterke , that is, the farmers of these two places had to have their grain ground there.

The farmers from the village of Stemmen were initially not allowed to use the windmill. Stemmen and the western part of the Stemmer Berg were located in the office of Blumenau in the Principality of Calenberg , which later became the Kingdom of Hanover . The eastern part of the mountain and the surrounding villages, however, belonged to the office of Calenberg and later to the office of Wennigsen .

It was not until 1740 that the Stemmer were also allowed to use the windmill at Stemmen, for which they had to pay an annual compensation of 12 thalers to the flower mill in Blumenau . Only after the Prussian annexation of the Kingdom of Hanover in 1866 was the mill compulsory lifted around 1869 .

The mill on the Stemmer Berg was in operation until the First World War . In 1928 a storm made them inoperable. The ruin stood at least until 1934.

Use of mills in the offices of the Landdrostei Hannover in the area of ​​the village of Stemmen

The village of Stemmen was on the southern edge of the Blumenau district northwest of Hanover. The neighboring villages to the west, south and east belonged to the Calenberg district.

In the area of ​​the district of Blumenau, watermills on a leash had been in use since at least the 13th century . These included the official mills in Lohnde (until 1658) and later in Blumenau. The closer to Stemmen mills in some flowing to the leash small streams were suffering such as the Dunauer water mill on the oats Riede increasingly to the insufficient amount of water. The first windmill in what is now the city of Seelze in the Blumenau district was built in 1684 between Harenberg and Döteberg .

In the hilly south of the Calenberg district there were water mills on various streams. In the northern area, the first windmills were built around the middle of the 17th century. 1647 near Gehrden , 1651 near Ronnenberg , 1662 near Leveste and 1680 near Stemmen.

The maps of the Kurhannoverschen Landesaufnahme , published up to 1784, show all windmills in the region as post mills. In the 19th century, and especially shortly after the abolition of the mill compulsory in 1869, Dutch windmills were built in the region . From around the First World War until the 1950s, the windmills were shut down or converted to operate with motors .

Succession use

At the windmill location on the Stemmer Berg, one of the first wind turbines in the region stood from around 1989 to winter 2014/15 with an AN Bonus 100/30 . The neighboring residential building is part of a former nursery .

See also

Web links

Commons : Stemmer Windmill  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. Dating in the picture archive of the Hanover region .
  2. a b c d Norbert Saul: Water and windmills in the Seelzer city area. (PDF; 3.15 MB) City Archives Seelze, pp. 3–4 , accessed on August 1, 2021 .
  3. Description of the archival material in the archive holdings of the Wennigsen Office in: Die Windmühle bei Stemmen. Lower Saxony State Archives , accessed on August 1, 2021 .
  4. a b c d e f mortising. Story. in: Natural History Society of Hanover (ed.): The Deister. Nature. Person. Story . To Klampen, Springe 2017, ISBN 978-3-86674-545-2 , p.  284 .
  5. Topographical Atlas of the Kingdom of Hanover and the Duchy of Braunschweig , sheet 48 Hanover, 1852.
  6. Overview of the archival material in the archive holdings of the Wennigsen Office for: Mühlen. Lower Saxony State Archives, accessed on August 1, 2021 .