Sylvius of Poser

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Sylvius of Poser

Johann Gottlieb Sylvius von Poser (born May 25, 1739 on Gut Perschau, Groß Wartenberg district , Lower Silesia ; † April 30, 1817 in Oels , Duchy of Oels ) was royal Prussian lieutenant colonel and adjutant of Frederick the Great .


He came from an old Silesian noble family von Poser .

Poser's first marriage was Johanna Eleonore von Franckhen (born June 15, 1744 at Gut Grunwitz; † August 5, 1768 at Gut Perschau, from smallpox ), the daughter of Hans Ludwig von Franckhen , landlord on Groß-Butschkau ( Namslau district , Lower Silesia ), and Johanna Christiane von Poser and Groß-Naedlitz , his father's sister. From this marriage a daughter and a son were born.

In his second marriage, he married Johanna Friedrike Caroline von Kessel on January 13, 1772 (born April 3, 1754 in Breslau , Lower Silesia, † May 13, 1774 at Gut Ulbersdorf, Groß Wartenberg district), who died of the birth of her only son. She was the daughter of Karl Wilhelm von Kessel , landlord on Brustawe and Kraschnitz (today Krośnice ), both districts of Militsch (Lower Silesia).

His third marriage (1775) to Sophia Dorothea von Alvensleben (born July 28, 1754 at Gut Isenschnibbe , Gardelegen County , Province of Saxony ; † June 4, 1777 at Gut Ulbersdorf), a daughter of the royal Württemberg Oberhofmarschall Friedrich August von Alvensleben and Sophie Dorothea, née von Alvensleben , did not find the favor of Frederick the Great, who said that Alvensleben was "no woman for him" . She only survived the birth of her only daughter by half a year.

In his fourth marriage (1778) he finally married Henriette von Loeben (born November 19, 1762, baptized Gut Polish Nettkau; † April 11, 1823 in Oels), daughter of the Elector Saxon captain Johann Friedrich von Loeben , landlord on Kosel and Jonasberg (both in the Glogau district ), and Christiana Marjana von Bünau from Gassen. The only 16-year-old at the time of marriage gave birth to eleven children, the last three of which, however, died in childhood.

Military background

Poser occurred on July 15 in 1750, almost eleven years old when Junker in the Prussian Hussar - Regiment of Vippach one. In 1756 he became a cornet , 1759 second lieutenant and in 1763 he was the only officer of the Prussian cavalry to serve with Duke Ferdinand of Braunschweig , brother-in-law of Frederick the Great.

In 1769 he was promoted to prime lieutenant, in 1770 to major in the Garde du Corps regiment and wing adjutant. In 1776 he voluntarily retired from the military.

In 1786, Poser was subsequently promoted to lieutenant colonel "because of earlier great services" from Friedrich Wilhelm II , the successor of Frederick the Great. The original letters that Friedrich the Great wrote to him are now in the Herder Institute in Marburg. After his departure, Poser bought the Ulbersdorf estate for 20,000 Reichstaler , acquired the Domsel (1783) and Peuke ( Oels district , Lower Silesia) estates (1786) and inherited Perschau. He died of pneumonia in his home in Oels and was buried in the family crypt at Gut Peuke.


  • Oskar Pusch : The Silesian nobility from Poser, especially Poser and Groß-Naedlitz , Library of Family History Works, Volume XXII, Neustadt an der Aisch 1957