Crime scene: war fragments

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title Shards of War
Country of production Switzerland
original language Swiss German
SRF and Hugofilm Productions
classification Episode 1013 ( List )
First broadcast March 5, 2017 on SRF 1 and Das Erste
Director Tobias Ineichen
script Stefan Brunner
Lorenz Langenegger
production Christof Neracher
music Fabian Römer
camera Michael Saxer
cut Isabel Meier

War fragments is a television film from the crime series Tatort . The twelfth joint case of the Swiss Tatort team from Lucerne was broadcast on March 5, 2017 on SRF 1 and Erste . Reto Flückiger and Elisabeth Ritschard investigate the case of a killed journalist.


While Chief Inspector Flückiger is having fun with his secret affair Eveline Gasser in a hotel room, at the same time journalist Leo Manser is looking for his room several floors above them and is setting up a video camera there. A short time later, he falls from his hotel room and lands on a car. Flückiger and Eveline Gasser are watching this from their balcony. Flückiger asks Gasser to call the ambulance and runs armed with a pistol to the upper floors of the hotel, but is stopped when he gets a door in the face and passes out.

Shortly afterwards, his colleague Ritschard arrives at the crime scene. The police interrogation brought Flückiger's affair with the married Eveline Gasser to light. She contacted her husband shortly after the incident. In the case of the journalist's death, the chief inspectors are initially in the dark. The journalist's video camera has disappeared. When the hotel porter was questioned, the commissioners learned that the journalist was visited by a woman on the day he died. This is recognized by the hotel porter when they are compared. It is the journalist's former colleague, Natalie Etter. In addition, Etter's DNA can be found under the victim's fingernails. Etter says that Manser borrowed a video camera from her without her knowledge, so there was a fight. Otherwise there is no longer any contact between the two journalists.

It turns out that Leo Manser has been researching the Chechen war more recently . This leads the chief inspectors to the Chechen war criminal Ramzan Khaskhanov, who has since gone into hiding in Lucerne under a false name. In the Chechen war, he is said to have made women mindless with drugs and then abused them as assassins for attacks on the Russian people. But not only the police are looking for him, but also a killer who was hired by the Russian government and also Khaskhanov's young niece Nura, whose mother Khaskhanov had sent to her death during the war. Both want to kill the fugitive war criminal. Nura came illegally from Chechnya to Switzerland and is looking for her twin brother Nurali, who was adopted as a child and lives with his family in Lucerne. When his sister suddenly appears at the door, Nurali and his wife take them in a friendly manner. Through her plan of revenge, Nura draws her twin brother into the dangerous cause. He looks for his uncle in hiding and saves him from the Russian killer. They flee together in Nurali's car, who believes in his uncle's innocence. In Ramzan Khaskhanov's secret hiding place, he asks Nurali to help him and bring him to a friend in France.

Meanwhile, the police are also looking for the shot Khaskanov. They interview his ex-wife, who also lives in Lucerne and who fled Chechnya with Khaskhanov. During a search of his home, the police officers come across a document that indicates a key to a hiding place.

Nura meets with Khaskhanov's ex-wife and tells her about her suspicions. It turns out that she was also contacted by the dead journalist. Nura goes in search of her brother and finds the car near Khaskanov's hiding place. After a tussle with her brother, she loses her pistol and still runs resolutely to her uncle. But this one is armed. Now the commissioners arrive at the hiding place. A shot sounds. Khaskhanov goes down. Nurali shot him from behind with his sister's pistol. The commissioners take the siblings with them. When questioned, Nurali gives the commissioners the access code to a website that Manser gave him. There you can find the video that was recorded right before his death. It shows that Khaskhanov's ex-wife got into an argument with Manser and pushed him out of the window during a fight.


The film was shot in Lucerne and the surrounding area from May 18, 2016 to June 18, 2016 .



“'Those were different times, that was war,' says an elderly Chechen here at some point, who you don't know whether he is a hero of the resistance or a butcher. "There are no good guys in war, only criminals," it says elsewhere. Yes, so the message of the political crime thriller: War crimes have to be solved, otherwise they continue to have an ominous effect. Even decades after they were perpetrated. Even far from the countries where they took place. Unfortunately, the investigation in this 'crime scene' is only partially successful. "

“The case is always exciting, but a bit complicated to recapitulate the background to the little bits of information. Too much has happened in the world since then. Perhaps take a quick look at the dictionary and the map, then you will surely have more fun with this otherwise successful episode. "

- Stefanie Will : FOCUS

“In addition to all the 'Tatort' developments, which have been formally experimenting the format for some time, by turning the content into the comic or absurd, through orgies of violence and through constantly new pairs of police officers, the Swiss“ Tatort ”with“ war fragments ”does not work retro, but solidly classic. Especially relevant (music by Fabian Römer, camera Michael Saxer). His outline is not suitable for a debate about refugee policy, but it is for a discussion of what supposedly distant war events can cause among us. "

Audience rating

The first broadcast of Kriegssplitter on March 5, 2017 was seen by 7.43 million viewers in Germany and achieved a market share of 20%. In Switzerland, the crime scene was viewed on SRF 1 by 513,000 viewers and achieved a market share of 26.9%.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Crime scene: war fragments at crew united
  2. ^ Christian Buß: The new Lucerne "crime scene" in a quick check. March 5, 2017. Retrieved March 6, 2017 .
  3. Stefanie Will: “Tatort - War Fragments” mutates into a political thriller and reveals a secret. March 5, 2017. Retrieved March 6, 2017 .
  4. Heike Rupertz: Children from Grozny. March 5, 2017. Retrieved March 7, 2017 .
  5. Timo Nöthling: Primetime check: Sunday, March 5, , March 6, 2017, accessed on June 12, 2017 .
  6. Audience figures, SRF 1 - March 26, 2017. (PDF) Retrieved April 3, 2017 .