Crime scene: Dead Earth

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title Dead earth
Country of production Germany
original language German
Maran Film on behalf of SWR
length 89 minutes
classification Episode 847 ( list )
First broadcast October 21, 2012 on Das Erste
Director Thomas Freundner
script Wolf Jakoby ,
Thomas Freundner
production Nils Reinhardt ,
Sabine Tettenborn
music JJ Gerndt
camera Andreas Schäfauer
cut Barbara Brückner

Dead Earth is a television film from the crime series Tatort . The contribution was produced by Maran Film on behalf of Südwestrundfunk . It was first broadcast on German television on October 21, 2012 on Erste . It is the 847th episode in the series and the 11th case of the Stuttgart investigative team Lannert and Bootz , in which they have to solve the murder of an environmental activist this time.


At night Lukas Baumann climbs as a free climber on the Cannstatter pillar, which can be officially used for these sporting activities. He lost his footing and fell into the depths, where he was found dead the next day. The forensic doctor finds conspicuous areas of skin on his upper arms and so forensic technician Nika Banovic takes a closer look at the scene of the accident and finds bullet points and pellets on the tower. Forensic doctor Daniel Vogt also discovered a high-grade accumulation of heavy metals in the body of the deceased, which would shortly have led to death.

Lannert and Bootz first want to look around the dormitory, where Baumann had a room. When they want to question his fellow student Timo Heller, he escapes. Lannert discovers a poster with a pirate and remembers a similar tattoo he saw on the dead man. The symbol belongs to the organization Eco Pirates, which is known for environmental world actions. Baumann has often started poster campaigns against environmental polluters together with Timo Heller. One of the sponsors of the Eco Pirates is the fortune teller Saraswati, who is asked about Baumann by Lannert. She supports this organization, whose members she admires for what they do.

Timo Heller wants to go into hiding with Baumann's friend Melli Brandt and learns from her that his friend is dead. Since he suspects that Lukas has been moved out of the way because of a recent action, he asks her to help him hide so that they don't kill him too. So she shows Timo a hut in her parents' vineyard, where he can find shelter for a while.

The investigators manage to locate Baumann's family doctor. He confirms the severe poisoning with heavy metals and has also treated his friend Timo Heller. So they want to intercept it there, but it fails. They keep an eye on Baumann's friend Melli Brandt and follow her when she breaks into a company premises one night. She wants to get a soil sample from contaminated soil, with which her friend and Timo could have poisoned themselves. Since she is stopped by the head of the recycling company, she cannot complete her project and the investigators take her and the company boss Bakic with them to the police station. Containers with highly toxic slag are found on the company premises, but these are properly stored and disposed of. However, Lannert finds a reference to Johannes Riether, who recently made friends with the responsible public prosecutor Henrike Habermas. When she learns that the current case crosses her private life, she distances herself from Riether, who actually wants to marry her, and hands the case over to prosecutor Blesinger.

The research shows that there were certain irregularities at the Rietherwerke. Riether admits an accident in which tons of toxins got into the ground, which he tried to illegally dispose of through the recycling company. At the time when Baumann was murdered, however, he was 80 kilometers away with the public prosecutor in a hotel and is therefore out of the question as a perpetrator.

Lannert and Bootz discover that the fortune teller Saraswati knows more than she initially admitted. She was involved in actions by the Eco Pirates and can remember an incident when her colleagues were in danger and then smelled strongly of chemicals. So they ask Melli Brandt and can find out from her where Timo Heller is hiding. When the investigators get there, however, he hanged himself. On his cell phone there are film recordings of the nightly actions, during which even a security guard was killed. So the trail leads once more to the fortune teller. Melli knows that Saraswati took the security guard's air pistol with him during the night action. Nika Banovic finds out that the fortune teller is the niece of Johann Riether and should benefit from the foundation that was recently established by the Rietherwerke and should serve environmental protection. So she admits that she pushed her uncle to this foundation so that the Riehterwerke could finally serve the people. Since Lucas action would have put all of this in danger, she killed him.


The shooting took place in Stuttgart, Baden-Baden , Karlsruhe and on the Kappelberg . In this episode, Natalia Wörner takes on the role of the public prosecutor, who stood in for the sick actress Carolina Vera .


Audience ratings

The first broadcast of Tote Erde on October 21, 2012 was seen by 8.99 million viewers in Germany and achieved a market share of 24.70 percent for Das Erste .


The judged Christoph Cologne "bolted to the rafters. [...] One would almost think that the makers of this SWR" the story as a crime scene "wanted to keep aware of all detective relevant quality criteria, conventional and uninspired it is come . [...] The only bright spot is Richy Müller as Inspector Thorsten Lannert. Snappy, clever and gnawed by his single existence, he surfs through the case in his rusty brown Porsche and does the job almost single-handedly. "

Volker Bergmeister from says: “The eleventh case with the Stuttgart cop duo Lannert and Bootz offers hardly anything surprising, the hunt for perpetrators in the Swabian region is [...] routinely staged, but for a long time offers more crime thriller home-style food - it can even the strong cast doesn't change anything. [...] The case of courageous, idealistic environmental activists on the one hand and unscrupulous economic interests on the other offers good entertainment, but in some places it seems badly constructed. And the resolution comes as a surprise - bang for sure - and is hardly comprehensible. "

Jenny Jecke at harshly criticizes the episode as "miserable as a dog (and writes :) This crime scene about eco-activists, crush prosecutors and Buddhist fortune-tellers who worship Hindu deities is bursting with tasteless caricatures, superfluous narrative strands and exaggerated plot- Twists. [...] Otherwise, this crime scene offered very little reason to smile and even less reason to lean forward in an armchair. With his ridiculous final resolution that the Buddhist woman Saraswati belongs to the Riether clan and murdered the young man in order to do good with the company's foundation money, Tatort - Tote Erde put the crown on the bored goings-on. At least I hope that the set pieces of the crime thriller were cobbled together out of boredom and not in full belief that they were delivering a clever crime scene that messed up eco-activists, pirates and even this Internet for the ARD target group. "

The critics of the television magazine TV-Spielfilm said it was an “unexcited, factual environmental thriller that holds back with slogans and forefinger pedagogy. (Otherwise he is) pretty sober, but not a quota poison. "


The two main actors almost exclusively use a Porsche 911 Targa, built in 1974, which is equipped with a vintage license plate, for their mission drives.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Filming locations and audience ratings at, accessed on February 7, 2014.
  2. ↑ In love with the suspect on, accessed on February 7, 2014.
  3. Christoph Cöln A murdered student and the environment on, accessed on February 7, 2014.
  4. Volker Bergmeister film review on, accessed on February 7, 2014.
  5. Jenny Jecke Tote Erde and a miserable crime thriller on, accessed on February 7, 2014.
  6. Short review on, accessed on February 7, 2014.