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Tetrameles nudiflora in Angkor (Cambodia)

Tetrameles nudiflora in Angkor (Cambodia)

Nuclear eudicotyledons
Eurosiden I
Order : Pumpkin-like (Cucurbitales)
Family : Tetramelaceae
Scientific name
Airy Shaw

The Tetramelaceae are a family of plants within the order of the pumpkin-like (Cucurbitales). The only two species have a paleotropic distribution.


Buttress roots of Tetrameles nudiflora
Inflorescence with male flowers of Tetrameles nudiflora

Vegetative characteristics

The two species grow as mostly deciduous (rarely evergreen), tall trees . The wood is soft. The alternate leaves are divided into long petioles and simple leaf blades. The heart-shaped leaf blades are mostly hairy and pinnate with three to five lateral nerves. The leaf margin is smooth or serrated. Stipules are missing.

Generative characteristics

Tetramelaceae are dioeciously separated sexes ( diocesan ), so there are female and male plants. In the uppermost areas of the treetop there are long, drooping ears or panicles . The bracts fall off early. The flowers are structured very differently in the two species (see also the numerical information in the generic name: tetra = four and octo = eight): In Tetrameles , the flowers are usually four-fold and there is a double perianth . In Octomeles the flowers are usually six to eight-fold, with a single or double flower envelope . In male flowers there are four (with Tetrameles ) or six to eight (with Octomeles ) free stamens . The four (in Tetrameles ), or six to eight (at Octomeles ) carpels are one under constant, parakarpen, unilocular ovary fused, located in the parietal in placentation many ovules are located. The four or eight free, short, stocky styluses each end in a head- shaped scar .

They form capsule fruits , each containing 20 to over 100 small seeds. The tiny seeds are egg-shaped, spindle-shaped, or filamentous.

Systematics and distribution

The two species in this family thrive in the tropics: Indian subcontinent , Southeast Asia , Malay Archipelago, and Australia .

The family name Tetramelaceae was first published in 1965 by Herbert Kenneth Airy Shaw in Kew Bulletin , 18, p. 267. The type genus is Tetrameles R.Br. But a valid publication is considered to be YZ Wang and Turland: Tetramelaceae. in the Flora of China , Volume 13, 2007, p. 151. The species used to be classified in the pseudo-hemp family (Datiscaceae).

In the family of the Tetramelaceae there are only two monotypical genera , i.e. only two species:


Both types of wood are used:

  • The wood of Octomeles sumatrana has the trade names: benuang, winuang, binuang bini, erima, irima, ilimo, bilus, barong, barousan.
  • The wood of Tetrameles nudiflora is resistant to boring marine organisms and is therefore often used in shipbuilding.


Individual evidence

  1. Tetrameles nudiflora at Tropicos.org. In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis
  2. Octomeles sumatrana as a wood supplier.
  3. Use of Tetrameles nudiflora . ( Memento of the original from April 21, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www2.fpl.fs.fed.us

Web links

Commons : Tetramelaceae  - collection of images, videos and audio files