The Walking Dead (TV series) / Season 6

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Season 6 of The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead (TV series) logo.svg
Logo of the series
Episodes 16
Country of production United States
First broadcast Oct 11, 2015 - Apr 3, 2016 on AMC
first broadcast
Oct 12, 2015 - Apr 4, 2016 on FOX
◀   Season 5 Season 7   ▶
Episode list

The sixth season of the US television series The Walking Dead was shown from October 11, 2015 to April 3, 2016 on the US cable broadcaster AMC . The German-language first broadcast was broadcast by the pay TV broadcaster FOX from October 12, 2015 to April 4, 2016.


After Morgan arrived in Alexandria, Rick first quartered him in a house that had a lockable lattice door. Morgan, who initially still sees Rick as the good-natured man he once met, has to realize over time that he has changed a lot. Over the course of the season, this repeatedly caused disagreements between the two of them when it came to dealing with outsiders, as well as frustration for Morgan about Rick's general behavior towards other people.

At the beginning of the season, a huge quarry is discovered near Alexandria, trapping hundreds of walkers who pose a threat to the community. Rick insists on taking the walkers out of the area in a controlled manner in a daring action before they manage to escape and overrun Alexandria. While the preparations were still in progress, the group was forced to carry out the plan ahead of time when a truck that had blocked the walkers from getting out of the quarry crashed and gave way. At first everything goes as planned and Abraham, Sasha and Daryl manage to slowly lead the herd away. Meanwhile, however, Alexandria experiences a surprise attack by a brutal gang called "wolves", in which the residents are cruelly murdered and their homes are ransacked. The continuous honking of a truck that the wolves drive against Alexandria's wall is so loud that it is noticed by the rear of the herd being led and distracted from the intended path. Rick's team must then flee from the herd part. Morgan is the first to arrive back in Alexandria and helps Carol, Maggie, Aaron, and Rosita stop the attack. However, he refuses to kill the attackers and even lets five of them escape unscathed. From Michonne's and Glenn's group - after various losses - only Michonne, Heath and Scott return to Alexandria. Rick, meanwhile attacked by the five wolves, can save himself to Alexandria with the last of his strength. The distracted herd then gathers on Alexandria's wall.

After Abraham, Sasha and Daryl have led the front part of the herd away, they come across a group of unknown men far away from Alexandria, who suddenly attack them. This separates the three; Abraham and Sasha find safe refuge in an empty building, where they await Daryl's return after Daryl has fled to a nearby forest. There he meets a man named Dwight and his two female companions who claim to be pursued by the same men. After one of the women is killed by walkers, Daryl considers recruiting Dwight and Sherry as residents for Alexandria. But the two of them steal Daryl's crossbow at the next opportunity and escape on his motorcycle. Shortly afterwards, Daryl finds a tanker truck with which he picks up Abraham and Sasha from their hiding place. On the way back, the three of them end up in a road blockade by a biker gang who demands that they hand over all their valuables and threatens to shoot Abraham or Sasha. Daryl kills the men with an RPG that Abraham recently captured.

In addition, the viewer learns that Maggie von Glenn is pregnant. His fate remains uncertain for some episodes after he and Nicholas are surrounded by the herd of walkers and the latter commits suicide. Glenn manages, however, to escape under a dumpster and stay there until the herd has moved on. Almost at the same time as his return, the tower of the pre-built church crashes against the wall behind it: Alexandria is overrun by walkers, with other residents having to lose their lives, including Deanna, Jessie and their two sons. After Carl is life-threateningly injured by a shot in the right eye, Rick, furious, faces the fight against the walkers alone. Within a short time he was supported by most of the surviving residents of Alexandria. In this way they jointly manage to kill a considerable number of walkers. Abraham, Daryl, and Sasha return to Alexandria just in time to help their friends destroy the invading herd completely. Carl survives his injury but loses his right eye. Because of these events, Rick decides to create a better, new world for his children together with his friends, to whom he now also counts the rest of the Alexandrians.

On an errand trip, Rick and Daryl meet a man named Jesus. After a contest for a truck full of goods, Daryl and Rick capture Jesus and take him to Alexandria. Jesus is part of a community very similar to Alexandria called Hilltop. Since there is an acute food shortage in Alexandria, but Hilltop ran out of ammunition months ago, Rick and some of his friends accompany Jesus to Hilltop, with the aim of negotiating an exchange deal with his leader Gregory. Once in Hilltop, Rick's group learns that the community is being terrorized by a nefarious gang of men, led by an ominous man named Negan. A name already referred to by the biker gang that recently stood in the way of Daryl, Abraham and Sasha. The Hilltop residents regularly have to give half of their goods to Negan's people in order not to be killed by them. Since Gregory does not want to accept his original exchange offer, Rick decides to offer Hilltop to rid them of the Negan threat in exchange for food and other goods needed in Alexandria. Maggie then negotiates the deal with Gregory; Rick's group receives the requested goods and returns to Alexandria. After a Hilltop resident leads them to Negan's alleged base, Rick's group ambushes them and kills most of the men in their sleep. Meanwhile, Maggie and Carol are captured and kidnapped by Negan's people outside the complex. They later manage to escape by killing their kidnappers and their incoming reinforcements. Believing they have shut down Negan's gear, the survivors return to their respective communities.

Carol, who initially loathes Morgan's view of killing people, including those who pose a threat to him and others, begins to develop self-doubt about her own actions. She soon found herself unable to kill other people and suffered several nervous breakdowns in the context. This leads to her decision to leave Alexandria because, as part of the community, she feels obliged to keep killing for it and her own survival. She meets another group of Negan's men who say they are on their way to Alexandria to gain entry by force. Carol is again forced to kill because the men refuse to be persuaded to repent despite their urgent pleading. She is injured herself and flees without realizing that one of her attackers is still alive and that she is pursuing her. Rick and Morgan are also on the lookout for Carol, but split up halfway after Morgan insists on tracking her down alone. He saves Carol, who has since been wounded with two shots by her pursuer by shooting the man. Two unknown men appear and offer their help to Morgan and the injured Carol.

In Alexandria, Daryl leaves the community to find Dwight and his friends, who ambushed him, Rosita and Denise on an errand trip and killed the latter. When Michonne, Glenn and Rosita follow him, the four are captured by Dwight. Meanwhile, Maggie suffers severe abdominal problems. With her health deteriorating rapidly, Rick decides to drive her to the Hilltop doctor with Carl, Abraham, Sasha, Aaron and Eugene. In the process, they get into various roadblocks by Negan's men, the number of which is continuously increasing, forcing them to look for alternative routes again and again because Rick wants to avoid a violent confrontation. When there was no more getting through the streets, the group set out on foot, where a short time later they were surrounded by dozen men. Rick's group, along with Daryl, Michonne, Rosita and Glenn captured by Dwight, are asked to kneel in a row. The leader of the men, Negan, introduces himself and expresses his annoyance to Rick that he has killed dozens of his men in the meantime and announces that this will not go unpunished. Before doing this, he explains his rules to them, which they must follow from now on. They have to work for Negan if they don't want to die. Negan then introduces his prisoner Lucille - a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire , with which he now wants to make an example, on the one hand to avenge his murdered men and on the other hand to make Rick the seriousness of his statements clear. Then Negan begins using a counting rhyme to choose his victim from Rick's people. At the end of the rhyme, however, it remains hidden from the viewer who Negan ultimately chose, as the camera perspective changes to that of his victim. Negan then beats his victim with Lucille .


( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (D) Director script Odds
68 1 Herd instinct First time again Oct 11, 2015 Oct 12, 2015 Greg Nicotero Scott M. Gimple & Matt Negrete 14.63 million 0.40 million
The residents of Alexandria have discovered a quarry nearby where hundreds of walkers are stuck and more are constantly being lured by the noise of walkers already caught there. Several trucks block the way out of the quarry, but one of the trucks threatens to fall off a cliff, which could open the way for the herd that would lead them to Alexandria. Rick, Glenn, Daryl, Michonne, Sasha, Abraham and other residents of Alexandria therefore want to try to lure the walkers from the quarry away from Alexandria. Fences, car barriers and Daryl's motorcycle as "acoustic bait" are said to lead the herd at least 20 miles away. However, the group is forced to carry out the plan earlier than planned and without having fully discussed it when the truck actually falls off the cliff earlier than expected.

In flashbacks in black and white, some events are thematized: the discovery of the herd in the quarry, the development and preparation of Rick's plan, but also the doubts of some of those involved. Carter is caught by Rick, Daryl, and Morgan trying to convince some of the residents that Rick is not trustworthy and should be disposed of. At first it looks like Rick is going to shoot Carter. But instead, Rick succeeds in convincing Carter to work together. At the same time, Morgan and Rick try to get to know each other again. Despite Rick's rigorous dealings with his fellow human beings, which he has now acquired, Morgan still thinks he recognizes the good-natured man he originally met. Rick then admits that he actually wanted to kill Carter first because it would be easier to survive without people like Carter. However, Rick realized that it wasn't worth the effort, since people like Carter in the world of walkers would die of their own mistakes anyway.

In the present, the plan seems to be working well, despite the hasty start. However, Carter is bitten by a stray and finally killed by Rick because he threatens to lure the herd away from the street with his screams of pain. At the end of the episode there is an unexpected loud sound of a horn from Alexandria, which distracts the rear of the herd from the road.

69 2 fighter JSS Oct 18, 2015 Oct 19, 2015 Jennifer Lynch Seth Hoffman 12.18 million 0.43 million
JSS focuses on what is going on in Alexandria while Rick and his group are preoccupied with their forced plan to lure the walkers out of the quarry. In addition, a long flashback tells the story of the girl Enid, who has been living in Alexandria for a few months. Accordingly, she was previously traveling with her parents. While attempting to short circuit a vehicle, the group of walkers were attacked and Enid had to watch as their parents fell victim to them. This experience left the girl severely traumatized. She wandered alone through the woods for days until she came upon the walls of Alexandria. After initial hesitation, she decided, following her survival motto ( Just Survive Somehow, JSS for short ) to try Alexandria.

At present, the city is suddenly attacked by a group of violent people (Engl. The wolves wolves ) that damage with a truck the wall, slaughtering indiscriminately numerous inhabitants of Alexandria cruel and brutal and loot their homes. The few remaining residents who have been trained in guns, including Maggie, Aaron and Rosita, initially take care of the injured and take on the defense of the city. Meanwhile, Deanna hides in the driver's cab of the truck that the wolves drove into the wall and that made the noise at the end of the previous episode. Morgan, sent back by Rick, turns off the truck's horn and joins the fight against the wolves. Jessie is attacked by a woman in her home but is able to defend herself successfully. Carl holed himself up in his house with Judith and Enid, while Carol took the initiative, got into the weapons depot in Alexandria and, disguised as a wolf, kills many of the attackers. She clashes with Morgan because of his philosophy that all life is valuable and that he therefore does not kill. Morgan lets the last five surviving wolves escape.

Enid informs Carl of her intention to leave Alexandria and has disappeared after the attack by the wolves has ended. Carol seems overwhelmed by the events and bursts into tears as she sits alone on the porch of her house. When Morgan inspects an open house, he is attacked by another surviving wolf that he has met earlier (Season 5). The last scene of the episode leaves open to speculation as to whether or not Morgan breaks his own rule and kills the wolf.

70 3 thank you Thank you Oct 25, 2015 Oct 26, 2015 Michael Slovis Angela Kang 13.14 million 0.38 million
Due to the horn noise of the truck, Rick's plan to lead the herd away from Alexandria partially fails and the group is forced to flee from the distracted part of the herd that has now chosen its own path. Daryl, Abraham and Sasha continue to lead the front part of the herd away from Alexandria as planned. Rick instructs Michonne and Glenn to bring the Alexandrians among them, including Nicholas, Heath, and Scott, back to Alexandria. Rick sets off alone to a trailer parked nearby, hoping to help drive the distracted herd back in and lead them out of the area as well. The sub-groups stay in contact via walkie-talkies, with Tobin's group no longer giving any feedback.

Michonne and Glenn's group reached a deserted town near Alexandria with the loss of various members, where they first looked for shelter in a shop in order to provide emergency care for the injured and to work out their further escape plan. Heath, who previously heard how Rick instructed Michonne and Glenn to leave behind those who prevent them from advancing if necessary, expresses his distrust of them. Michonne then makes it clear to him that they all belong to one community and, regardless of Rick's statement, no one is left behind. Glenn and Nicholas decide to set fire to a building in town to distract the walkers in order to escape. The plan fails because they find it already burned down and have to flee from the herd of walkers that have arrived. They come to a dead end and, surrounded by hundreds of walkers, save themselves on a dumpster. As the walkers ceaselessly snap at them on all sides, Nicholas finally loses his nerve and shoots himself in the head with one last bullet. Glenn pulls his corpse with him in the fall and partially buries his body under himself. The last scene does not clearly show which body the walkers then pounce on in order to eat it.

Meanwhile, with the last of his strength, Rick reaches the motorhome, which he is driving near Alexandria. When he stops briefly to ask his friends about the current status of their orders, he can only reach Daryl, Sasha and Abraham over the radio. The wolves, spared by Morgan in Alexandria, arrive at the trailer and attack Rick. An exchange of fire ensues in which Rick kills all of his attackers. The episode ends with the walkers pouring out of the woods onto the road and Rick is unable to restart the motorhome's engine.

71 4th Here is not here Here's not here Nov 1, 2015 Nov 2, 2015 Stephen Williams Scott M. Gimple 13.34 million 0.40 million
After Morgan has captured the leader of the wolves, he tells him his past, whereby the viewer learns the events around Morgan between the 12th episode of the 3rd season and the 1st episode of the 5th season.

Morgan leaves King County after his last encounter with Rick in Season 3, killing everyone and everything he encounters along the way. He is particularly brutal towards an older man and his son, whom he murders without threatening him. Finally he reaches a house in front of which a goat is tied up and he wants to steal it. Eastman, the resident of the house, knocks him down and locks him in a cell in his home. Eastman was a former forensic psychiatrist in an Atlanta prison and assessed inmates to see if they would commit another crime before they were released. He tells Morgan that he lost his wife, daughter, and son to an ex-inmate who killed them in revenge on him because Eastman's judgment did not allow him to be released early. Eastman kidnapped the inmate, starved him to death in the cell in his home, and buried him in a self-made cemetery near the home. Although Morgan often asks him to kill him, Eastman manages to awaken the will to live in him and teach him aikido . One day, Morgan is attacked by the younger man, who had previously been brutally murdered, and is unable to defend himself. Eastman manages to kill the zombie, but is bitten in the process. On the way back to the house, Morgan saves a couple from a walker. They then give him a can of food and a cartridge. Morgan eventually redeems Eastman with a pistol at his request; before that, Eastman gives him his lucky charm. He later leaves all three items in Pastor Gabriel's church. In the end, he makes his way to Terminus.

When his story ends, the leader of the wolves declares Morgan that he will kill everyone in Alexandria. Morgan briefly considers killing him, but leaves the house and locks the door.

72 5 Here and now Now Nov 8, 2015 Nov 9, 2015 Avi Youabian Corey Reed 12.44 million 0.35 million
In Alexandria, the clean-up work has started after the attack by the wolves. It is learned that Tobin and his group made it back to Alexandria, as did Michonne, Heath and Scott. Maggie learns from Michonne that Glenn and Nicholas have not canceled the agreed mark and the group has therefore been forced to leave them behind for the time being.

Meanwhile, Deanna watched in horror as Rick ran to the gate, fleeing from a herd of walkers and screaming to let them in. He can save himself to the safety of Alexandria with the last of his strength. After his injuries are treated and he is briefed on what is happening in the city, a meeting is held at which Rick expresses his confidence in the situation. He assures that his still missing friends will return soon and that the gathering herd of walkers will also lure away from Alexandria's walls. Before the residents have the chance to judge Rick for the catastrophic effects of his plan, Aaron defends him and reports on the error with his lost backpack, the contents of which must have led the wolves to Alexandria. Rick instructs residents to be as calm as possible and to keep the lights off at night to avoid luring more strays to Alexandria. In desperation, Maggie decides to go alone to look for Glenn. Aaron senses her plan and insists on going with her. To get past the herd of walkers, he leads them through an underground tunnel, in which they are attacked by severely decayed walkers and almost die. When it becomes clear that the tunnel is not long enough to bypass the herd, Maggie tearfully abandons her plan. She reveals that she is pregnant and is comforted by Aaron.

Some Alexandria residents begin to uncheck the city's supplies, which Deanna's son Spencer is keeping them from doing. A little later Deanna finds Spencer drunk, who has stolen some food from the warehouse himself. An argument ensues in which Spencer accuses his mother of being responsible for the events, including the deaths of his brother Aiden and father Reg, because her leadership style did not prepare the citizens of Alexandria for such a thing. When Deanna wants to bring back the food that Spencer has stolen in the evening, she is attacked by a walker (the body of a wolf that has gone unnoticed). In a rage, she stabbed the zombie with a broken bottle over and over again without damaging his brain. Rick comes to her aid and explains that she needs to come to her senses because the city now needs her urgently. Deanna then replies that Alexandria needs him more than she does. The episode ends with Deanna, who seems to have gained new confidence and determination: As she walks past, she stimulates the walkers frolicking behind the gate by vigorously shaking the screen of the gate.

73 6th Who has the choice Always Accountable Nov 15, 2015 Nov 16, 2015 Jeffrey F. January Heather Bellson 12.87 million 0.36 million
Sasha, Abraham and Daryl managed to divert half of the herd. However, they are ambushed by strangers who suddenly open fire on them. Daryl manages to hide from two cars chasing him on his motorcycle in the forest. Sasha and Abraham shoot the occupants of the car chasing their car. They suspect the ambush was aimed at someone else.

When Daryl, who is bleeding on his arm, wants to be treated in the forest, a trio ambushes him and knocks him out. The man, Dwight, and the two women believe Daryl is part of a persecuting group. The three make themselves with their prisoner on the way to a "patty". When one of the women faints, Daryl takes the opportunity to escape, robbing the group. At a certain distance and in safety, in the luggage of his kidnappers, next to his weapon, he also finds a box labeled insulin, which prompts him to return and exchange the drug for their only weapon. When Daryl is about to leave the three of them, a truck appears in the thicket, from which armed men get out and begin to scour the forest for Daryl's kidnappers. Daryl returns his weapon to Dwight and lures one of the armed men in the direction of a walker, who bites his arm. After the man's companions have amputated the arm, the group breaks off their search for Daryl's kidnappers.

Meanwhile, on an exploration tour, Abraham appropriates some grenades and the associated grenade launcher and returns with other things to the waiting Sasha in the shared hiding place, which they previously marked with Daryl's last name. Abraham makes advances to Sasha. Meanwhile, Daryl and the trio come across a burned down hut in the forest, in which one of the women is bitten and killed by supposedly dead walkers. While Daryl buries the dead with Dwight, he decides to recruit Dwight and his girlfriend Sherry and offers them to come to Alexandria with him. When they get to his motorcycle, however, Dwight points his gun again at Daryl, robbing him of the crossbow and driving away on the motorcycle with Sherry. Daryl finally finds the "Patty" hidden in the forest, a petrol truck from a Pattrick Fuel Company , with which he drives up to Sasha and Abraham's hiding place and picks them up. On the way back to Alexandria, on Daryl's call, a voice calls on the radio asking for help.

74 7th The wall Heads up Nov 22, 2015 23 Nov 2015 David Boyd Channing Powell 13.22 million 0.38 million
Rick, Carol, and Michonne confront Morgan about his stance on letting the five wolves escape alive. Morgan shares his belief that all life is valuable and that people can change. Together with Michonne, Rick forges a plan to lure the herd away from Alexandria, but rules out the involvement of the original Alexandrians, which Michonne disapproves of. Rick later reinforces the damaged part of the fence with Tobin. Rosita trains the Alexandrians in handling the machete, while Eugene von Rosita sees himself plumped up and misunderstood and leaves; Rick, later also Carl, teach Ron, whose father Pete had shot Rick just a few days earlier, how to use a pistol. Ron receives the gun without cartridges, but later steals some from the armory. Meanwhile, Spencer tries to use a rope to shimmy over the walkers to a house outside the fence and then use a wagon to lure the walkers away, but he rushes into the crowd. While Tara, standing on a cross brace of the fence, shoots at walkers in his vicinity, Rick, Tobin and Morgan pull him back over the wall unharmed. Rick accuses Tara of risking too much for "one of them" (the original Alexandrians). He later apologizes to her for it. When Deanna thanks him for rescuing her son and asks him why he did it, she replies because he is her son, "wrong answer". Ron chases Carl with the gun, Carol appears at Morgan's front door and asks what he's hiding.

After the dead Nicholas fell on Glenn and both of them in the crowd, he crawled under the dumpster. When the herd moved on, he crawls out again hours later. Enid, who fled from Alexandria, throws him a water bottle from one of the surrounding buildings and disappears. Glenn runs after her and finally finds her. At first, Enid wants nothing to do with him and is left alone, but Glenn, after much persuasion, persuades her to accompany him back to Alexandria. On the way there they find balloons and a bottle of helium that they use to fill the balloons. Shortly before the gates of the city, Glenn and Enid discover that it is surrounded by walkers. They let the balloons rise. When they are seen from inside the fence, Maggie calls out "It's Glenn!" At that moment the tower of the church, standing a few meters outside the wall, overturned and destroyed part of the fence.

75 8th Not the end Start to finish Nov 29, 2015 Nov 30, 2015 Michael E. Satrazemis Matthew Negrete 13.98 million 0.39 million
The herd of walkers streams into Alexandria through the destroyed fence area. Rick instructs residents to hide in their homes. Together with the injured Deanna as well as Carl, Michonne, Gabriel and Ron, Rick fights his way through the city against more and more walkers. Jessie shoots them the way to their house, where everyone (including the children Sam and Judith) are entrenched. Carl follows Ron into the garage extension, Ron locks the door leading into the house and draws his pistol in order to get revenge on Carl (of whom he is also jealous because of Enid) and Rick for the death of his father. Carl pounces on him, the two fight, with Ron smashing a window of the door leading into the garden with a shovel, through which walkers immediately get into the garage. Rick breaks the lock on the door that leads into the house, which is barricaded with a sofa after the two teenagers return. Carl covers up Ron by pretending that they fought with walkers instead of each other and immediately disarms him.

Carol escapes with Morgan in his house, where, as she observed in the last episode, Denise, the new doctor of the place, followed him. This is supposed to treat an abdominal injury of the wolf he has captured and talks to the man who is tied up before the examination. She tells him that Morgan won't release him until he stops killing. Upstairs, Carol pushes Morgan aside, runs down to the ground floor and wants to kill the wolf seen with her knife. Morgan stands in between and knocks her out after a dispute and a fight, but is knocked out by the wolf himself. Denise asks him not to kill her, Morgan and Carol. At that moment, Tara, Rosita and Eugene, who had fled there, join them from the garage of the house; the wolf takes Denise hostage and goes outside with her and one of the three pistols to leave Alexandria despite the herd of walkers.

With the last of her strength, Maggie saved herself from the walkers on one of the viewing platforms. There she is seen by Glenn from afar.

Michonne found an additional bite wound on Deanna. In view of her end, Deanna hands over the leadership of Alexandria to Rick. Since the house cannot be held against the walkers and the others are forced to leave it, she is left alone with a weapon with which she plans to shoot herself. Later she shoots the magazine empty at the walkers who are approaching her. Rick's group smeared bits of bits and pieces on several bedsheets and put them on as cloaks. Holding hands, the group successfully moves past the walkers in the house onto the street. Sam begins to call for his mother.

76 9 In the trap No way out Feb 14, 2016 Feb. 15, 2016 Greg Nicotero Seth Hoffman 13.74 million 0.35 million
Daryl, Sasha and Abraham in the tank truck are stopped by an eight-man gang with long guns . The spokesman lets them get out, hand over their pistols, and sends one of them with Daryl to check the rear of the vehicle. The spokesman announced that they should lead the gang to their whereabouts, that everything they had belonged to "Negan", and that someone would usually be shot at an encounter. As he was just about to decide to do so, Daryl, who was able to silently switch off the gang member behind the vehicle, turned the threat scenario into an inferno with one of the grenades found by Abraham.

In the group disguised as walkers, Rick decides to bring vehicles back from the quarry and lure the walkers away from Alexandria. Jessie notes that it would be too risky to take Judith with you. Therefore, Gabriel suggests to Rick to hide with Judith in church, which Rick accepts. Sam doesn't want to go with Gabriel, he wants to stay with his mother. But shortly afterwards, Carol's threat (Season 5, Episode 14) comes to mind and he stops. Because of his too loud answer to the others, who ask him to go on, he is attacked by walkers, also Jessie, who is screaming at Sam's end. Rick knocks off Jessie's hand, which is still clutching Carl's hand, with an ax, and Carl stumbles and loses his pistol. Ron points her at Rick, Michonne stabs Ron from behind with her katana. The shot from the pistol hits Carl in the right eye.

The wolf is waiting for an opportunity to flee Alexandria with his hostage. He dares the night when the bulk of the walkers move in the direction of Jessie's screaming. The project does not succeed, the wolf has to save Denise from a walker and is bitten in the arm by a second. Denise walks with him to the infirmary to have his arm amputated. Shortly before the goal, however, the wolf is shot by Carol, who sees the wolf knock down walkers to save Denise. She can flee to the infirmary, in which the patients Heath, Aaron and Spencer are staying. Rick, Michonne and Carl manage to get there almost at the same time because of the walkers who have become aware. Denise begins tending to Carl's injury while Rick watches in despair. When he finally looks out the window and sees the walkers wandering through Alexandria, his anger rises. He leaves the infirmary and, like a berserker, begins to eliminate one biter after the other with his ax, and is finally supported by the residents rushing out of the houses, with Morgan killing the transformed wolf.

Glenn and Enid first go to church to look for hidden weapons and find two pistols. They go to Maggie and Glenn begins to distract the walkers who are about to overturn the observation deck with Maggie. As Enid climbs up to her, Glenn eliminates the walkers, but is surrounded by more and more of them. He has his back to the gate and is saved at the last moment by rifle volleys from Abraham and Sasha, who have returned with Daryl and Patty. Daryl runs gasoline from the tanker into the stream flowing through Alexandria and sets it on fire. The walkers run to the fire and burn.

The next morning, the old and new residents of Alexandria recaptured the place and gathered in front of the infirmary. In the last scene, Rick is sitting at the bedside of the unconscious Carl and talks to him. He admits he was wrong about the people of Alexandria when he thought they wouldn't fight. Rick tells Carl that he wants to rebuild and expand Alexandria and that for the first time he is feeling something that he last felt before he woke up in the hospital (at the beginning of the series): that he would rebuild the world for Carl and give him this want to show. When he begs the unconscious Carl not to die, he begins to wake up and takes Rick's hand.

77 10 The new world The Next World Feb 21, 2016 Feb. 22, 2016 Kari Skogland Angela Kang & Corey Reed 13.48 million -
Some time after the events of the previous episode, Carl is well again with a bandage over his lost eye. The damage in Alexandria was repaired and the bodies disposed of within the walls.

Daryl and Rick set out to find food for Alexandria. Denise asks Daryl to look out for medication. Eugene gives the two of them a map with marked agricultural trading stations so that they can use seeds to grow food within the walls. Rick and Daryl find a van with food at a station and change trains. At the next gas station, where Daryl sees a drinks machine, they stop and meet a younger man called Jesus. He tells them that he ran away from a herd of walkers and says goodbye again. When a bang can be heard behind the gas station, the two of them run to look and find firecrackers set by Jesus, who meanwhile steals the van. Daryl is able to follow the trail of the transporter, he and Rick overpower Jesus fixing a flat tire and leave him handcuffed at the side of the road. After some driving time, they notice that someone is on the roof of the van and brake suddenly. While Daryl tries to catch the fallen Jesus, Rick stops the truck at a lake and takes care of some walkers. Jesus tries to steal the van again, but in the fight with Daryl he moves the switch lever of the car out of the parking position. The transporter rolls into the lake and sinks. The two take Jesus knocked out of the car door to Alexandria, because despite the attempted theft he did not injure either of them and saved Daryl from a walker. They put him in an empty room in the infirmary building.

Michonne watches Spencer go into the woods with a shovel on his back and follows him. Carl and Enid also leave Alexandria to hang out in the woods and read comics. When a walker comes close to them, Carl brings him down, but refuses to kill him and also stops Enid. It turns out that the biter is Spencer's mom, Deanna. Michonne helps Spencer fix Deanna, Spencer kills and buries her, and finally says goodbye to her.

In the evening, when Rick and Michonne are sitting together, talking and joking, their hands touch; the two kiss and end up in bed. In their sleep they are woken up by the voice of Jesus, who escaped the guard and wants to talk to Rick.

78 11 solution Knots Untie Feb 28, 2016 Feb. 29, 2016 Michael E. Satrazemis Matthew Negrete & Channing Powell 12.79 million -
The disappearance of Jesus or appearance in Rick's house was also noticed by Carl, Glenn, Maggie, Daryl, Abraham, who join the conversation. Jesus reports that he has noticed their good armament as well as their running out of supplies and that he comes from a community similar to Alexandria, who practices agriculture and ranching. He invites her to visit, it would be a day's journey away. When Maggie asked him if they were trading with other communities, Jesus said, “Your world will soon get bigger.” Rick, Daryl, Abraham Glenn, Maggie and Michonne set off with Jesus in the RV. On the way they see a vehicle lying on its side that has apparently collided with a group of walkers. Jesus recognizes the vehicle as belonging to his group. Footsteps lead into a building where four Hilltop residents are hiding from walkers roaming there. Rick's group frees them and continues the journey. One of the exempted is a gynecologist.

Hilltop is fenced in by palisades, the gate consists of two container walls, the guards have spears. Jesus confesses that they have run out of ammunition a long time ago. Inside the fence there are containers and a large villa with a tower as a lookout, which was last used as a history museum in the old world. In the villa, the Alexandria group meets Boss Gregory, who first invites them to “freshen up”, although Rick says “not necessary”. Rick thinks Maggie is a suitable negotiator. Gregory is taught by Jesus and offers food for labor, while Maggie goes for a trade. The conversation ended with no result and Jesus wanted a few days to convey what Michonne had promised.

At that moment, a hilltop squad that was on the way arrives. Gregory and the Alexandria group go outside. Gregory learns that a man and woman in the squad are dead and it was "Negan" and another man, Craig, is being held prisoner. One delivery wasn't "enough", reports his brother, who is one of the three returnees of the squad. However, Craig should be released if he delivered a message. At the same time he stabs Gregory's stomach with a knife, the Alexandrians intervene and overpower him and the other man and woman of the squad, with Rick killing Craig's brother in the fight. Gregory is treated by the doctor. Rick asks Jesus about Negan, whose name he knows (episode 9). Jesus tells that this is the leader of the so-called Saviors who showed up in Hilltop after the stockade was built. They demanded half of all supplies, harvest and livestock to keep the Hilltop people alive and beat a minor to death in support of it. Daryl asks why they don't kill the Saviors, Jesus replies that the Hilltop people aren't Fighter. Rick asks how many people Negan has, Jesus replies, they saw groups of 20. Daryl proposes as a deal to free the hostage, kill Negan and his people and get supplies, medicine and a cow in return, to which Gregory agrees to Maggie, even when Maggie also demands half.

When Michonne says to Rick at the invitation, she is looking forward to the fight, Rick says: "We have to win". The gynecologist takes an ultrasound of Maggie's expectant baby, which she and Glenn show around in the RV on the way back. In addition to Jesus, Andy, the man from the return party, is also in it, because he knows the place where Negan's people are.

79 12 The night before morning Not Tomorrow Yet March 6, 2016 March 7, 2016 Greg Nicotero Seth Hoffman 12.82 million -
Rick returns to Alexandria with his friends as well as Jesus and Andy. At a church meeting, he shares the deal Maggie made with Gregory: to kill the Saviors for Hilltop food. Also, because the Alexandrians can be their next victim, they should take advantage of a surprise attack. Only Morgan asks if it wouldn’t be enough just to tell the Saviors of their resolve to fight. Rick makes it clear that not everyone has to participate in the killing, but that they have to accept it if they want to remain part of the community.

Morgan asks Carol at Sam's grave why she didn't tell Rick that he was secretly keeping the wolf inside the community. Carol does not give the reason, but that she also asked Denise, Rosita, Eugene and Tara to remain silent about it.

Carol gives other roommates home-baked cookies, including Tobin. Shortly thereafter, a romance between him and her begins with a kiss. There is also a kiss between Tara and Denise, whom Tara confesses her love. In contrast, Abraham moves out of Rosita's house, who is upset and tearfully asks why. Abraham says when they met he thought she was his last wife in the world, but she is not.

Maggie wants to be part of the attack on the Saviors and agrees with Glenn to monitor the operation from a safe distance. Carol looks into a diary at night in which she has noted the people she killed (Ryan, Karen and David, Lizzie, about seven in Terminus and seven wolves) and will not participate directly in the attack either. A plan of attack is developed using information from Andy.

During the journey to the alleged Negan base, a former satellite station, the group is looking for a walker who looks very similar to Gregory. His head is supposed to be used as a gift in exchange to first trigger the hostage Craig at the Saviors so that she is not endangered when attacked inside the building.

The night attack is supposed to surprise the Savior in her sleep. The two guards are stabbed to death during the trade. With rifles at the ready, Rick's group enters the building and the rooms and begins to stab the sleeping people. A Savior, who stepped from the room into the corridor shortly afterwards, pressed an alarm button. Now Rick's people shoot the Saviors running out of their rooms and can kill them without loss. When day came, Heath and Tara set off from the satellite station on a two-week errands tour; after that, a last Savior is caught trying to escape from the site on Daryl's motorcycle.

On the radio that the man is carrying, a woman turns to Rick and announces the capture of Maggie and Carol.

80 13 In the same boat The same boat March 13, 2016 March 14, 2016 Billy Gierhart Angela Kang 12.53 million -
Carol has refused to take part in the robbery and is waiting with the pregnant Maggie in the forest in front of the fence. When the alarm goes off and shots are fired, Maggie tries to help her friends, but is stopped by Carol. Neither of them notice that they are being surrounded. A Savior approaches the two with his gun drawn and is shot by Carol. However, this does not prevent Maggie and Carol from being captured by his three companions. The leader Paula uses a radio to inform Rick's group about it. Rick then offers her to trade his hostage, a man named Primo, for Carol and Maggie and to let Paula's group escape unharmed, but she does not respond. She tells him that she wants to get back to him after a period to think about it. Carol and Maggie are then handcuffed and taken to a former slaughterhouse that the Saviors use as an emergency refuge. The winding corridors of the building are full of strategically placed walkers, speared or chained to prevent strangers from entering. Paula's group is waiting for the reinforcements requested by radio.

Carol fakes a panic attack, after which the prisoners have their gags removed. Carol can grab her chain with a crucifix, which has a cutting edge. She asks one of the women, Molly, out of consideration for Maggie's baby, not to smoke around Maggie's company. It wasn't until Michelle, the third woman in the group, insisted on Carol's request that Molly gave in. Donnie, who was shot by Carol, demands revenge for his injury and goes after Carol. He is stopped by Paula, who knocks him out. She has Michelle take Maggie to another room and ask about her place of origin (Alexandria).

Meanwhile, Rick asks Paula over the radio where the prisoner exchange should be made. Paula replies that she has not yet decided anything. Among other things, she and Carol exchange ideas about which of the two groups is "bad". When Carol announces that Paula will die if she doesn't make the deal, Paula contacts Rick again and orders him to go to a guide in the area. She suspects that Rick is tracking down the whereabouts and the three of them want to wait for him at the entrance with guns. Carol cuts her bonds undisturbed and frees Maggie, who is also left alone. Carol just wants to escape, but Maggie insists on killing the Saviors.

Donnie has since died of blood loss. Maggie ties him to a rope that goes to the door. When Molly steps back into the room, she is bitten by Donnie and beaten to death by Maggie in a rage. The two take Molly's gun and flee. Paula discovers what has happened and the two women at the exit guarded by walkers. Paula empties her pistol, then Carol holds her in check with Molly's gun and begs her to flee. When a walker breaks off its spit and attacks Carol from behind, she shoots and hits Paula in the shoulder while Maggie kills the walker. The shot calls out Michelle, who is attacked by Maggie. Maggie seems to have no chance against Michelle's knife, but Carol shoots him in the head. In a corridor the two find Paula, who is sarcastically amused that she was deceived by Carol's insecure demeanor. She asks Carol what she is afraid of and she says "before" about the gun in hand. In vain she asks Paula to run away. Paula knocks the pistol out of Carol's hand and is thrown into a stake by her in the scuffle and attacked by the undead standing next to it. The reinforcement reports by radio. Carol imitates Paula's voice and guides her to Schlachtgasse. The two women prepared a room with gasoline. When the five men go in there, they are locked in and burned alive with a thrown cigarette.

On the way out, the women meet Rick and the others. Primo is shot dead by Rick claiming to be the Negan they are looking for.

81 14th No tracks Twice As Far March 20, 2016 March 21, 2016 Alrick Riley Matthew Negrete 12.69 million -
Rosita goes to bed with Spencer; Carol notices that Daryl has got his motorcycle back. When she says it was taken by those he rescued in the burned forest (episode 6), Daryl says he should have killed her.

Two squads of five people go out of Alexandria. Eugene shows Abraham a lead foundry in which he imagines being able to manufacture ammunition. Eugene's self-confidence has increased a lot and so he would also like to liquidate the biter in the foundry himself. Since this lead has flowed on the head, his machete blow has no effect and Abraham comes to Eugene's hand in a scuffle with the biter. He reacts angrily and a dispute ends with Abraham going back alone, since Eugene has said that he no longer needs his protection.

Denise wants to go to a boutique that used to house a small pharmacy. Daryl and Rosita accompany them. When the road is blocked by a fallen tree, they continue on foot, Daryl down the road, although Denise tells him that it would only take them half the time to cross the tracks. She follows him anyway and only Rosita takes the shortcut. She and Daryl put the drug supplies they found in two backpacks. On the way back over the tracks, Denise sees a walker in a car with a cool box, which she wants to get out of the vehicle against the advice of the others. She acts unhappy, the walker falls to the ground with her, but she keeps the others from helping her and sticks her knife in the head of the undead. In response to Daryl's allegations, she fiercely replies that it was good to face her fears. An arrow comes out of her eye and Dwight and a dozen Saviors come out of the forest next to the railway line with the captured Eugene. Dwight, who is extensively burned on the left side of his head, admits that he actually wanted to hit someone else with Daryl's crossbow and Daryl tells him that he should have killed him then. Eugene sees the hidden Abraham and draws Dwight's attention to him. But Abraham changed positions and fired at the Saviors, the kneeling Eugene bites Dwight in the genitals. Daryl and Rosita pick up their rifles again and there is a firefight. Eventually Dwight and only four remaining Saviors disappear into the woods. Eugene has suffered a graze and is being treated with an antibiotic found in the pharmacy. He and Abraham are reconciled again.

Abraham makes Sasha an advances and she invites him into her house. Denise is buried. Tobin receives a farewell letter from Carol: Although she loves everyone in Alexandria, she no longer wants to constantly fight and kill for the community. That is why she will leave Alexandria. One shouldn't follow her.

82 15th Eastward East March 27, 2016 March 28, 2016 Michael E. Satrazemis Scott M. Gimple & Channing Powell 12.38 million -
Carol puts supplies in a backpack; when Tobin enters, she hides him. At night she goes and leaves him the letter. Glenn and Maggie take a shower together. Rick and Michonne wake up entwined and Rick spreads confidence. Daryl drives away on the motorcycle and Michonne, Glenn and Rosita follow him, suspecting that he has driven to the tracks. Tobin hands Rick the suicide note and discovers that Carol has driven away in a cart draped with bars and pipes for the walkers in front of the gate. A pick-up with five Saviors comes towards her and one of the three on the loading area flattens her left-hand tires. Both cars stop. Carol is questioned from a distance at gunpoint by the shooter and gives a false identity. But the Saviors know that there are such wagons with spears in front of Alexandria and want to take Carol there. Hyperventilating , she asks Carol to go home so that nothing happens to anyone. The Sagittarius, however, smugly replies that something will happen to someone. The passenger encourages him, Carol shoots the magazine of the MP hidden in her jacket sleeve empty and kills two Saviors on the loading area. The driver runs towards them, shooting with a pistol; Hiding behind her car, Carol can pierce him with one of the lances in order to hit the shooter lurking behind the other car with his pistol. She does not check the collapsed passenger, who is injured after her.

Morgan and Rick head east in search of Carol, come to the point of the fight, and follow a trail of blood on foot. Morgan brings up Carol's murder of Karen and David (Season 4), but Rick has now changed his mind and approves him. Morgan tells him the story of the wolf he held captive who saved Denise and then Carl. Rick asks in surprise. After seeing a survivor looking for his horse from a distance during an argument with walkers, Morgan decides to pursue Carol alone as Rick is needed in Alexandria. Maggie feels severe pain in the abdomen there.

Michonne, Glenn and Rosita find Daryl and want him to return to Alexandra and that they plan how to proceed from there. But Daryl says he can't do that, and Rosita follows him. The two groups of two are captured by Saviors around Dwight, with Daryl being shot by Dwight.

83 16 The last day on earth Last Day on Earth 3rd April 2016 April 4, 2016 Greg Nicotero Scott M. Gimple & Matthew Negrete 14.20 million -
A group of Savior hunts down a wet, bloodied man from a tributary community who has attempted a riot. The Saviors pull him by the legs and position themselves behind him in front of three vehicles.

Morgan finds the horse he is looking for and continues to search for Carol on it; with the same aim, Savior, hit in the back, is dragging himself forward with increasing difficulty. Morgan finds Carol, who is also injured, in front of a house and puts a bandage on her; the shooter had been able to wound her with his knife in the previous fight. Carol explains her logic again to Morgan: “If you like people, they are people you would kill for; if you don't want to kill or if you can't, you have to leave her. ”Morgan explains that she would die all by herself and he cannot leave her alone. Carol asks him to go. After Morgan kills a walker outside, he doesn't find Carol in the house anymore and mounts the horse again. After a fight with a walker, Carol is thrown to the ground by the pursuing Savior, he takes her pistol and wants her to die slowly in memory of his friends who have been killed. He shoots her in the arm, then in the leg, pauses briefly, and when he tries to continue shooting, he finds Morgan's gun pointed at him. He ignores Morgan's words that he can survive if he drops the gun and is shot by him. Two men reminiscent of knights appear, Morgan informs one that he has found his horse and that he needs help; the man (from episode 15) accepts with a handshake.

Rick, Abraham, Sasha, Eugene, Carl and Aaron set off to Hilltop in the motorhome to have Maggie examined by the gynecologist. You come across the posted Savior group, Rick has a skirmish with their spokesman, at last he asks him whether this day should be their last on earth and the spokesman asks him what if it was the last day on earth for him or for someone he loves. The Alexandria group turns the motor home and Eugene looks for another route on the map. Abraham as the driver speaks romantically to Sasha next to him, when they come across four blocking vehicles with even more Saviors. This time they go straight back without getting out. Their expressions become more worried, they have noticed that there were different Savior groups. In a ravine, the next obstacle are walkers chained together across the road. With an ax and shots they break the chain; von Saviors behind the embankments is aimed next to her feet. With gasoline running out, they continue in the direction the Saviors obviously want, but there they encounter a third, even larger vehicle blockade with even more Saviors. A fourth blockade after a bridge consists of a huge pile of tree trunks, which are invisibly set on fire, while the prisoner at the beginning is hanged on the bridge. Eugene is supposed to distract the Saviors while driving alone, while the others look for the way to Hilltop on foot on a stretcher with Maggie. When the Saviors whistle sounds, they walk a little further and find themselves in a suddenly lit forest clearing, surrounded by a vast majority of Saviors, of whom Eugene has already been captured. The spokesman from the beginning makes everyone kneel down. The previously captured Daryl, Glenn, Michonne and Rosita (in episode 15) are added, then the boss is announced. Negan lets Rick show himself and announces that in a few minutes he will regret having challenged him to kill many of his people. He explains to the new world order that from now on they have to work for him and give him what they have. The more you resist, the harder your life will be. He introduces Lucille, his baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire, with which he is about to beat one of them unconscious as a punishment. When he wonders if it will be Maggie, Glenn throws himself forward; Negan points out that if someone leaves the kneeling row again, he will kill them. Negan runs down the sequence with a counting rhyme. When he has found his victim, he strikes repeatedly hard.


Filming for the sixth season began on May 4, 2015.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Walking Dead: Season Six Ratings . Retrieved December 4, 2015.
  2. Kevin Kyburz: Quota check: "The Walking Dead" . In : . December 4, 2015. Accessed December 4, 2015.
  3. Strong debut for "The Walking Dead" . February 16, 2016. Retrieved February 17, 2016.
  4. 'Walking Dead' Filming Resumes May 4 . April 30, 2015. Archived from the original on July 12, 2015. Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved May 20, 2015. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /