The Walking Dead (TV series) / Season 8

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Season 8 of The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead (TV series) logo.svg
Logo of the series
Episodes 16
Country of production United States
First broadcast Oct 22, 2017 - Apr 15, 2018 on AMC
first broadcast
Oct 23, 2017 - Apr 16, 2018 on FOX
◀   Season 7 Season 9   ▶
Episode list

The first broadcast of the eighth season of the US television series The Walking Dead ran between October 22, 2017 and April 15, 2018 on the US cable broadcaster AMC . The German-language first broadcast was broadcast by the pay TV broadcaster FOX between October 23, 2017 and April 16, 2018.


The first half of the eighth season is mostly about the preparations and the war against Negan and the Saviors. The kingdom under the leadership of Ezekiel, Hilltop with Maggie as leader and Alexandria with Rick fight against the Saviors.


( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (D) Director script Odds
100 1 First fight Mercy Oct 22, 2017 23 Oct 2017 Greg Nicotero Scott M. Gimple 11.44 million 0.51 million
Visions of Rick run through the episode, he walks with gray hair and a beard on a stick, you see Michonne, Carl and Judith, about 6 years old, speaking about a party.

The residents of Alexandria, Hilltop, and the Kingdom prepare for battle. Their three leaders Rick, Maggie and Ezekiel speak to their residents and swear them to what is to come. Daryl and Dwight exchange arrow messages at the sanctuary . Dwight receives the message "tomorrow", Daryl receives the locations of the four scouts grouped around the sanctuary , which are then switched off. Carol and Tara are sitting on a bridge under which a large herd of walkers moves and determine their speed of travel. Carl meets a hungry drifter at a gas station whom he wants to help; However, his father drives it away because it could be a Negan spy. Later, Carl leaves tinned food for him with a note " Sorry ".

The herd of walkers expected by Carol, Daryl and Tara on a freeway appears to be an element of the attack plan, as a car is blown up in front of the herd to guide their direction. A Savior patrol then departing drives into a booby trap monitored by Carol, Daryl, Moran and Tara. The Hilltop, Alexandria, and Kingdom automobiles, armored with welded sheet metal and iron plates, pull up to the sanctuary . Negan steps out with his senior staff (Dwight, Simon, Gavin, Eugene and a woman named Regina) and asks Rick what he is up to. Rick asks them to surrender, then they would stay alive except for Negan, whom he wants to kill himself. Negan says Rick doesn't have enough people and lets Gregory, who is in the Sanctuary, speak, who tells Hilltop residents to go home or they would be sent away from Hilltop. When the Saviors hear that Maggie is running Hilltop, Simon pushes the useless Gregory down the stairs. After the leadership of the Saviors does not surrender, the attackers shoot at the window front of the Sanctuary ; the guide quickly flees into the building.

The herd of walkers has reached the booby trap. Daryl gets on his motorcycle and guides the herd by driving in front of her and shooting at explosives depots along the way. In front of the sanctuary , an armored mobile home of the attackers is blown up. The window panes of the building were shot through so as not to slow down the pressure wave from the blast against the interior of the building. The hobbling Negan can be seen in front of the building and is hiding; Rick fires at him, but is made aware of the limited time by Gabriel. Shortly before the herd arrives, Rick takes a photo of the destroyed sanctuary and drives away. Gabriel wants to start the same way, but Gregory calls out to him: "No, wait!". Gabriel runs to him and wants to wait a little longer because of the Saviors bullets, but Gregory runs to his vehicle and drives off alone. The biter herd now flows into the blowing up of the already devastated area Sanctuary . Gabriel can still save himself in an office container, which, however, also contains Negan. The container is surrounded by the walkers.

The fight against the bases begins. Finally, one sees Rick's fiery speech before the attack: "We are starting our future today!"

101 2 The damned The Damned Oct 29, 2017 Oct. 30, 2017 Rosemary Rodriguez Matthew Negrete & Channing Powell 8.92 million -
After the main group of Saviors has been trapped in the sanctuary by the herd of walkers , the fighters from the three communities attacked their bases separately from one another.

The Hilltop fighters with Jesus, Tara and Morgan attack the satellite station that the Alexandrians raided at the beginning of the conflict (season 6, episode 12). The base is now secured by a double fence, within which the Saviors have locked walkers. Morgan shakes the fence, the walkers gather at this point, the approaching double watch is silently switched off by arrows, the attackers penetrate the building and strategically position themselves in the corridor and in front of doors. As in the first attack, the rooms are penetrated and the Saviors shot there. A Savior poses as a worker from the Sanctuary and has shed his pants to deceive himself. Tara wants to shoot him, Jesus counters that nothing should happen to workers. Suddenly the man takes Jesus hostage with his pistol, but when he turns the pistol away from Jesus' head to shoot Tara, Jesus overpowers him and ties him up. However, in the room that Morgan has taken over with two men, there are several Saviors who shoot the attackers. Morgan plays dead next to his companions who have been shot and then runs after the Saviors shooting at them to the side exit, where they are captured by the attackers waiting there after another dispute between Jesus and Tara.

At an outpost, fighters of the kingdom with Ezekiel and Carol are attacked by walkers that a last Savior had set free by a grenade. The knights pursue the injured man through the forest until he is attacked by the tiger carried by the second group of the kingdom. When searching, Carol is skeptical about the outcome of the battle against the Saviors and Ezekiel is quite confident. With pathetic remarks he continually gives courage, even when they hear over the dead man's radio that Saviors are on their way from the nearest base. The knights did not succeed in preventing the base from being forewarned.

The Alexandrines attack a base, on whose forecourt the Saviors are busy with work. The tactic is to bind them with continuous fire in the narrow space so that they can also be attacked by their mutated fallen soldiers. Rick and Daryl enter the back building with three people who are downstairs that the Saviors do not retreat there, and look for machine guns indicated by Dwight there . On the top floor, Rick can impale a Savior on a hook in a duel, who then turns out to be the father of a toddler who sleeps in a cot. Rick gets a remorse. So distracted he is captured by a Savior Rick knows from the initial Atlanta camp (Season 1, Episodes 2-5). Morales tells him help is coming. At the beginning and at the end, the episode shows snapshots of the faces of the main characters.

102 3 Us or them Monsters Nov 5, 2017 Nov 6, 2017 Greg Nicotero Matthew Negrete & Channing Powell 8.52 million -
In the forest, Ezekiel and his knights await the approaching opponents. The Saviors are outnumbered, but they have strategy, says Carol. Ezekiel allows himself to be captured with some of his people, then Carol and the other hidden knights open continuous fire , as does the ducked first group: The Saviors are mowed down, none of the knights is hit.

The Hilltop people around Jesus lead the captive Saviors, bound in rows, towards their home. Walkers roll down an embankment and attack the defenseless Saviors before they are killed by their guards. A number of Saviors escape and are overtaken by Morgan. Morgan shoots one of them, then Jesus snatches the rifle from him. Morgan has moved away from his belief that people change; but Jesus implores him that when the war is over they must live with these people and find a way to peace. Morgan attacks Jesus with the stick, but Jesus is also an excellent martial artist. Morgan cannot defeat Jesus and leaves the group. Gregory arrives in Gabriel's car in front of Hilltop and knocks on the gate. Whimpering and moaning, he begs Maggie to let him in. Shortly afterwards, the group around Jesus and the prisoners come to the gate. Jesus wants to put them in two trailers outside and guard them around the clock.

Morales, threatening Rick with a gun, continues to speak to him. The leaders of the uprising against the Saviors should be brought to Negan alive if possible. Morales says that they didn't make it to Birmingham at the time, that he lost his family and was taken in by the Saviors. Rick says that the leader, "the widow", wanted by Negan, is Glenn's wife. Then Morales is shot from behind with the crossbow by Daryl. The assistance requested by Morales rushes into the building; Rick and Daryl stand in the middle of an aisle and are taken under fire from both sides. When they run out of ammunition, Rick shoots two fire extinguishers. The four Saviors storming in the resulting fog are eliminated by the two.

The wounded Eric is led by Aaron from the fighting in front of the building and leans against a tree, where Aaron leaves Eric, who assures him of his love, alone in tears. When the battle of the Alexandrians is over, with a dozen wounded and another five dead on their side, and Aaron returns, he can only see the mutated Eric from a distance joining a group of walkers. Rick offers Tobin Gracie to take him to Alexandria, but Aaron wants to take care of the baby at Hilltop. When Rick and Daryl are the last to leave the premises, a shot is fired at them. Rick can get the shooter, the last survivor of the Savior group against his word, to just want some information from him and then let it drive away, to give up. He replied that the heavy machine guns they were looking for had been relocated to the Gavin base to the west the day before. When the Savior wants to leave, Daryl shoots him, who had not given his word.

In front of Gavin's base, Ezekiel is holed up with his men and can again take out two dozen storming Saviors without loss. Carol goes into the building to scout it out for the upcoming cleanup. Ezekiel sees a machine gun sticking out of a window and warns the knights who are throwing themselves under heavy fire to protect him.

103 4th Just anyone Some guy Nov 12, 2017 Nov 13, 2017 Dan Liu David Leslie Johnson 8.69 million -
Looking back, you can see the knights of the kingdom saying goodbye to their relatives. Ezekiel gives a fiery speech and closes with the words: "We are one".

In the present one sees the bloody corpses of the knights butchered in the machine gun fire. Ezekiel survived because his followers threw themselves on him. You are now transforming; wounded in the foot and forced to crawl, Ezekiel can hardly escape them. But the knight Alvaro, who together with Jerry prepared the final end to the dead Saviors, also survived and supports Ezekiel. A young Savior shoots Alvaro from behind and drags Ezekiel on, pursued by the dead knights and other walkers. When the Savior cannot open the gate of the fence surrounding the base, he wants to kill Ezekiel and take his head with him as a trophy, but the emergent Jerry splits the boy with his double ax . However, even with this massive weapon, Jerry cannot break the chain securing the gate.

In the building, Carol can shoot the machine-gun squad while removing the packaged weapons from a hiding place. Five more Saviors drag the two boxes outside to be transported to the sanctuary . Carol can only briefly interrupt the removal of the machine guns with little ammunition before she apparently surrenders behind a car to take control of a Savior who approaches her to take the knife from her. The rest of the Saviors fire at the two of them anyway, the hostage dies, Carol takes the dead man's rifle and key ring and at the same time opens the entrance gate to the courtyard at the push of a button. Behind the walkers, two Saviors are waiting. She keeps the other two behind a pick-up in check, but then sees Ezekiel and Jerry fighting the walkers in front of the fence. She decides to save her friends, unlocks the lock on the chain and lets the machine go with the machine guns. But Rick and Daryl can intercept him.

On the way back of the three survivors, the wounded Ezekiel tries to give up while constantly fighting with walkers when his tiger appears and stops the walkers until it becomes their victim. The three reach the kingdom and are received by the dismayed residents.

104 5 The confession The Big Scary U 19 Nov 2017 Nov 20, 2017 Michael E. Satrazemis Story : Scott M. Gimple & David Leslie Johnson & Angela Kang
Teleplay : David Leslie Johnson & Angela Kang
7.85 million -
A look back shows Gabriel in his church. He asks God not to die a senseless death.

Another flashback shows the defected Gregory before the attack on the Sanctuary , who is brought by Simon into a meeting of the management staff with Negan, Gavin, Dwight, Regina and Eugene. Gregory proclaims that Maggie's group will be banned from Hilltop if they continue the fight; Negan has reasonable doubts that Gregory is still in charge at Hilltop. Simon wants to reinstitutionalise Gregory violently, if necessary kill everyone in Hilltop, Negan reacts angrily to such a "giving away of human resources". Meanwhile, Rick's fighters pull up in the armored vehicles, the plot continues in episode 1.

In the office container enclosed by walkers, Gabriel speculates that the point of meeting Negan could be to take his confession from him; he sees no reason to.

Simon, Gavin, Regina, Dwight and Eugene consult in the Saviors' meeting room. Regina cold-bloodedly wants to sacrifice workers to get out, Eugene contradicts her plan, believes it to be hopeless, Dwight agrees. Gavin suspects that information from his own ranks is reaching the enemy. After the meeting, Eugene appears at Dwight's and thanks, noticing his freshly painted chess pieces.

Rick and Daryl learn from the dying driver of the pickup that all but Ezekiel, Jerry and Carol were killed in the battle for Gavin's base. They also find explosives in the wrecked car, but they get into an argument because Daryl uses it to blow up the sanctuary for the herd, while Rick wants to protect the lives of the workers. Rick throws the explosives into the smoking car - the explosives and the heavy weapons are destroyed by an explosion. Rick and Daryl go their separate ways, as Rick wants to follow the plan and Daryl apparently doesn't.

Gabriel can steal his pistol from Negan again. They find an agreement, Negan confesses, whereupon Gabriel offers him the pistol again, but Negan lets him have it. The two of them camouflage themselves with bitter guts and make it back to the main building.

In the meantime, there is a threat of a revolt among workers who complain about the rationing of water and electricity and who have come to the conference room against the ban. Regina shoots a worker who points a pistol at her. At this moment, Negan appears with Gabriel. Everyone kneels before him, the uprising is over. In the conference room, a bag with stolen weapons from the armory is presented, which a Savior must have given the shot worker. Traces of the color of Dwight's chess pieces are visible on the pocket. Eugene looks at him.

Rick, without a vehicle in the forest, is very astonished to see a helicopter flying over him. A junkyard community guard announces Rick's approach with a whistle.

Negan promises to make Eugene very happy if he devises a plan to free her. If he doesn't find one, just doing his best, he promises to kill him quickly so that he doesn't have to watch the cruel end of others in the Sanctuary . Eugene comes to the imprisoned Gabriel with a pillow. He speaks in a fever and thinks why he is here is to have to get Doctor Carson out as a doctor for Maggie.

105 6th The King, the Widow and Rick The King, the Widow, and Rick Nov 26, 2017 Nov 27, 2017 John Polson Angela Kang & Corey Reed 8.28 million -
The Alexandria, Hilltop, and Kingdom guides exchange messages through dead mailboxes . Despite their betrayal, Rick visits the junkyard again. Rick shows the photos of the enclosed sanctuary and the successful fight of the Alexandrians at the base, tries to persuade Jadis to participate in the fight with offers and threats, but she refuses and locks Rick up.

Carl finds the loner Siddiq in the forest, whom he had already met with Rick (episode 1) and gives him water and food. He attacks walkers with him who are feasting on a game, but more are added and they only hold their own with great effort.

Carol tries to persuade Ezekiel to keep fighting, but Ezekiel refuses and has withdrawn in sadness and lack of perspective.

Maggie has the captured Saviors brought into a newly created enclosure within the palisade and imprisoned Gregory there. Aaron sets off on his own mission, which Enid joins.

Despite Dwight's support, Tara wants to kill him at the end of the fight, Daryl agrees and says that they can do this together. Michonne, who was badly drawn in the fight in Alexandria against a woman of the junkyard community (season 7, episode 16) and therefore did not take part in the further fights, wants to see the beleaguered Sanctuary . Rosita accompanies them. On the way you can hear loud classical singing from loudspeakers. In a warehouse, a Savior and a Savior woman who were looting during Rick's attack are about to break into the sanctuary with a pickup truck with a number of piled-up speakers to lure the walkers away. Rosita can kill the Savior with a bazooka, Michonne is still too weak to prevent the woman from escaping with the pickup. However, within sight of the Alexandrine women, she is rammed and killed by Daryl and Tara driving past in a garbage truck, who are also on their way to the sanctuary . When the four of them arrived there, Daryl talks about "ending it now."

106 7th For afterwards Time for after 3rd Dec 2017 4th Dec 2017 Larry Teng Matthew Negrete & Corey Reed 7.47 million -
At the garbage people's place, Rick is taken from his container jail, photographed and locked up again. Jadis wants to make a sculpture of him “afterwards”. However, she does not tell him what this “after” means.

Eugene seeks out Dwight and promises to betray him. He shouldn't continue, then he would keep quiet about it. Dwight replies that Negan and the Saviors are over and that the Sanctuary will soon fall. Eugene shouldn't prevent that. Eugene repeats that Dwight should not do anything that endangers others.

Gabriel, who is infected by the bitter remnants, tries in the hospital bed to convince Eugene that he should do the right thing and that he should get Doctor Carson to Maggie. Shortly thereafter, Eugene is reminded by Negan that he has finally come up with a plan for liberation and receives a handshake from him.

Morgan, one of the posted snipers, joins the Daryl, Tara, Michonne and Rosita who have arrived in front of the sanctuary . Due to her experience of doing business with Sasha, Rosita is the only one in favor of the original plan - to wait and see - and gets out of Daryl's plan to drive the garbage truck into the building.

Eugene wants to launch a small, remote-controlled flyer equipped with loudspeakers from the roof of the sanctuary in order to steer away the herd of walkers. He is interrupted by Dwight, but lets the plane start despite Dwight's pistol pointing at him. Dwight shoots the plane, which crashes.

The truck driven by Daryl rushes into the building, Daryl jumps out in good time, first putting a stone on the accelerator. The snipers and Tara provide fire protection. The herd of walkers penetrates through the resulting hole. The first floor is occupied by the herd, the Saviors escape to the first floor. Eugene, who has observed that the walkers killed at the foot of a staircase form an obstacle for other walkers to go up the stairs, tells Negan about a plan for liberation and promises to be able to reproduce bullets. He also wants to expose Dwight, but fails to do so because he and Regina arrive at this moment. In a conflict with himself, he drinks a bottle of red wine and vomits.

Rick is now to be executed, handcuffed, by a helmet-armed walker on a pole, in retaliation for the confidante of Jadis who was killed by Michonne. However, Rick can overpower the two garbage collectors who hold him and lead the walker, throw Jadis to the ground and threaten him with the torn off walker head. He reached a deal with it and went to the sanctuary with some of the junkyard people . There he finds a sniper killed, none of the others reports. The sanctuary is no longer encircled, he sees the garbage truck driven into the building.

107 8th Fight for the future How It's Gotta Be Dec 10, 2017 Dec 11, 2017 Michael E. Satrazemis David Leslie Johnson & Angela Kang 7.89 million -
Rick and the garbage collectors are shot at from the sanctuary . Jadis runs back with her group, Rick is saved in their car by Carol and Jerry. The three split into three vehicles to inform the three communities; Jerry's car is attacked on the way to Hilltop.

In retrospect, Rick remembers conversations with his son Carl, in which he takes a less tough position regarding the fight against the Saviors.

Aaron and Enid are on their way to the coastal women's community that they want to encourage to fight. As a gift, they find a delivery vehicle from a distillery and spend the night in their car near the destination. At night Aaron sees a figure at the truck, while looking, he is attacked by Cyndie's grandmother, who is shot by Enid. Aaron and Enid are threatened with guns by other women around Cyndie.

In Alexandria, the four who were recently at the Sanctuary are preparing to return and expect the Saviors to give up quickly. To everyone's horror, Negan knocks on the gate at night. Carl takes command and orders the residents to flee. He gains time for this by talking to Negan from the stockade and offers himself up as a victim of punishment. Dwight intentionally had the rear gate insufficiently secured; the residents break through in a convoy with trucks. They are immediately followed by Dwight, Laura, and other Saviors. Angry at the outbreak, Negan fires grenades over the wall, setting the houses on fire. Shortly afterwards, Daryl, Michonne, Tara and Rosita are seen waiting in an ambush, which Dwight deliberately drives into and kills his people in a firefight. Only Laura survives, who realizes the betrayal and shoots Dwight. This descends near the wall with the others except Michonne to a chamber in the sewage system.

That same night, Maggie and Jesus are unsuspecting in the convoy on their way to the sanctuary . They are stopped by Saviors around Simon, who hold Jerry hostage and thus force the convoy to surrender its weapons. Simon says Hilltop has to keep producing food and shoots a resident as punishment. Maggie agrees to turn the convoy back to prevent worse and asks for the coffin that Simon had set up as an alternative (to capture her in it and kill her in Hilltop).

Eugene helps Gabriel carry out his plan and escape in a car with Doctor Carson.

Another group of the Saviors has arrived in the kingdom under the orders of Gavin, who announces that the residents must go there to rebuild the sanctuary . The Saviors will meanwhile live in the kingdom. Gavin calls for the release of Ezekiel, who has not yet been found. He has awakened from his lethargy and lights a fire with fuel barrels to distract the Saviors. As a result, the residents manage to escape, which Carol points to their house in the forest. Ezekiel is caught by Gavin while Morgan is secretly watching.

Maggie returns to Hilltop. She goes to the prison camp and takes out the Savior who tried to kill Jesus (episode 2). Without hesitation, she shoots him in retaliation, has him put in the coffin with a message and orders that the Saviors find him.

Rick arrives in Alexandria and looks for Michonne, Carl and Judith in his house. However, Negan is waiting for him there and a duel begins. Rick escapes and meets Michonne. Together they climb into the underground vault, in which the other residents of Alexandria are already, including Siddiq, whom Carl had brought before. Carl is pale and shows Rick an injury to his stomach - a bite wound (from episode 6)!

108 9 honor Honor Feb 25, 2018 Feb. 26, 2018 Greg Nicotero Matt Negrete & Channing Powell 8.28 million -
The episode begins with Rick's transfigured look into the future: You see Jerry, Judith and Siddiq, the new doctor. There is a change to the immediate future, how Carl is buried by Rick and Michonne and afterwards you see the fight scene in the forest in more detail, in which Carl is bitten in the stomach by a biter and how he deals with his near death. He keeps the bite a secret and writes some farewell letters.

In another retrospective view, the Saviors break out of the Sanctuary surrounded by walkers from Morgan's point of view . The walkers near the exit are fired through the windows, so that their bodies pile up to form walls of an alley, through which Saviors rush out of the exits firing in the direction of the sniper positions. Morgan has to flee, which he just manages to do. The walkers are led away with music.

The inhabitants of the kingdom are brought to safety by Carol, Ezekiel is in the hands of Gavin. He plans to take him to the sanctuary for execution . The dispersed group of the Saviors commanded by Gavin, however, is silently decimated by Carol and Morgan. Gavin notices that something is wrong and retreats with his remaining half dozen men to the cinema, where Morgan and Carol appear with automatic MP fire. Only Gavin survives injured and escapes, but is caught by Morgan and unexpectedly stabbed from behind by Henry.

Dwight, Michonne and Rositha consult in the underground canal of Alexandria, into which the residents have taken refuge. Dwight advises making sure you wait for the Saviors to leave. Carl gives Rick his pack of letters and gives his final words to Judith, to whom he gives the hat he received from Rick. Daryl says that the people here owe their lives to Carl. Carl is taken to the church by Rick and Michonne amid the burning buildings. There he regrets killing the young Woodbury resident who surrendered to him back then (season 3, episode 16) and talks about how Rick integrated the Woodbury people back then, what a vision for the present future for him is. Rick promises to make this come true. Carl shoots himself and is buried by Rick and Michonne. The episode ends with Rick's vision of the future, in which Negan in the vegetable garden, in perfect harmony, wishes Judith a good morning.

109 10 Embassies The Lost and the Plunderers 4th March 2018 5th March 2018 David Boyd Angela Kang & Channing Powell & Corey Reed 6.82 million -
Michonne and Rick are still in Alexandria, where many walkers roam around. The two try to extinguish a burning pavilion on the roof of which Carl had always sat. Then they drive to the junkyard of the garbage collectors, because Rick thinks they still need them and because they were with him at the sanctuary , which would make them the target of the Saviors. When entering the junkyard, they set off a trap: the entrance is buried. Biters come up to them. It turns out that this scene is taking place in the near future.

In the sanctuary, Negan discusses the situation with Simon: Hilltop is being monitored, there was apparently an escape plan in Alexandria, Carl had tricked him, Gavin would be in touch soon. The contract-breaking garbage collectors should be reminded of the deal by Simon again, with the "usual message" to kill one of their people. Simon, on the other hand, demands that everyone be killed and other churches found and saved. It is enough for Negan to just kill Rick. During the discussion a “delivery from Hilltop” is brought: the coffin with the dead Savior, followed by the message: “We have 38 more. Stay away! ". Negan kills the biter with a nailing machine and yells at Simon, who has other suggestions to do his job and not to object.

Cyndie, the new leader of the women's community after the death of her grandmother, decides not to kill Aaron and Enid as originally planned; but they should never come back. Still, Aaron stays close. Enid is supposed to go back to Hilltop, also to keep Maggie from coming here.

Simon comes to the junkyard with his people and demands from Jadis an apology for her pact with Rick despite the deal with the Saviors. With Jadi's consent, he has weapons and ammunition taken from the garbage people, which the Saviors now need. Because, in his opinion, Jadis does not show remorse, Simon shoots her two subordinates. Jadis knocks him to the ground, Simon now gives the order for "fireworks". Only Jadis survived. Back in the sanctuary , Simon hides the massacre and claims that he only sent the “standard message”.

Rick and Michonne fight in the junkyard with the garbage people who have become walkers. The two flee to a pile of junk where Jadis is sitting. After a short chat, Rick and Michonne fight their way back to the entrance. Rick shoots in the air to stop Jadis from following them. Afterwards, in tears, Jadis lures her mutated community into a junk press, in which it becomes pulp.

On the way, Rick reads Carl's letters, including the one to Negan, in which Carl asks for peace. Rick calls Negan on the radio and tells him about his son's death and his letter to him. Rick says there is no peace now and that he wants to kill Negan. Negan asks how Carl was killed and says he is sorry. Rick brought this about himself: He, Negan, save people from death, Rick should have allowed this to happen. Rick had failed as a leader and father - he should give up.

110 11 Escape to Hilltop Dead or Alive Or March 11, 2018 March 12, 2018 Michael E. Satrazemis Eddie Guzelian 6.60 million -
The escape of Dr. Carson and Gabriel is discovered and reported to the Saviors patrol . Gabriel can barely see because of his infection. You get lost and walk to a house. However, Gabriel considers this to be divine providence. There they find antibiotics and a car, which confirms Gabriel in his belief that God is directing their escape. As they are about to drive off, they are discovered by a patrol and Dr. Carson shot.

The people of Alexandria, led through the forest by Daryl, are on their way to Hilltop. Dwight recommends walking through the swamp because the Saviors avoid it. Daryl and Rosita scout this path and clear it of walkers, while Tara takes Dwight on a walker hunt. When she tries to shoot him, Dwight asks what that would change. Tara says she would feel a lot better. Dwight escapes, but is quickly caught by Tara due to his injury. When Tara points the gun again, they hear Saviors pass by. Dwight jumps out of cover and claims that he was the only one to survive an ambush and asks about Laura, who knows of his defection. However, it has not yet appeared again. So his return to the Saviors is unproblematic. Daryl can lead the group to Hilltop without loss.

In the sanctuary , Eugene receives an order to manufacture ammunition. The escape through the Beißergasse cost considerable amounts of bullets. Negan brings Gabriel to Eugene's workshop as a work slave. Since the production of satisfactory amounts of ammunition still takes a few days, Eugene Negan suggests catapulting bit parts into Hilltop ( just as plague bodies were catapulted over besieged city walls in the Middle Ages ). Since biter parts alone do not infect, Negan developed the idea of ​​dipping melee weapons and arrows in biter body fluid and carried a bucket of biter blood for Lucille on departure.

In Hilltop, supplies are running out due to the siege and must be rationed. Maggie first decides not to give the captured Saviors anything more to eat, but revises this again and allows them a quarter ration and a guarded exit if they wish.

111 12 The key to the future The Key 18th March 2018 19th March 2018 Greg Nicotero Corey Reed & Channing Powell 6.66 million -
Rick and Michonne are back at Hilltop. Rick thanks Daryl for bringing the Alexandrians here and takes on a scouting post to report Saviors. When the Saviors actually come, he does not horn to trigger the signal chain, but drives towards them, rams and chases Negan's vehicle within a village, in which he is sitting alone. Negan's car overturns. Hurriedly shooting without hitting him, Rick runs after him into a building and has no more bullets when he hits him. Negan crashes in front of Rick's ax and in the dark he proposes a new deal with the three communities to Rick with only 25 percent instead of 50 percent taxes, but Rick tells him about the massacre of the garbage people, which Negan finds out about. Rick continues and eventually sets Lucille on fire, leading to an angry attack from Negan. In the middle of a cellar with walkers and the lighting by Lucille, a duel takes place, from which Negan flees through a window. He later wakes up in the passenger seat of a car that Jadis is driving, holding a gun to his head.

Maggie discovers boxes with a message: "Fill the boxes with food or records and I'll be happy to give you the key to your future." And coordinates of a meeting point. She puzzles with Rosita, Michonne, and Enid whether this is a trap or a help. The four arrest those responsible, namely a woman named Georgie and her two companions, at the meeting point and take them to Hilltop. It was a long time since the three of them had found a community like Hilltop's to offer "knowledge for boxes". Maggie gives Georgie a box full of records and in return receives a lot of the urgently needed food and a book she has put together with instructions for building mills, silos and aqueducts of the Middle Ages and other things. The groups split up in friendship and Georgie announced that she would come back and “find something big”.

Simon and Dwight are in a car on the Saviors' trip to Hilltop. Simon doubts Dwight about Negan's decisions: the three leaders of the uprising are not intimidated. After Negan is rammed, Simon sets out with Dwight on his search, he orders the other Saviors to wait. Simon tells Dwight about his idea to lock up here and look for new churches for the tributes. You will find Negan's car. Simon tells Dwight not to go looking for Negan, but to come back and do many things better. In response, Dwight lights Negan's car. Simon speaks in front of the waiting Saviors that Negan Hilltop wanted to bring the "wrath of God" (the infection with bitter fluid) to compliance with the rules, but now all they have to do is "extinguish this brood".

112 13 The way of the dead Do Not Send Us Astray March 25, 2018 March 26, 2018 Jeffrey J. January Angela Kang & Matthew Negrete 6.77 million -
The signal chain in front of Hilltop is triggered. The Saviors convoy approaches. Simon speaks over the radio to Maggie, who threatens to kill all of the Saviors captured in an attack. Simon is just as indifferent to this as Dwight's admonition that this is not Negan's way, which could still be alive. Due to the lack of cartridges, the attackers shoot arrows with which they infect defenders like melee weapons, despite the fact that they repel the night attack with their superior firepower. Tara is hit by Dwight's unpoisoned arrow, which prevents Simon from infecting her with a thrown weapon.

Carol talks to the wounded Tobin about the reasons for her disappearance from Alexandria (season 6, episode 15). The next night Tobin turns into a walker and attacks other residents, who then mutate like other wounded. The walkers are killed by Rick, Daryl and Michonne, Carol redeems Tobin. That same night, Henry uses a submachine gun to go to the prisoners' mess. He wants his brother's murderer to reveal himself. When an infected prisoner mutates and attacks, the Saviors flee in the turmoil, except for a few who feel betrayed by Simon.

Hilltop residents realize that the attackers used poisoned weapons. Henry's disappearance is noticed.

113 14th I am not dying Still gotta mean something April 1, 2018 2nd April 2018 Michael E. Satrazemis Eddie Guzelian 6.30 million -
Carol and Morgan look for Henry, Rick the Saviors who have fled. Morgan hallucinates people, now Henry, according to Gavin. Morgan leaves Carol, who just wanted to keep an eye on him after they encounter a herd of walkers, and joins Rick. When they come across two severed limbs from bitten Saviors, they are overwhelmed by the group and lie handcuffed in a bar. Rick offers to take care of the amputees in Hilltop and to take in the others. Some of the Saviors are in favor, but Henry's brother's murderer is against. Rick and Morgan warn the Saviors of the herd of walkers that is about to arrive. When the latter enters the building and first rushes at the amputee, Rick asks the Saviors to cut them off because they would not be able to cope with the walkers on their own. Benjamin's murderer wants to kill Rick and Morgan, but they are freed by a Savior in time. When the danger of walking is over, Rick and Morgan kill the rest of the Saviors against Rick's offer. To a dying person who asks about it, Rick says he lied.

A look back shows how Jadis managed to survive the massacre of the garbage people: She lay in a pool of blood and played dead. Now Jadis has Negan in her power and is packing a suitcase. Negan explains that he knew nothing about the massacre of her people and that it was never his intention to be sorry. He can seize a gun, a Bengalo and pictures made by Jadis , despite being shackled . Jadis rushes on Negan to snatch the Bengalo from him, but it goes out in a puddle. A helicopter, with which she apparently planned to leave, turns off again without recognizing a light signal. Jadis cries, finally releases Negan. He offers her to accompany him on a new path. On the drive back to the sanctuary , Negan lets someone get in. He promises the Savior some surprises at the gate.

Tara tells Daryl that she changed her mind about Dwight, whose non-poisoned arrow hit her. Hilltop's supplies of ammunition are weakened, while the Sanctuary is able to manufacture some thanks to Eugene. Daryl and Rosita hide there in sight and watch as cartridge cases are brought up. Rosita talks about taking out Eugene.

Carol finds Henry alive in the woods. Rick and Morgan return as well. Michonne encourages Rick to finally read Carl's letter to him.

114 15th The right hand Worth April 8, 2018 April 9, 2018 Michael Slovis David Leslie Johnson & Corey Reed 6.67 million -
Rick reads Carl's letter. In the end, this guy strongly encourages Rick to find a way to make peace with Negan so that everyone can have a secure future.

Gregory has returned to the sanctuary . There he negotiates with Simon, who is currently in command of the Saviors, for a good position. Simon instructs him to make coffee, but actually wanted to kill him.

Aaron is still waiting in the woods off Oceanside for the residents to join the fight against the Saviors. He is completely exhausted from thirst. Cyndia, who comes by with other women, leaves him lying there and doesn't give him any water. When it finally rains heavily, he is attacked by walkers and can only barely fight back. A large group of Oceanside residents with Cyndia come back to him and Aaron tries again to convince them.

Eugene explains to his employees in the ammunition factory that Simon demands a significant increase in production, which they can hardly meet. He discovers that Gabriel is sabotaging bullet production and delivering faulty cartridges and suspends him from manufacturing. When he wants to test cartridges outside, he is kidnapped by Daryl and Rosita. Rosita announces that he will be locked in a dungeon and only taken out if they want to use his brain. The enraged Eugene escapes at the next opportunity tricky and returns to the ammunition factory, where he resolutely pushes production.

Negan has taken command of the Saviors again. During a meeting with his executives, he appears to forgive Simon and shows a map of a siege plan for Hilltop. He himself will be present at one of the marked hiding spots. Dwight signs this plan and gives him the request. Kill Negan at the spot he chose. Simon visits Dwight in his room and apparently wins him over to a plot against Negan. When the conspirators meet in the courtyard, Negan - apparently following a tip from Dwight - hid behind a dumpster and can overhear everything. Almost all of the conspirators are shot from behind by Negan's followers. Simon gets the chance from Negan to defeat him in a duel and to become boss. Negan wins the duel, who strangles Simon. As a walker, you can later see him chained to the outside bars. Meanwhile, Dwight asks Gregory, who was in the courtyard, to leave and gives him a car key and a copy of the siege plan for Rick. Gregory hands her over to Hilltop, where he is imprisoned again. After the duel, Negan apparently offers Dwight the now vacant position as his right-hand man, accompanying him to his room, where Laura is waiting for him. She had been picked up by Negan on the way back from Jadis and had informed him of Dwight's double game. Negan reveals to Dwight that the siege plan is fake and is an ambush for Rick.

Michonne reads Carl's letter to Negan over a radio: Carl hopes in his legacy that Rick will reach out to Negan for peace and that it will strike. Negan replies that a new beginning is only possible with the death of Rick and all of Hilltop's residents and crushes the radio.

115 16 anger Wrath April 15, 2018 April 16, 2018 Greg Nicotero Scott Gimple & Angela Kang & Matthew Negrete 7.92 million -
The Hilltop residents are preparing to attack Negan, who according to the map from Dwight is said to be nearby, although they also consider the possibility of being deceived. But an additional ruse by Negan blurs the doubts: He sends some Saviors to the designated point, who are expected to be shot by Rick and his troop. Negan had slipped another card into one of the dead, indicating a new location for him. Rick thinks the information is true and falls into the trap of the Saviors with his people.

In the sanctuary, Eugene reports the completion of the ammunition order to Negan and hands over a test weapon with what appears to be this ammunition, with which Negan successfully fires at a straw doll with Rick's name. On Eugene's advice, the ambush is planned so that a closed row of all Saviors should fire at Rick's people at the same time. Prisoners Gabriel and Dwight must come with them.

Hilltop is attacked by a group of Saviors at the same time; the residents flee beforehand through the secret tunnel into the forest. Tara wants to prevent the attackers from their pursuit with Alden and other formerly captured Saviors, but they witness how they are defeated by the women of Oceanside and Aaron with Molotov cocktails .

When Rick's group comes to a field, Negan's voice can be heard from loudspeakers that cannot be located, telling them that it is surrounded, although nobody can be seen. Suddenly a long line of Saviors appears around Rick with rifles at the ready. The Saviors fire at the group at the same time, but all weapons detonate in their hands: the ammunition produced by Eugene is apparently tampered with. Immediately the Hilltop fighters charge the Saviors; Eugene as the author of this turn to the disadvantage of the Saviors is attacked by Regina, but she is shot by Rosita in time. The Saviors can now be overwhelmed by Rick's group, with many surrendering to Laura without a fight. Rick pursues Negan, who is injured in the hand by his exploded pistol, and can put him under a tree under which he once had a vision of the future. He knocks Negan down with a shard of glass by slitting his neck, which is not fatal, and immediately afterwards - against Maggie's objection - sends Siddiq to him for a doctor. Rick gives a fiery speech to the captured Saviors that they must all stick together to have a future together, that the real danger is the walkers. You can see a huge herd moving in the distance.

In Sanctuary , women have integrated from the coast, build with the Saviors vegetable and trade with Hilltop.

Morgan, increasingly hallucinating and seeing the dead, surrenders to Henry the armor he was wearing all along. He seems to have moved away from his previous convictions of violence and to have been purified by the conversations with Jesus. Then he looks for Jadis in the junkyard and tells her that she can come into Rick's company, which she then actually plans. Morgan, on the other hand, does not want to go back, but to stay alone.

Daryl drives into the woods with Dwight. Dwight fears he will be shot by Daryl and asserts that he is sorry for everything. However, Daryl gives him the car keys and sends him off to find Sherry - he would kill him if he got back. Dwight then drives to the old meeting place and finds a message for him that says Honeymoon , which makes him smile.

Maggie consults with Daryl and Jesus. She now retrospectively approves of Jesus' decision to let the Saviors trapped in the satellite station live, but not Rick's with regard to Negan. She and Daryl plan to do something when the time comes.

Negan is handcuffed to a hospital bed, where Rick explains that they will not kill him but lock him up for the rest of his life. This is a contribution to the new society.

Gabriel thanks God in the burned-out church; he gave him so much.

The episode and with it the season closes with a fictional letter from Rick to Carl: Carl showed him the new world and made it come true.


On October 17, 2016, AMC extended the series for an eighth season.

On April 17, 2017 it was announced that Katelyn Nacon , Steven Ogg and Pollyanna McIntosh were hired in the eighth season as new leading actors who previously had a supporting role. Furthermore, Khary Payton has now also been fully engaged as the main actor. In season 7 , he was only listed as the lead actor in the episodes in which he appeared.

Filming began on April 25, 2017. During this period, there was an accident on July 12, 2017 in which stuntman John Bernecker fell from a seven-meter-high balcony while training a fight scene. He sustained severe head injuries and was admitted to the Atlanta Medical Center . He died there on the evening of July 13th local time. Production of the series was suspended until July 17th.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Walking Dead: Season Eight Ratings . In: . October 31, 2017. Retrieved November 1, 2017.
  2. "Walking Dead": Zombie fans discover pay TV . In: . October 24, 2017. Retrieved October 24, 2017.
  3. 'The Walking Dead' Ups Scavengers Leader Pollyanna McIntosh & Two Others To Series Regular . April 17, 2017. Retrieved April 17, 2017.
  4. ^ "The Walking Dead": Jeffrey Dean Morgan reveals start shooting . April 15, 2017. Archived from the original on April 19, 2017. Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved April 19, 2017. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. 'The Walking Dead' stuntman John Bernecker Dead After Fall on Set . In: . July 14, 2017. Retrieved July 14, 2017.