The Walking Dead (computer game)

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the Walking Dead
Studio Telltale Games
Publisher Telltale Games
Senior Developer Jake Rodkin
Sean Vanaman
platform Android , iOS , macOS , Windows , PlayStation 3 , PlayStation Vita , Xbox 360 , Xbox One , PlayStation 4 , Nintendo Switch
Game engine Modified Telltale Tool
genre Adventure
Game mode Single player
control Gamepad, mouse, keyboard, touchpad
medium Download , DVD-ROM , Blu-ray Disc
language English, subtitles in German, English, French, Italian, Spanish
Age rating
USK from 18
PEGI from 18

The Walking Dead ( listen ? / I ) (also known as The Walking Dead: The Game ) is anepisode- format adventure game . It is based on the comic ofthe same nameby Robert Kirkman and has been released for Android , iOS , macOS , Windows , PlayStation 3 , PlayStation 4 , Xbox 360 and Xbox One . The game was developed by Telltale Games . The Walking Dead was due to be released in late 2011, but was postponed to early 2012 due to production and development delays. The first season of the game consists of five episodes that were released between April and November 2012. The iOS versions of the episodes appeared shortly afterwards. There were also retail published versions of the complete series. The German retail version includes German subtitles for the game. An update will later add German subtitles for games that have already been purchased. The second season of the game called "The Walking Dead - Season Two" also consists of five episodes, the first was released on December 17, 2013 and the last episode on August 16, 2014. A version of the game for the Nintendo Switch was released in August 2018 . Audio file / audio sample

The game is set in the same fictional world as the comic series. Events run chronologically after the Georgia zombie apocalypse started . Most of the characters have been reinvented for the game; the protagonist, University Professor Lee Everett, takes care of the young girl Clementine while they work with other survivors. Some characters from the comic series make in-game appearances, including Hershel Greene and Glenn.

The Walking Dead is a graphic adventure game that does not focus on puzzle solving, but on the story and characters. The story is influenced by the decisions and actions of the player. In the course of the plot, certain characters die or adopt an appropriate attitude towards the protagonist, depending on the decisions made. These decisions will be carried over into the next episodes.

Game mechanics

The player can interact with characters and examine objects. He also has to use items from his inventory and interact with the environment. According to Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead focuses on character development and story rather than the action elements that are in the foreground in other zombie games such as Left 4 Dead .

In some sections the player has to make a decision in a certain amount of time, which often has a long-term effect on the story. In the case of other decision-making options in conversations, the player must choose an answer within a certain period of time, otherwise he does not say anything that can change the attitude of other characters towards him. There are also action-based sequences in which the player has to follow certain instructions on the screen, so-called quick-time events , in order to save themselves or other characters from death; if the player does not succeed in this, the game starts again at this point.

The player can set an option to let him know while playing how a person reacted to a response and if they changed their attitude towards Lee. Each episode contains five places where the player must make important decisions between two options; The game uses the Telltale servers to calculate how many players have chosen which option, and thus enables the player to compare himself with other players. The game can be completed regardless of your choices, but the story is based on those choices. The game allows you to use different memory slots and includes a rewind function, with which the player can go back and change previous decisions.

Action of the 1st season

Due to the choices the player can make, some details of the plot may differ.

When a sheriff brings Lee from Atlanta to a local prison, he runs over a "walker" in his police car. He breaks the guardrail with the car and falls down a slope, allowing Lee to escape. Shortly thereafter, he witnessed a zombie attack. He takes refuge in a nearby suburban house and discovers that eight-year-old Clementine is hiding there; her parents traveled to Savannah before the disaster . Lee promises to look after Clementine and help her find her parents using a walkie-talkie.

They meet other survivors and seek refuge at the farm of Hershel Greene and his son Shawn. Lee meets Kenny, his wife Katjaa and their son "Duck", who want to travel to Savannah to find a boat and escape from the mainland. After a "walker attack" that kills Shawn, the group is banished by Hershel and they flee to Macon , Lee's hometown. They seek refuge in a drug store with several other survivors, including Lilly and her father Larry. Lee notices that it is his parents' drugstore, but says nothing to the others. Shortly thereafter, he is forced to kill his brother, who has already turned into a walker, to get access to medicine from the pharmacy. The group is forced to flee to a nearby motel when they are attacked. One of the survivors is killed by a walker. In the motel they are able to build a line of defense.

Three months later the group is almost out of food. When they save Ben, a high school student, from another zombie attack and take refuge in the motel, Lilly worries about the group's resources. Ben mentions that you don't have to be bitten, but that everyone transforms after their death - regardless of how they die - and that walkers can only be killed by destroying their brains. You meet the St. Johns who run a dairy business that seems to be well protected against walkers. The St. Johns offer them shelter and food in exchange for gasoline. Lee discovers the farm has made a deal with bandits; they give them food and in return they are not attacked by the bandits. They later find the campsite of a confused woman, Jolene, who is killed before she can reveal the secret of the St. John's. Lee and Kenny investigate the farm and discover that the St. Johns have become cannibals. However, the group is quickly overwhelmed and locked up before they can react. Locked up in the cold store, Larry has a heart attack and Lee (one of two options) and Kenny see no other way out than to smash his head to save him from metamorphosis. They manage to escape and overpower the St. Johns. You leave the fate of the family to the walkers who overrun the farm. On the way back to the motel, they find an apparently abandoned car with supplies, which they take despite Clementine's objections.

A week later, Lilly finds out that someone must have given the bandits medicine, but before Lee can find the culprit, both bandits and walkers storm the motel. The group is forced to flee in a mobile home without their supplies, where Kenny and Katjaa Lee reveal that their son Duck was bitten during the attack. In the motor home, the increasingly paranoid Lilly demands justice for her father and tries to find a culprit for the stolen supplies; the situation comes to a head and Lilly finally shoots a survivor. Then Lilly leaves the group. On their escape they find a still functioning train and meet a homeless man named Chuck. He joins the group and they take the train towards Savannah. On the trip Katjaa notices that Duck has almost changed. They convince Kenny to stop the train to take care of Duck. Instead, Katjaa takes Duck into the forest and kills herself. The group kills Duck out of mercy and then sets off again on the journey. Ben secretly reveals to Lee that it was he who made the deal with the bandits, and shows remorse as he feels responsible for the deaths of Katjaa and Duck. They get help from a young couple, Christa and Omid, when a truck trailer full of fuel blocks their way. As the group tries to clear the track, a zombie horde approaches that appears to have followed the train. While trying to escape, Omid injured his leg. Shortly before arriving in Savannah, Lee overhears a stranger trying to contact Clementine on her walkie-talkie. The ominous man on the other end tries to reassure her that once Lee and his friends are out of the way, she will be safe and that she will see her family again soon.

In Savannah, the group sought shelter in a barricaded house. Kenny and Lee head to the shore only to find that there isn't a single boat left. They encounter Molly, a looter, who explains to them that the boats have been gone a long time and that all useful resources are hoarded and guarded by a radical group calling themselves Crawford, a community that has barricaded itself to protect itself from biter attacks to be sure. During a walker attack, Lee is separated from the others and is forced to find his way through the city's sewers. In the sewer, Lee finds Chuck (who was also separated from the group) dead and takes his weapon. In his search, he meets the doctor Vernon and several of his patients who have hidden in an abandoned morgue - all cancer survivors who were to be "singled out" by Crawford because of their illness. Vernon offers to take Lee back to Omid and examine his leg. Back at the house, Clementine shows Lee a boat that she found in a shed in the back yard of the house. Kenny examines it and it turns out that gasoline and a battery are missing to get the boat going. With Molly and Vernon's help, they find a way to sneak into Crawford to get those very things. When they arrive in Crawford, they find out that the entire population has turned into biters. Although they get the things they need largely undamaged from an abandoned school that has served as a base for the Crawford people, Ben accidentally lets the walkers into the school, forcing the group to flee. During this escape, Ben almost falls victim to the hordes of walkers; he says that because of his past actions, he deserves to die. The group returns to the house. After confirming Omid's health, Vernon takes his medicine and leaves. Previously, he told Lee that he found Lee to be haphazard and no longer able to properly take care of Clem. Instead, he offers to take her into his own care.

The next morning, Clementine disappeared. When Lee searches the house and the surrounding area, he is attacked by a walker and bitten. Knowing his time is short, he travels to the morgue with the others, believing Vernon was responsible for the kidnapping. Instead, they find the bunker abandoned. Then the man on the walkie-talkie tells that he is holding Clementine in a hotel in the center of town and that if Lee wants her back, he should come to her. The group returns to the house and it is revealed that Vernon and his group stole the boat while they were away. Survivors realize that their only option is to save Clementine and then flee the city. The house is unexpectedly overrun by walkers, but they are able to escape. On their escape over the roofs, Ben falls (should have survived this episode 4) and is impaled on a railing. Kenny sacrifices himself to hold back the walkers for Lee, Christa and Omid and gives Ben the coup de grace with his last bullet to save him from a worse fate. Should Ben die in episode 4, Christa falls into a hole full of biters, where she cannot get out on her own. Kenny then jumps in and helps her out, but is cornered by the walkers. In both cases, his fate remains uncertain. Lee tells the two that they will meet on the outskirts, where he wants to hand Clementine into their care.

Lee fights his way through the hordes of walkers, from whom no place in town seems safe anymore, until he reaches the hotel. In one room he finds the stranger with the walkie-talkie. It turns out he was the owner of the car the group looted after the St. John's incidents. He reveals to Lee how he has watched the group's movements over the past few weeks. He holds Lee up to his decisions and tells him he doesn't think he's a good father to Clem. Lee soon realizes the man is insane talking to his wife's severed head in a travel bag. Clementine kills the man. To get safely through the crowd of walkers outside, Lee smeared Clementine with the blood and guts of a dead walker to smell it. As they leave the hotel, Clementine discovers her parents - both of whom have turned into biters - while Lee passes out and falls to the ground. When he wakes up, he realizes that Clementine has taken him to a safe building. Too weak to move and knowing he will soon become a walker, he instructs Clementine to handcuff him to a radiator to protect himself from him. He also explains how to take a walker by surprise so she can escape and find Christa and Omid. In his final moments, Lee says goodbye to Clementine. It is then up to the player whether Lee should become a walker or Clem should shoot him.

After the credits, Clementine can be seen walking alone in a field. She sees two figures in the distance turning to face her. She nervously holds her gun while she seems to be trying to decide whether to shout or find a place to hide.


1st season

The game was split into five episodes that were released every two months.

chapter Publication (for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3)
Episode 1 - "A New Day" April 24, 2012
  • German title: "A New Day"
  • Posted by Sean Vanaman
  • At the beginning of the zombie apocalypse, Lee rescues young Clementine and joins other survivors in Macon , Georgia, to protect himself from the hordes of so-called "walkers".
Episode 2 - "Starved for Help" June 27, 2012
  • German title: "Hunger and Help"
  • Posted by Mark Darin
  • After securing a motel, the survivors will run out of food. They decide to accept an offer from the St. Johns at a nearby dairy farm. Soon they find out that the St. John's turned cannibals to keep themselves alive and flee before the walkers overrun the yard.
Episode 3 - "Long Road Ahead" August 28, 2012
  • German title: "The long way"
  • Posted by Sean Vanaman
  • When bandits and walkers attack the motel, the group is forced to flee without their supplies, creating tension in the group. Kenny has to deal with the fact that his son Duck was bitten by a walker. The group finds a working train and heads for Savannah , where Clementine hopes to find her parents.
Episode 4 - "Around Every Corner" October 9, 2012
  • German title: "Behind every corner"
  • Written by Gary Whitta
  • The survivors find Savannah full of walkers. After finding a boat, they make plans to secure supplies from the Crawford community only to find out that it has been overrun by walkers too. Clementine is kidnapped by a mysterious man and Lee is bitten by a walker, leaving little time to save her.
Episode 5 - "No Time Left" November 20, 2012
  • German title: "Time is running out"
  • Posted by Sean Vanaman
  • Lee and the other survivors head for a hotel where the man is holding Clementine. When the group breaks up, Lee walks on alone. The man at the hotel holds a grudge against Lee for being indirectly responsible for his wife's death, but Lee overpowers him and saves Clementine. Just before Lee transforms, he makes sure Clementine is safe.
DLC - "400 Days" 3rd July 2013
  • German title: "400 days"
  • 400 Days tells the story of five new characters Bonnie, Russell, Shel, Vince and Wyatt. It takes place at the same time as the first five episodes at a trucking place in Georgia.

2nd season (Season 2)

The five episodes of the second season were released at irregular intervals between December 17, 2013 and August 16, 2014.

chapter Publication (for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3)
Episode 1 - "All that remains" 17th December 2013
  • Written by Nick Brenton and Andrew Grant
Episode 2 - "A House divided" 4th March 2014
  • Written by Nick Breckon
Episode 3 - "In Harms way" May 13, 2014
  • Written by Pierre Shorette
Episode 4 - "Amid the ruins" July 22, 2014
  • Written by JT Petty and Eric Stirpe
Episode 5 - "No Going Back" August 16, 2014
  • Written by Nick Breckon and Pierre Shorette

Season 3 (A New Frontier)

chapter Publication (for Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, iOS and Android)
Episode 1 - "Ties That Bind - Part I" 20th December 2016
  • German title: "Mandatory gang - PART ONE"
  • When Javier and his family suddenly encounter another group, a misunderstanding develops that quickly gets out of control.
Episode 2 - "Ties That Bind - Part II" 20th December 2016
  • German title: "Obligatory gang - PART TWO"
  • In the course of escalating conflicts, Javier and a group of refugees seek protection in a nearby town.
Episode 3 - "Above the Law" March 28, 2017
  • German title: "Above the law"
  • Shocking developments drive a wedge between brothers in arms.
Episode 4 - "Thicker Than Water" April 25, 2017
  • German title: "Dicker than Wasser"
  • When the community is threatened from within, Javier forges unexpected alliances to protect his family.
Episode 5 - "From the Gallows" May 30, 2017
  • German title: "Escape from the gallows"
  • In order to save what can still be saved, Javier and the others are made heavy sacrifices.

Characters and voice actors

character game
the Walking Dead The Walking Dead: Season 2 The Walking Dead: Season 3 The Walking Dead: Season 4
Lee Everett Dave Fennoy
Clementine Melissa Hutchison
Police officer Mark Barbolak  
Diana Rebecca Schweitzer  
Shawn Greene Peter Edward Mussad  
Chet Brian R. Davis  
Andre Mitchell Jacob Battersby  
Hershel Greene Chuck Kourouklis  
Kenny Gavin Hammon
Katjaa Cissy Jones  
Duck Max Kaufman  
Glenn Nick Herman  
Carley Nicole Vigil  
Lilly Nicki Rapp   Nicki Rapp
Larry Terence McGovern  
Doug Sam Joan  
Irene Brett Pels  
Steve Ruby Butterfield  
mark Mark Middleton  
David Parker Kevin Burns  
Ben paul Trevor Hoffmann  
Andrew St. John Adam John Harrington  
Danny St. John Brian Summers  
Bandit 1 Maxwell Zorbel  
Brenda St. John Jeanie Kelsey  
Beatrice Jolie Menzel  
Gary Terence McGovern  
Charles Roger Jackson  
Dr. Logan  
Christa Mara Junot
Anna Correa Mara Junot  
Omid Owen Thomas
Molly Erin Yvette  
Vernon Butch Eagle  
Clive Jason Victor  



In general, The Walking Dead received positive reviews and was considered one of the video game highlights of 2012. The first episode, A New Day , was well received. The review aggregator Metacritic calculated an average value of 82% for the PC version, 84% for the PlayStation 3 version and 79% for the Xbox 360 version. The game has received multiple awards including the IGN Editors' Choice Awards , PC Gamer Editors' Choice Awards , Xbox Editors' Choice Awards , and the PlayStation Gold Awards .

The second episode was also well received. Starved for Help won the GameSpy - E3-2012 Award for "Best Adventure Game". On Metacritic an average of 85% was calculated for the PC version, 84% each for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 version.

The third episode, Long Road Ahead , was received as positively as the first two. IGN awarded 9 out of 10 points and wrote (loosely translated): "It's a disturbing, depressing, and entertaining introduction to a journey that has so far been no less than excellent." GameSpot gave the game a rating of 8.5 and wrote (approved translated): "The Walking Dead has overcome the middle of the five-part series and shows indications that the game is getting better and better, until its inevitably depressing and disturbing end." MTV also rated it positively and said (loosely translated): "Telltale has created a series full of painful emotional decisions amid a collection of not-too-difficult puzzles in a visually stunning adaptation of the Robert Kirkman comic series (with some references to the TV series). "

The fourth episode received a similar reception. Criticized were the technical difficulties (a minus that was named as the main problem of the season) and that the "new characters did not get the attention they deserved". It got 81% on Metacritic. The episode was named by some critics as the weakest of the season, but was largely praised for its spectacular performance.

The fifth and final episode was received very positively by numerous critics. It received 9.5 out of 10 points from IGN and was praised for every aspect, only technical glitches, a recurring problem of the series, were criticized. It was also recognized by Dark Station , who gave the last episode a 10 out of 10 rating, calling it "... the best game of 2012". GameInformer gave Episode 5 a rating of 8.5 out of 10 and complained that the story was impressive, but in the end the decisions for the story didn't really matter and were only built in to add more realism.

The German-language edition of Retro Gamer magazine judged the entire series that its concept was "playfully undemanding, focused on quick-time action, decisions and dialogues".

The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct by developer Terminal Reality , which is also based on the series, received less positive ratings, while Metacritic calculated an average of 32%.

The first episode of The Walking Dead surpassed the most-played game on Xbox Live Arcade in the week of April 30, 2012 and stayed at the top of the Xbox Live Arcade charts for two weeks. It topped the sales charts on PSN and Steam . The first episode sold a million copies in 20 days, making it Telltale's fastest-selling title to date. These numbers don't include iOS sales. With the release of the third episode, over 3.8 million episodes were played by 1.2 million players.


The Walking Dead has been described as a resurgence of the adventure game genre that has been declining since the mid-1990s. Gamasutra and Game Developer named the studio one of the top 10 developers in 2012.

The Walking Dead was named "Game of the Year," "Best Adapted Video Game," and "Best Downloadable Game" at the 2012 Spike Video Game Awards ; Melissa Hutchison's role as Clementine was named Best Female Performance, while Dave Fennoy's role as Lee was nominated for Best Male Performance. Telltale Games was also named “Game Studio of the Year”.

The Walking Dead won "Best Downloadable Game" and "Best Character Design" for Lee Everett at the 2012 Inside Gaming Awards .

Wired appointed The Walking Dead to their Game of the Year 2012 found.

Successor & DLC

On July 6, 2013, Telltale announced the second season, which was released on December 17, 2013.

To bridge the time until the second season, Telltale announced additional content for the first game at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in June 2013 . The expansion is titled The Walking Dead: 400 Days , the plot revolves around five new characters. 400 Days takes place predominantly in a trucking place in Georgia , and the player takes control of the five characters in different time periods during these 400 days. Temporally these events take place around the same time as the first five episodes. The decisions made in this expansion also have an impact on season 2. 400 Days was released for all platforms in July 2013, followed by a version for PlayStation Vita in August 2013 , which includes the expansion in addition to the first episode.

The third season was announced by developer Telltale Games at the end of July 2014 during the Comic Con in San Diego . The publication was on December 20, 2016. Also at Comic Con in 2017, the fourth and final season was announced, which should end the story imposingly. After Telltale Games went bankrupt , the development of the last two episodes of the final season was taken over by Skybound Entertainment, in collaboration with former Telltale employees.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Walking Dead: The Game - Episode 5: No Time Left Review. In: IGN . November 19, 2012. Retrieved November 23, 2012 .
  2. Brett Molina: Telltale Games developing 'Walking Dead' video game. In: USA Today . February 18, 2011, accessed March 8, 2011 .
  3. ^ Greg Miller: Walking Dead Video Game Lives. In: IGN. February 17, 2011, accessed March 8, 2011 .
  5. Blauvelt, Christian: Robert Kirkman on 'Walking Dead' season two: 'You haven't seen anything yet'. In: Retrieved May 30, 2012 .
  6. Chris Gabbard: The Walking Dead Coming to Playstation Network: "It will also include some RPG elements, in that decisions you make through actions or talking to people may have an effect on the outcome of the game". In: April 23, 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2012 .
  7. The Walking Dead. In: May 15, 2012, accessed May 30, 2012 .
  8. Klepek, Patrick: The Walking Dead's Faces of Death, Part 3. In: Giant Bomb . October 4, 2012. Retrieved November 28, 2012 .
  9. ^ Ricco, Aaron: The Walking Dead. In: Slant Magazine . November 24, 2012, accessed December 10, 2012 .
  10. ^ A b Metacritic: The Walking Dead Game Results. In: Metacritic . Retrieved May 15, 2012 .
  11. GameSpy's Best of E3 2012 Awards. In: GameSpy . Retrieved July 14, 2011 .
  12. The Walking Dead: The Game - Episode 3: Long Road Ahead Review. In: IGN. Retrieved November 7, 2012 .
  13. The Walking Dead: Episode 3 - Long Road Ahead Review. In: August 28, 2012. Retrieved November 7, 2012 .
  14. Review: Telltale Breaks Your Heart With 'The Walking Dead: Ep. 3 - Long Road Ahead'. (No longer available online.) In: August 30, 2012, archived from the original on September 11, 2012 ; Retrieved November 7, 2012 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  15. Point & Click Adventures . In: Retro Gamer . No. 3, 2015, p. 27.
  16. ^ Meta-evaluation "Survival Instinct". In: Metacritic . CBS Corporation , accessed March 16, 2015 .
  17. The Walking Dead Tops Xbox Live Arcade Chart. In: Eurogamer . Retrieved May 15, 2012 .
  18. a b Telltale Games' The Walking Dead Sells a Million. In: IGN. Retrieved July 14, 2011 .
  19. Campell, Colin: How The Walking Dead Confounds Gaming's Gloom. In: IGN . September 21, 2012. Retrieved November 28, 2012 .
  20. Rosenberg, Adam: The Walking Dead's Season Finale Is Coming Next Week. In: G4 TV . November 15, 2012, accessed November 30, 2012 .
  21. Moss, Richard: A truly graphic adventure: the 25-year rise and fall of a beloved genre. In: Ars Technica . January 26, 2011, accessed December 13, 2012 .
  22. ^ Graft, Kris: The top 10 game developers of 2012. In: Gamasutra . December 13, 2012, accessed December 13, 2012 .
  23. Labrecque, Jeff: 'The Walking Dead' dominates Spike's Video Game Awards. In: Entertainment Weekly . December 7, 2012, accessed December 8, 2012 .
  24. Phillips, Jevon: Inside Gaming Awards: 'Halo 4 ′ and' Fez 'take top honors. In: Los Angeles Times . December 9, 2012, accessed December 10, 2012 .
  25. ^ Kohler, Chris: Indie Passion Fuels the 10 Best Games of 2012. In: Wired . December 14, 2012, accessed December 14, 2012 .
  26. Telltale Plans More Episodes of Walking Dead Game
  27. Kirsten Kennedy: New The Walking Dead DLC, Series Coming to PS Vita with Bundle. In: PlayStation Blog . June 10, 2013, accessed June 11, 2013 .
  29. Andrew Goldfarb: Telltale's The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Release Date Announced. In: IGN. November 22, 2016. Retrieved February 19, 2017 (American English).
  30. Major Sock: The Walking Dead - The Final Season will be released in 2018 . Article from , July 19, 2017, accessed July 20, 2017
  31. Elena Schulz: Telltale: The Walking Dead - Studio of comic inventor Robert Kirkman completes the final season. In: GameStar. October 7, 2018, accessed March 26, 2019 .