Thoas (son of Andraimon)

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Thoas ( Greek  Θόας , the quick ), the son of Andraimon and the Gorge , was a king of the Aitolians in Greek mythology . He was the father of Haimon .


He was a suitor to Penelope , but she married Odysseus . He also wooed Helena and, like all her suitors, had to swear to accept the chosen husband and protect the couple. So he was obliged to take part in the Trojan War after Helena was kidnapped by Paris .

Trojan war

Thoas led the Aitolians from the cities of Pleuron , Alenos , Pylene , Chalkis and Kalydon , a total of 40 ships. When Achilles fell, he took part in the games of the dead in honor of the hero. During the chariot race, however, he fell from the car, injured himself and was treated by the healer Podaleirios . In the further struggle for the city, he stabbed Paris. He is said to have killed a total of 2 opponents, including Peiroos , the son of Imbrasus.

Thoas was one of those who signed the peace treaty with Troy . Then the Trojan horse was built and forty heroes, including Thoas, hid in it.

After the war

After the fall of Troy, Thoas took the bronze image of Athena with him to Amphissa . Odysseus, who had killed his wife's suitors after his wandering home, had to flee and came to Thoas in Aitolia and married his daughter. According to Strabo , Thoas is said to have founded the city of Temesa in Bruttium , today's Calabria .
